Friday, June 7, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Talent Comes Up With Walloping Of Elks Monday Eve SUGAI, PILUSO WILL CLASH IN The Talent Merchants finally I won a city softball league game COMMAND' BILL when they bombarded the Elks to Bertha Denton Will Join Sons in Drug Business, Redmond Mrs Bertha Desiton. city school nurse here for the last several years, resigned her position to be associated with her two sons. Nix- son and John, in the Denton Drug company in Redmond. Ore. Mrs. Denton has been active in music circles here for some time. Miss Patricia Geiser, who has been associated with the Silverton public schools and the Marion county public health department, will succeed Mrs Denton and will begin her duties about Aug I. Miss Geiser is a graduate of Giant high school in Portland, nursing department of the University of Oregon Medical schl, and ac­ quired her training at St Vin- cent's hospital in Portland. CRESCENT CITY NOITHERN OREGON T«*«»n»— W. Granta P uhn 5 Cr«* next Sunday th«* Ashlanders Barksdale to Daugherty. Indian Frankie Clemens, his leg will lx* fighting hard to erase thia HILT TAt’NTM TALENT being healed, will return to the blot from their record. MINERS BOW TO BOXERS Hilt n*main«*d at the top ot th« Although the starting lineup has In the opening Monday night M«siford ring to take on Jimmie not b«*en announced, it probably league when th«*y smashed a help­ game errors contributed to the Mitchell, alias the Black Panther, in the middle clash. The Panther's include Skinny Wilson on the less Talent club nil over th«* lot to [ Shooting will Miner Press' 9 to 5 defeat at the only defeat hereabouts has been mound with Nig DiSordi on first win th«* second Friday night guine | — hands of the Pine Box. The Press­ 10 to 3. Bill Tallis of Hilt gave up men had a first inning lead but at the hands of Piluso but (Tiem­ Clarence Byrd, relief policeman and ready to Lak«* over relief dut­ only four w«»ll scattered hits to j ies if necessary ens will provide a severe test for with dropped behind 4 to 1 until the during vacation of Asst. Chief Othei' Southern Oregon leagut* the Merchants and fanntxi seven. fifth when they again took com­ the fast Negro. Clark Thomas, was accidently shot Score by Innings: R H E Another match, to round out I through the right thigh and right tilts will s«*e Gold Hill entertain­ mand. Two errors, three walks Hilt 041 401 x 10 12 6 and a hit gave the Boxers a big the all-star scientific card, will be upper arm Wednesday night when ing Grants Pass and Roseburg at Tiihnl 011 100 0 3 4 3 sixth inning from which the Min- between Herb Parks and Prince holster on his revolver came looe«* Medford. Batteries: Hilt Tallis to Zan* Mehalikis in the opener. Parks ers could not recover and dropped to the pavement in 1 otto; Tai«*nt Ausland to Vetter dropkicks may be a front of the police station, dis- R H E lightning-like Score by innings: —•— big factor in offsetting the ex ­ --- 204 1 - 9 6 2 perience of the Arabian noble­ charging the weapon as it struck Pine Box 020 I the pavement Miner Press 100 040 0 - 5 7 6 man. This match will go to the Pint* Boxers Patrolman Verne Smith, who I Batteries: Pine Box C. Warren post promptly at 8:30 p.m. was with Byrd at the time of the Elks in 11-10 to Newton and «Settling; Miner ----------- •------------ accident, were eating a midnight Press—Mann to Schilling. BROADCASTING GARBAGE snack when they noticed that one • Rilling Schuerman of Ashland ----------- •------------ The l*ine Boxers copped a lucky IS EXPENSIVE DISPOSAL of the snaps on Byrd's holster was a business caller here Tues­ 11 to 10 win over th«* BI’OE pur­ • Mrs. Harry’ Hurst left last was loose and. at the suggestion day evening. week-end for Hubbard. Ore., where ple clad veterans in the opening Gene Richard Brantley. 16. ap­ of Smith, they returned to the • James Garvin of southern Cali­ game Wednesday night at the she was called by the illness of with station to repair It. As Officer peared in justice court Monday on fornia ts visiting his brother. Cliff high school park The Uxigemen her father. charges of scattering boxes and Byrd stepped out of the car his Garvin and family, and his sister, got off to what look«*d like a good bag9 of vegetables and other gar-1 holster gave way. discharging a Mrs Will Bruin and family, and start in their half of the opening bage matter for a distance of two , .41 caliber bullet upward through ' other relatives. He formerly was Inning when they scur«*d thr«*«* miles along the Bear creek road his leg and arm. At Byrd's request a resident of Talent. runs but the Boxers chalk«*d up Jean near the slaughter house and was a doctor was called and the • Mr and Mrs. Charles Moore are five tallies in th«* second half of fined $12 by Justice of the Peace | wounded man was taken to the entertaining relatives of eastern the same frame The Millers add Community hospital where he is Oregon this week. M. T. Bums. «•d two more runs In the second Also Brantley was ordered to resting comfortably. and • John Sloan of Dorris. Calif . and collected four in the fourth Fortunately, the . heavy slug called on friends here Monday clean up the mess within 24 hours but five hits, a walk and three or become a county jail inmate for passed through both leg and arm • .Mr and Mrs John Keener ami errors allowed the Elks to stage a Thursday 10 days. He was arrested by state without striking bone, nerves or family have moved from Gibson six-run rally in the sixth which police following a brief investiga­ arteries. avenue to the Oatman property, fell short. ----------- •------------ tion. Score by Innings: recently vacated by Mr and Mrs -------------------------- •--------- !