Friday. May 31, 1040 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 PILUSO WILL TRY TAME PANTHER Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. Claude E. Sayre. Vicar Holy communion. 8 a in. Church school, 9:30 a. m. Sermon and holy communion. 11 a. m. Holy communion every Wednes­ day, 9:30 a m. Choir will meet Friday, 7:30 p. m You are cordially invited to worship with us. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bell Jr. of Klamath Falls were here Friday evening to attend the alumni ban­ quet. They spent Saturday and Sunday at the R. E. Bell home in Bellview. NOW PLAYING Friday and Saturday! Promoter Mack Lillard has se­ lected Ernie Flluso. the Oregon irvti man, to try to stop the win­ ning streak of the Black Panther. Negro headlock artist from To­ ledo.' Ohio, in the top main event in Medford’s armory Monday night, June 3. The Panther has gone to the post twice in as many weeks in Medford and each time has emerged from the skirmish with a decisive victory. The col­ ored mat star employs a headlock unlike any other ever seen in the valley and it is this maneuver that has carried him to many wins in lus long campaign. Piluso’s flying tackles and Son­ nenbergs have been the downfall of many of his opponents and fans attending Monday's bout will be treated to what should turn out to be one of the year's outstanding scientific clashes. Another match that has the at­ tention of the patrons is the bout Lillard has arranged for the cen­ ter spot. In this encounter Prince Mehalikis will meet Don Sugai. young Japanese star from Salem. Sugai wrestled his way into the favor of mat bugs last Monday when he took the measure of Bull­ dog Jackson. Herb Parks, Canadian light heavyweight champion, returns to Medford to meet Bobby Chick in the opener. Chick also has been away from Medford for a short time. Parks made a good account of himself in his previous south­ ern Oregon matches. As usual, starting time for the opening battle will be 8:30 p. m. ------------------•------------------ • Among those from Bellview to attend the alumni banquet last week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ ard Joy and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dunn. • Mr and Mrs Bill Ford of Dunsmuir, Calif., spent last week­ end at the home of hi9 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Samford. • Crews of men now are working on the road connecting the two highways in the Bellview district. Soon the road will be oiled. • Mrs. George Helms has been named chairman of the Red Cross drive in the Bellview area, to raise funds for European refugees. Mrs. Albert Joy and Mrs. Wade Wallis are assisting. • Mrs. Bertha Bell and Glen Parker of Bly Sunday visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Helms. They are cousins of Mrs. Helms. • Subscribe for The Miner today. • HILTS NEWS • Friends and relatives from Red Bluff to Hilt enjoyed a delightful afternoon at a baby luncheon shower given by Mrs M M. Seif for her daughter, Mrs Jake Lind­ ner of Yreka, Saturday. May 25. Bridge was played and lovely prizes were awarded as follows: High to Mrs. Lindner's sister-in- law, second to Mrs. Ray Elliott, and low to Mrs Peggy Miller. An extra prize for honors went to Mrs. Ray Elliott and prize for slam to Mrs, Fem Meamber of Yreka. Mrs. Lindner received many beautiful gifts from those attend­ ing tjie party and also from many who were unable to be present. Delicious luncheon was served by the hostess. Mrs. Seif, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Anne James of Mt. Shasta, and Mrs. Arthur Pedersen of Hilt. SUN • MON • TUE r* MAI)0»I IAMJU'.' • HDOtT TUWT ÌL mk * Va» * lo» Cad • • • Subscribe for Hie Miner today. • WED & THUR« EVERYBODY lOe 2 - BIG HITS - 2 Life - Auto - Fire Moore, Vetter Top Softball Sluggers HOW THEY STAND Ashland Softball league Trant W. L. Pct. 0 1 OOO 2 Hilt ..... 2 1 667 Ik>dgers 1 667 1 Vai »ity 1 2 500 Miner Press 1 1 500 Pine Box 1 3 333 Elks 0 3 000 Talent GAMES TONIGHT 8 p. lit.—Dodgers VB. Pine Box. !» p.m.—Talent vs. Ilift. GAMES MONDAY NIGHT 8 p.m.—Miner Press vs. Pine Box. 9 p.m.—Talent vs. Elko. GAMES WEDNESDAY NIGHT 8 p.m.—Elks vs. Pine Box 9 p.m.—Varsity vs. Hilt. Hilt Holds Top Spot With Dodger Shutout; Miners Dump Varsity Displaying the best brand of softball seen on the high school field all season, the Miner Press won their way into the hearts of a good-sized crowd of fans when they trimmed the Varsity nine 5 to 2 in the first game Wednesday night The Miners outsmarted, out-tricked and completely out­ played the school teachers in every department to hand them their first defeat of the season The Vnisltyltea batted first and got one hit but no runs when the Printers came to the plate Buzz Roberson, first up for the Press­ men. blasted one deep into left field for a home run The Vursity tied the count in the third but Kenton Robbins gave his team a 2 to 1 lead in the fourth with an­ other circuit clout In their half of the sixth the Teachers evened the count again only to see the Miners run away from them with a three-run rally in their half of that inning Score by innings: R. H. E. Miner Press 100 103 x 5 9 2 Varsity 001 001 0 2 7 4 Batteries: Miner Press Mann to Schilling; Varsity Woodward to Dysinger. Collin Moore, Rlks shortstop, and Earl Vetter. Talent catcher are tied for high batting honors in the Ashland softball league as the circuit goes into the closing games of the second week tonight. Their average is 667 Although it figures out the same, Moore is the better hitter of the two to date, since he has made 12 trips to the plate to get eight hits while Vetter has officially batted only three times and hit safely twice. Those batting over 300 and team batting averages to date fol­ i low: Elks .301 Dodgers 245 667 Daugherty 583 L. Warren .367 Reeder 333 Moore 364 O'Toole 300 Dunnington .500 K Harris .... 