Jl WOULDN’T TALK” "MARSHAL OF MESA CITY” (Bunday, Monday, Tuesday) "LITTLE OLD NEW YORK". • Please Call at The Miner Office for Your Guest Ticket* ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1940 Volume IX CASTING NEAR COMPLETE FOR PLAY FESTIVAL I >EHEARSAL schedules for a 10 weeks period went into effect thin week following selection of three complete tentative casts for the 1940 Shakespearean festival productions and the announcement that the final cast would tie re-' vested this week. Players have been selected for "As You Mke It” and "'rhe Com­ edy of Errors," both holdovers from last year, along with "The M- iiy Wives of Windsor.” Un i< -i consideration are principals and supporting characterizations for "Much Ado About Nothing " Di­ rector William David Cottrell in­ dicated that he w>uld have a com­ plete roster within a short time and that rehearsals wilt be under­ taken afternoons and evenings up to Aug 9. date of the firm for mal showing. Costume* and designs were be- Ing assembled by Lois M Ikmvmer, handling the art direction this sea­ son. Her departments are to start functioning and preparing au­ thentic replicas of the attire of 350 years ago, with costumes for ihe entire cast to tie completed by ihe latter part of July. Casting« Are Mated So far the roster reads as fol- lows: For "The Merry Wives Dick Farmer, Don Huffman, Dei- rnai Hoiem, Don Shannahan. Douglas Hubbard. Maybelle and Winston Hotell, Morgan Cook, Joe Beach, Jimmie Baughman, Burk Yadon. Richard Schuchard, Guy Corliss. Clyde Dunham, Ralph Brickey, Katherine Denzer, Jean Schuler and luiura Jones holding the leads Others: LeRoy Lindner, Gene Perry, Byer Putman, Carol Rhodes, — Elizabeth Obokj Betty ----- ' ' Fouch, Ikiris and Betty Danford, Eugene Bennett and Kent Rob blns. Tentative cast for "As You Mke It" Bill Westfall. LaMerie Beck Witt, Dorothjr Lee. Ethel May Robinett, Ninon King, Doris Dan- ford. Delmar Solem, Robert Shaw. George Smith, Phil Henselmau. Don Shannahan, LeRoy Mndner, Dick Farmer. Burk Yadon. Jim­ mie Baughman, Ralph Brickey. Others: Kent Robbins. Joe Beach, Don Huffman and Byer Putman "The Comedy of Errors” Gene l'out of llthia water geysering the state public welfare commis­ Eugene, preliminary figures sub­ from their third test well sunk for F. J. Burnham on city property sion. ject to correction list Ashland's at llthia springs three miles from Ashland proper. Bumham is Applicants from Jackson county population as 4617 as compared seeking sufficient gas to justify installation of a large dry ice plant should apply to the Jackson Coun­ with 4544 in 1930 here to utilize natural carbonic gas which has been found plentiful. ty Public Welfare commission, The increase was but 73 per­ Should further test holes indicate that the lithia-gas deposits are city hall, Medford, in order that sons slightly under the first esti­ general. Bumham will bring to Ashland a new industry and payroll. application blanks may be pre­ mate given by Moore Hamilton, Photograph by Bushnell Studio. pared before actual date of en­ census supervisor, recently Cham­ rollment. ber of Commerce Pres. C M Lit- Applicants for CCC must be willer has asked Stuart for a re­ male citizens of the US, unmar­ check here. ried and between the ages of 17 to 23 years, inclusive. ------------- •------------- J une M c D ougal candidate American Legion and auxiliary members are being urged by Herb Moore, commander of the Ashland post, to cast ballots for queen of GAMES TONIGHT A FEW positions still are open the Cavalcade of the Siskivou for 8 p.m.—Miner Press vs. Tal­ Ernie Piluso, the classy Port­ for applicants interested in June McDougal, their candidate. ent. land Italian-American, again will civilian pilot training at Southern 9 p.m.—Dodgers va. Elks. headline the weekly wrestling pro­ Oregon College of Education, ac­ GAMES MONDAY gram at Medford armory Monday cording to Marshall E. Woodell, 8 p.m.—Varsity vs. Pine night when he faces the rough and director of pilot training. Word Box. tough Gold Hill Marine. Sgt. Bob has been received that the Oregon 9 p.m.—Miner Press vs. Kennaston. Kennaaton has been State Board of Higher Education Dodgers. campaigning in southern Califor­ has ruled that students may reg­ GAMES WEDNESDAY nia since leaving Medford several ister for civilian pilot training 8 p.m.—Talent vs. Varsity. weeks ago and from all reports without being required to register 9 p.m.