Friday, June 7, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. < laude E. Sayre, Vicar IIIAI. ?03l—FOLK dklivekiks daily SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS 2c WATERMELON—PER POUND LEMONS—dozen ORANGES—dozen Any Kind BANANAS—per pound TOMATOES—pound - Paper Napkins GRAPEFRUIT—6 for COFFEE 80 Count 5c TOMATO SAUCE 3 for lOe TOILET TISSUE 7 for IOC 10c 5C 10c 15c CHEESE, lb. 17c . . SUGAR 4 THERE IS NO SAFER INVESTMENT THAN A HOME OF YOUR OWN lb. 17c $5.19 $5.09 C&H 100 pounds White Satin—100 pounds PEARL SHORTENING—4 lbs 39e ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas—No. 2 Royal Club Crab—Leg Meat Royal Club Catsup—14-ounce bottle Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| Royal Club Sauer Kraut—No. 2| Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| Royal Club Pears—No. 2| Meco Corn—3 cans for Meco Peas—3 cans for Holy communion, Sam • Mias Marilyn (Tirtstlieb arrived Church school, 9 30 a m Shtuday from University of Ore-1 The 11 o'clock service will I m - gon. where she has been studying the last year, to spend the sum­ held in the theater building in mer with her parents. Mr and La thia ¡mrk and will be a union service with the church from Mm. Ben Chriatlleb Granta Paw and the Medford • Mr and Mrs George Irwin church. The Rev. Justian Edward» were dinner guests Friday at the will preach the sermon and the Emil Gassman home. Rev. Herald G. Gardner will read • Mm C. H Modrell. who recent-1 tho service. At the close of the iy suffered a seriously sprained service there will be a picnic din- angle, is able to be up and about. ner in the park. • Miss Lottie Berwick is visiting Holy communion » 30 m at Harbor, Ore., with her sister Wednesday. and brother-in-law. Mr and Mrs. Choir will meet 7:30 p. m. Fri- Floyd Clark. day. • Mm Edwin Dunn returned Sat­ You are cordially invited to wor­ urday from San Francisco where ship with us she visited with friends and rela­ --------- •------ ------- tives. She also attended the fair • Mi and Mm Bill Bromley vis • Memorial services MN h<-l ! ited at Ik»ys Creek this week. at Bellview Grange hall Tuesday night honoring deceased members • Mrs Sarah Reed of Eugene is Members also gave an attractive visiting in Ashland at the home shower for Mr. and Mrs Lee .Mer­ of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harker. riman. who were united in ma i ■ • Mm Ted Schopf returned to riage Tuesday morning Mrs Mer- Chiloquin Sunday following a visit riman is the former Esther Car- here at the home of her mother. tii Mm Ida Crandall • Mrs Richard C Joy was load- • Mrs A I’ Klannlgan and Zeids ing soloist at SOCE commence­ Heer returned to their homes In ment exercises Tuesday She sang the bay area Saturday following u *Lo, Hear the Gentle Istrk." by visit here with their mother. Mm Bishop, accompanied by W T Bertha Heer Bolger, flutist, and Miss Margaret • Chan Beebe of Oakland. Calif Ramsey at the piano. visited here last week-end. Mrs • Mr and Mm Archie Kincaid Beebe and Sally returned with him and Eunice went to Corvallis Sun- to Oakland, where they will make day to be present at commence­ their home. ment Monday, at which time lx-a- • June McDougal and Carl Fehlge lie Kincaid was graduated. were Grants Paas visitors Sunday • Mr Hid Mm F FMoe <>f Klam­ ath Falls, who recently purchased the J M. Crow home, are build­ ing another house on the acreage for their son and his family. • Mrs Charles Foran was re­ moved to Community hospital in Ashland for treatment last week Her daughter, Mm I. E Brown, and her granddaughter. Mrs Gait­ in of Hunters Creek were both called* here by the illness. • Albert Kadelbach of Anaheim. I» the title of a book of 1 IG pagro of vnliiublr Infunimi loti to Calif. visited liyst week at the home of his brother and family, |>ro»|M*ctÌ5r home owner» prr|Mtrd by building experts, which I» Mr and Mrs. Ben Christiieb your« for the unking. Phone .f!1»l or call In person for your • Mr. and Mm Harry Morford copy—It is free. and son Billy of Stockton, Mr. and Mm George Alway of Roseville. Mm. Frazier of Colorado, Mm Lundy of Colorado, Mm Roberts of Stockton and Ted Alway of Roseville visited last week at the J. Z Walker residence OAK HTREET LT liillHOW • Mr and Mrs. W. O. Martin and Louise and Mrs. Anderson and her mother. Mrs Mary Hushower, were at Gold Ray dam Sunday. • Mrs Mark True, with Mr and Mrs. W. D. Jackson of Ashland, are in Portland attending the reg­ ional convention of Garden clubs of the northwest Before returning they will attend the Rose festival • Mr and Mm Roy Talbot vis­ ited with J. H. Williams Sunday afternoon. • Mm Donald F Korth and son Jimmie of Burney, Calif., visited early this week with her parents, Mr and Mrs. W. O. Martin, and with J. H Williams. • Mr and Mrs Elmer Halbert and daughter Coralee of Califor­ nia arrived last week to spend the summe in this community. • Ed Grimm, who has been quite ill, is improved. • Miss A Deen Inlow and mother. Mrs. Vai Inlow, Saturday returned from a short trip to La Grande and Enterprise, where they visited relatives and friends. • Samuel Jones returned to his Oakland, Calif., home Saturday after spend several days in and near Ashland. • Charles A. Thompson and Miss i Louella Thompson of Ukiah. Calif., They say ties make men look more at­ arrived Monday to visit at the George Thompson home. Charles tractive . . . WE SAY put them on over and George Thompson are broth-1 ers. an Ashland Laundry serviced shirt and • George and Sam Jones spent I you will have a combination that beats Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Hash and family. George Jones anything turned out by hand. is Mm. Hash's father. • Jack Emery of Boise, Idaho, is J Shirts laundered by us look neater visiting at the Vai Inlow home. He is a nephew of Mrs. In low. and stay neat longer. ------ •------------- • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Humphrey | of Loa Angeles visited here Tues- ! day at the home of Mm. Mabie Loomis. • Mias Ruby Waddell is visiting PHONE 7771 31 WATER STREET for a few days in Eugene. “For the Ideal washday, • Clarence Woods of Portland | Just call, visited in Ashland last week-end That’s *11.“ at the home of his parents, Dr. ■ and Mrs. E. A. Woods. SOLD OXYDOL—large- CERTO—3 for • • SWAN’S DOWN - - RAISINS—4 pounds BACON, • Ho wal'd Sciogglns of Klamath Kalis visited here with friends last week-end. • Mrs Edwin Dunn returned from a visit t<> Sun Francisco and Paso Robles Sunday, • Katherine Gillette visited with friends in Klamath Falls last Week-end. • Mi o i Mi< Waltei l>urgan left for Corvallis Sunday following a visit here at the home of Mis Durgnn's parents, Mr and Mis Will Dodge • __ Mr ____ and ____ Mis ICMrl Jours of Klaimitli Falla Vtaited here Sun day with friends. Mm Florence Roberts returned with them. ISC 29e 15c 14c 12c 17c 23C 25c EAST SIDE MARKET ™ PLAZA LEG 0’ PORK ROASTS—per pound - - 14c PORK SHOULDER ROASTS-per pound 11c PORK CHOPS—per pound................ 20c PORK SAUSAGE (Extra Good) per pound 10c FRESH PIG’S FEET—each se 100% PURE PORK LARD—3 pounds 25c “How to Have the Home You Want” ASHLAND LAUNDRY CD. 1 4 A S ?» , * - ft1 WELDING AND BLACKSMITHING I I FOUR FREE DELIVERIES DAILY! MUTTON STEW—per pound LEG 0’ MUTTON—per pound.................. 15c SHOULDERS (FOR ROASTING) per pound - 10c « Farmers and rtuichrm of south­ ern Oregon and northern Cali­ fornia more and more are learning of our ndal>le, EXPERIENCED welding and blacksmithing service for ma­ chinery and tractors. We spe­ cialize in heavy work, and our welders knoiy metal! You'll find the Oak Street Garage your best bet for We have both stationary and portable electric and acetylene welding equipment mid are prepared to handle any welding Job—whether simple or difficult_ In our shop or on the Job. Call us! WE MAKE STORAGE TANKS OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND PHONE 43H6