363 C Harris Varsity .333 Jones ............ 500| x Neal ............ 333 Mole 500 Pine Box .............................. 300 500 Bullion 636 C. Jandreau 333 Bentley 333 Murphy Dysinger »>00 Bizea u 400 A. Warren 429 Schonneker .500 Miner Press .281 Laird 333 333 Talent .298 ¡. Robbins ........ 583 Mann .357 DiSordi 500 Maxson ...... 385 Ausland .333 Schilling Learning 500 Vetter .667 Hilt .270 400 G Trinca 333 Cook .............. 333 Olson 333 Rose Coleman ........ 500 Bauman 333 Simmons ...... 445 Elks Open Week With Victory; Pine Boxers Defeat Talent 10 to 3 Behind the eight-hit pitching of Arch Barksdale, the Elka soft ball nine opened the second week of the summer schedule by trim­ ming the Miner Press 12 to 8 in the first game on the high school diamond Monday night The game was close in first two innings and wax tied at 2-2 In the first of the third the Printers put two runs across the plate to take command of the situation but the Lodgemen retaliated with six tallies in their half and from then on out it was a BPOE victory. However, not to be outdone, the Pressmen put on a rally in the final inning which saw four runs cross the platter, but |x>pups by Ormond. S<)niling and Weaver cut the works short Feature of the gume was the powerful hitting of Nig DiBordi, Miner third baseman, who got three circuit clouts in four tries Score by innings; Elks 206 30! x Miner Press 202 00 4 Batteries: R H. E. 12 14 0 8 8 5 Barksdale Elks Hilt Shuts Out llnuuimi With one man out and the baavx loaded in the first half of the opening inning. Bill Tallis was called in from second tmse to re­ lieve Court Rone on the mound for Hiit and Tkllis worked the re­ mainder of the ball game to shut out the Dodgers 4 io 0 in the sec­ ond Wednesday night tilt No one got past second base after Tallis took over. A single by Bearn» in the fourth and one by Jones in the sixth were the only Dodger hits all evening. Hilt bunched four hila in the second frame for two runs ami scored one each in the fourth »ml fifth The game was the first shut­ out of the 1940 season R H E 4 5 2 0 2 2 Score by innings: Hilt 020 110 x Dodgers 000 000 0 Batteries I Ult *-!&>’’’• and Tallin to Cappello: O'Toole to Hargraves. Radiator Cleaning (’V7T YOUR CAR READY for hot weather driving ... let ua thoroughly clean out your radiator and cooling system, assuring you coot, economical summer driving free from overheated motor, knocking. loss of powrr luid excess engine wear. With our spe­ cialized cleaning equipment we clean «your radiator and water jackets right imi ths car In two hours time, check all hoar cminerDens —all for this special price Of only 12.50. ('ome in now! Special $2.50 OAK STREET GARAGE AHD MACHINE SHOP PHONE 4586 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND < Electricity Adds Hours of Pleasure to Your Homework! ■ ' » u INSURANCE Monuments and Markers of Bronze and Granite At Prices You Can Afford M. T. BURNS Next Door to Post Office Call Office 6261, Res. 6406 Evening Appointments “DEPENDABLE SERVICE'* ASHLAND’S NEW RENDEZVOUS! OUR ADJOINING ROOM WITH BOOTHS AND TABLES FOR LADIES * to Modern living comfort, extra leisure time and more efficient home management all owe their existence very largely to the wonders of electricity. For cooking, for washing, for cleaning, for refrigeration, and for relaxation and comfort, electricity is your most useful, your most inexpensive servant! And electricity costs LESS in Ashland ... see your dealer now and add new leisure, new comfort to your home! . f n* Daugherty; Miner Pre«« Mann to Schilling Pine llox Dump* lairtit In the Monday nightcap the Pine Boxer« ran away from a hard-fighting Talent club 10 to 3 The Boxer« piled up a 0 to o count before Tulenl icot utiti Tlie Merchants showed impioved fielding but were weak ut the plate Home runs by Howard Jan dreau and Jack Bentley of the Boxer« aided their cau«e Score by inning» It II E line Box 213 400 x 10 8 2 Talent IMM> 210 0 3 5 4 Butteries line Box <’ Warren to Newton; Tulent Aualand to Vetter • • Mi nii-l llelilV Mix BtMirUd visit. ■ ning in Ash land with Mrs H lllnch and Mr and Mr«. Cook, who are visiting here from I «a G ramie • Bubacrtbe for The Miner Imlay I -y-grv~w~u~u~u~u~u~«~»~ ‘"‘r- ~~ ~~ *“" — LITHIA A HOMEOWNED THEATRE Phone 75411 ; Friday, Saturday “The Footloose : Heiress” ; with Ann Sheridan Craig Reynolds “Rider of the Black River” Charles Starrett : Added Attraction! DANCE REVUE i of ('ampbell Studio Sunday, Monday ■ and Tuesday Once More Our livable WILL ROGERS! ! “HANDY ANDY” Wednesday and Thursday ; Everyone 10c; WANT A QUICK SNACK -BUTA GOOD ONE? Then you’ll find Pete*» lainch just the place for nourishing and flavor­ ful sandwiches, served quickly and appetlzing- ly. We serve ice cream and cold drinks! A I Pete’s Lunch EARL D. (PETE) NUTTER 9 o I FEATURING A-ONE DRAFT BEER 5c i per glass Finest Quality Brew in Generous 6-Oe. Glase! BOHEMIAN CLUB AL BROWER, Proprietor Easy Washing AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 3 ALL-NTAIi MAIN EVENTS Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department” Medford Armory For Reservation« Phone Brown’s, Medford 101