----------------- • Mrs. Irene Wells. who has been Charles Dong >*ine Box 520 400 • Mr and Mrs. Clarence Holmes receiving medical treatment in • Mr and Mrs. J. Atwell of Med* Elks 300 016 and daughter Clarice of Ashland Portland the last winter, has re­ ford and Mr. and Mrs Clarence Batteries: Pine Box C. Warren spent Wednesday afternoon in turned to Medford and will remain Hunter of Phoenix were callers at to Newton; Elks Barksdale to Talent visiting relatives and call­ there for a while before returning the home of Mr, aixl Mi-, Will Daugherty to her home. She is slowly recov­ Bates Sunday afternoon. ing on friends. • Mrs. Al Sherard has been chos­ ering. • Monty Montgomery suffered a HILT TAKES CI j OWN (I.ASSIE en as delegate of the Ashland • Mrs. Gladys Steward and two foot injury received while playing Hilt kept its top position with Townsend clyb to attend a con­ small sons of Orland. Calif., are on a wheel of an ore crusher on four wins and no defeats when vention in St. Louis, Mo., early visiting her father. Bill Crosby, Rooster creek last Friday. He is the Californians turned back the and other relatives here. in July. a son of Mr and Mrs Don Mont­ VarMty nine by a 11 to 4 scow Pitcher Dick Mole did a good job gomery. • Mr. and Mrs. H Wooten and on the mound for the Varsity daughters, who have been stop­ when gave up 11 hits, but he was Attention, National ping at the Talent auto camp, backed by poor fielding and 10 er* purchased the W A. Prader farm rom Bill Tallis worked the entire and on Wagner creek. Mr. and Mrs game for the winners, giving 11 scattered hits. Prader will move to Alaska Score by innings: R • Ed Smith returned from a two 023 024 0—11 weeks visit in Portland last week. Hilt 001 030 0— 4 • Mr and Mrs. O. L. Carver of Varsity Batteries: Hilt Tallis to Zan- Ashland spent Sunday in Talent otto; Varsity - Mole to Simpson visiting friends. •----------- • Mrs. Ella Pittenger was an SEE • Gene Crites visited in Roseburg Ashland visitor Monday. i • Mr. and Mrs. Don George of with relatives and friends last I Pomona, Calif., were guests of week-end. Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer and Ber­ • Millard Grubb Monday returned 3 ALLNIAR MAIN EVENTA Taylor R. plu» tha Hungate, Mr and Mrs Wal­ from Roseburg where he had been a patient in the Vterans' hospital. ter Davis and Mrs. Haines Thurs­ day. Mr. and Mrs. George were on their honeymoon enroute to Yellowstone park and other places i. and to do th* laugbtl of interest. They al) were former t» * pair oi wacky Sher acquaintances in Oklahoma. locks get in an awful For Reservations • Miss June Locke, 15-year old mess muting murder Phone Brown's, Medford 101 child evangelist, is speaking in the with a couple of city hall this week on Wednesday damsels in distress' 4sr J and Friday evenings The meet­ «ntl I w a N a ( ■ ings are under auspices of the Four Square Wayside Medford — 4 church. • The Talent Community club PFICIENT held its annual birthday meeting in the city hall Wednesday after- Uie enly ene level tea* noon. Visitors from Grants Pass, '»< utatn ,peenful le a «up ef «iftad Medford, Bellview. Valley View ptmcni* Then you'll find Pete's Fleur for met« recipes. and many local visitors enjoyed PAT 0 BRIEN fainch just the place for the program, which included two EDWARD ARNOLD violin solos by Barbara Terrill, nourishing and flavor­ Broderick CRAWFORD. Ruth TERRY IT/* two vocal solos by Lydia May ful sandwiches, served ■VV Baylor, Mrs. D. R. Smith accom­ quickly and ap|> panying at the piano, two vocal ly. We serve Ice cream selections by Mrs. Dorothy Mor­ Same price today i ris of Medford, two accordion and cold drinks! numbers by Mary Lou Thanos, and i as 48 years ajo I reading by Lois Thompson Mrs Scott of Grants Pass, president I 25ounc,s f°r 254 I of the first district of Oregon, M M.»wl.<«ur.4 G V.liin, p«w4.f S| State Federation of Women’s I wk* mall, but 11 clubs, gave an interesting talk on II U.kin, — wnrf.r 11 conditions in this and foreign II of • •»•«< ik.mio* .1 nati.n.lll countries Delightful refreshments 11_____________________ II EARL D. (PETE) NUTTER of ice cream, cake and coffee were MILLIONS OF POUNDS HAVE ÖEEN served by the Talent club. Eighty­ USEO BY OUR GOVERNMENT eight ladies were present. m “BLACK FRIDAY” Boris Karloff Bela WEST OF CARSON CITY” Loose Holster Causes Accidental Johnny Mack Brown Nose Out Comedy Sunday, Monday and Tuesday u MR. DEEDS GOES TO TOWN Gary Cooper Arthur Wednesday Everyone 10c • FRIDAY AND • SATURDAY Guardsmen Officers! Take Along a Comfortable Sleeping Bag and a Small Radio AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. Williams, Authorized Dealer WANT A QUICK SNACK BUTA GOOD ONE? Medford Armory BAKING POWDER Pete’s Lunch the *«ree Swim, Boat and Play Hu 1 W£R£onH A. • WED & THUR • NOW OPEN Lake o’the Woods Resort Dancing Every Saturday and Sunday EVERYBODY Sandwiches - Drinks ASHLAND'S NEW RENDEZVOUS! OUR ADJOINING ROOM WITH BOOTHS AND TABLES FOR LADIES FEATURING A-ONE DRAFT BEER 5C per glass Finest Quality Brew in Generous 6-O«. G I hm ! BOHEMIAN CLUB AL BROWER, Proprietor