—Elks va. Hilt. drifting up from the south, the at the college or to pay the usual former champion of the world did registration fees. However, re­ quite all right for himself in south­ THE SECOND one-third of the quirements as set by the Civilian ern rings. Ashland softball association's Aeronautics authority stipulate Piluso has built up a wide fol­ league will get under way tonight that individuals must have re­ lowing in southern Oregon because on the lighted high school ath­ ceived scholastic credit for at least of his clean and clever ring work letic field when, at 8 o'clock, the one year of college work during Recently he stopped the winning Miner Press meets the Talent the scholastic year of 1939-40, or streak of both the Black Panther Merchants. In the only previous possess a degree or graduation and Don Sugai but in facing Ken­ encounter between these teams, certificate from some college or naston. Piluso will be up against the Printers helped themselves to junior college, or they must have one of the game's nastiest wrest­ an 11 to 7 win but since then received scholastic credit for at Talent has greatly improved in least two years of work in some lers and anything may happen. RAY FRISBEE modestly ad­ institution of higher learning. mitting that warm weather hit Indian Frankie Clemens, the both hitting and fielding. Although the Dodgers started Other personal requirements are southern California at the same Oklahoma wonder boy, and Don Sugai, Salem Jap, will mix in one in a blaze of glory by whipping that they must have reached their time he did because the place of the preliminary bouts, which the Elks 14 to 5 on opening night, 18th but not their 26th birthday was excited over his arrival. promises to be an outstanding le­ they have weakened considerably on or before June 1. 1940, and DOROTHY and BILL gitimate scrap. Both boys are and fans are forecasting a possible must not have held any certifi­ BRIGGS casually entertaining a faster than lightning with a new Elks victory in tonight s nightcap. cate of private grade or higher. mere 80 guests at a steak sup­ The Boxers have been weakened Students also will have to meet per. grease job, and have at their com­ mand an excellent knowledge of greatly since a number of their physical requirements for a stud­ LUCILLE SMITH averring holds. Clemens’ Indian paralyzer best players have gone to the Na­ ent pilot certificate. that the band concert in the and Sugai's many jiu jitsu man­ tional Guard camp. The Varsity The civilian pilot training course park was nice but that the euvers will make this one of the also will be playing with a re­ will be given without charge to splinters in the benches weren't. best scientific matches Promoter vised field because of camp and BILL KAEGI carrying his Mack Lillard has scheduled in SOCE students home for the sum­ all individuals who are recom­ Boy Scout lore to the back mended and who meet the require­ porch. mer have left other gaps. some time. The loss of Ray Coleman by ments of the Civilian Aeronautics Prince Mehalikis gets another HIRAM OSTERMAN disbe­ chance to square himself for a Hilt will be felt, since the south­ authority. lieving all he hears after be­ previous defeat at the hands of paw slugger and star outfielder lieving what he heard once. All students interested, who be­ Jimmy Mitchell, alias the Black has gone to join the St. Louis JESS LILLY shelling TINY Panther, when they tangle in the Browns Talent's lineup has suf­ lieve they are qualified, should JONES in true thespian manner other preliminary mix The Pan­ fered no losses and has been call at the SOCE administrative with a handful of apricots. ther took two straight falls when showing improvement in every offices as sn as possible. BOB BURDIC meeting fem­ the two grappled in a recent main game. -------------•------------- inine admirers at the recent band concert. event. A Medfordite Allen Koster C"«- • Mrs. Robert Gilberg and son Principals of the two prelim­ JEAN FRIDEGER storing inary matches will flip a coin to ad, was fined |10 and $2.50 costs Dickie, who have been visiting her traditional blue for a cooler see who opens the program and in city police court Monday on relatives and friends for some time and splffier looking white. who works In the second en­ conviction on charges of reckless b*re. returned to Palo Alto Tues- PARKER HESS batting over driving Sunday. 300 counter. MINERS-TALENT, SOCE TO OFFER PILUSO TO HEAD DODGER AND ELK CAA TRAINING MONDAY’S CARD BATTLES TONITE THIS SUMMER