Friday, May 24. 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 A-T’S WILL MEET PEAR CITY NINE The Ashland-Talent Baseball club will take to the field again for the second straight week on foreign soil Sunday afternoon. May 26, when they cross bats with the lowly Medford Rogues on the latter's diamond at 2:30 o’clock. The A-Ts hold a pre-season win over the Rogues, who have been smeared in every major game played to date. The Skeeters- Simpson coaching combination used by Ashland-Talent has steer­ ed the local club into a rousing win over Roseburg and has re­ sulted in a defeat at the hands of Crescent City and Grants Pass, both of whom are fighting it out for first place. Skinny Wilson, who registered the Pirate win. is the logical choice for moundsman. with Di- Sordi and Combest on hand to help out in the relief role if one is needed. Other league games will pit Crescent City against Grants Pass on the Climate city diamond and Roseburg will travel to Gold Hill. ----------- •------------ I Dodgers, Varsity, Hilt Take Early Loop Lead CITY SOFTBALL LEAG1 E Team— W. I. Pct. » Dodgers 0 1.000 0 I .(MN) Varsity t Hilt .... . 1 0 1.000 Miner Press . 1 1 .500 Pine Box 0 1 .(MM) 2 0 Elks ........... .(MM) »> Talent • (MM) Headlock Specialist! HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS 111 By 1 TOLD YOU SO GAMES NEXT WEEK Monday. May 27—8 p. Miner Pre«» vs. Elks; !) p.m. Talent va. Pine Box. Wednesday, May 29—8 p.m.. Miner Press vs. Varsity; !) p.m.. Dodgers vs. Hilt MEHALIKIS AND PANTHER TO TOP ARMORY BATTLE A NOTH ER. clean, scientific bat­ tle is on the bill for wrestle ! goers at Medford armory next Monday night when 1’ioinotii Muck Lillard presents Prince Mr- halikis, the Arabian nobleman who defeated Ernie Piluso last Mon­ day, and the Black Panther, win­ ner over Bulldog Jackson. The Panther, in defeating Jackson, showed sensational mat ubility and presented to Medford fans a new type of headlock thut has bMB .‘ui lalined M one of the tiest holds of its kind to be applied in the armory struggle palace in a lung time, Mehalikis la an old favorite in southern Oregon, where he has met and defeated some of the best men Lillard has been able to match him with. The Arub's came) lock has been proven to l>. . winning hold nearly every time it bus been applied, but the* Panther feels that he is clever enough to elude the trap Another clever match will pit Frankie Clemens, the Indian won­ der boy. and Piluau, Oregon's iron man Piluso is considered in the bigger mat circles us ireing of championship caliber and will be u big test for Clemens. Jackson will go up against u newcomer, Don Sugai, in the other match on the card. Sugai Is a Japanese and hails from Eu­ gene. where he was a football star at Eugent* high school. He is 24 years old. a scientific grappier, und la making his first appearance in Medford. A coin will be tossed to deter­ mine whether the Piluao-Clemena bout or the Jackson-Sugai strug­ gle will open the card at K 30 p.m. SURPRISE of the week came the other evening when the he-man Varsity softball team, thinking the most-colorful player cup wus for uniforms, showed Up at the local night diamond garbed in sunset-red pants and looking THE VARSITY softball team, all like they were going to throw an A rigged out in new jerseys impromptu beanhole Hindsight which gave them a zebra appear­ has lead about those cherub-like ance. had a narrow squeak Di knees but opening night was the winning from an inspired Talent first time he ever met any in club at the high school field last person. Suits don't make a team, night, May 23. by a 13 to 12 score because the w?hole darned outfit It was Talent's game from the turned out to be a fighting, rarin', Athletic With first up to the sixth inning when hard hitting and peppy ball club a six-run rally put the school And they should be good they teachers ahead. A good-sized combine chatter, loud voices, pep- per, loud voices, classy ball hand­ The Ashland Junior high closed crowd cheered lustily for the los­ ling. loud voices, a potential bat­ one of its biggest sports programs ers. who put up a whale of a ting average that looks like the Saturday when they traveled to battle against big odds. George Bullion led the winners national debt, loud voices, and Medford to drop a 6 to 1 tennis at the plate when he blasted out ability with loud voices to make contest to the Medford Juniors. one of the few strong nines The Burdic of Ashland saved his a home run. a triple and a single handiest thing about those bloom­ team from a whitewashing when in four trips to the platter Max- ers is that when Parker Hess, he took the only Lithian victory son was big guns for the Mer­ pttTURED ABOVE chants when he got four singles local voice champion, gets riled Black Panther an he by trimming Long 6-2 and 6-3. look when he wrestle« his first and begins to spout, they won't Other scores: Edwards defeated in five trips. Score by innings. R H E top main event in .Medford ar­ have to hist their cuffs. Mansfield 6-2 and 6-1; Ray de­ 051 106 X—13 13 5 mory Monday night. May 27. feated Elam 6-3, 6-0: Jones tip­ Varsity The Dodger team, last year's 205 021 2—12 14 5 He will claah with Prince Me­ champions, seem to be showing up ped McCollum 6-2, 6-3: Graham Talent Batteries: Varsity—Mole to Dy- halikis. Others on the card are downed Roberson 6-3. 6-2; Long and Jones defeated Cate and Bur­ singer; Talent—Ausland to Child­ Ernie Piluso and Frank Clem- in their old form this week and, •--------- ends, Don Sugai, newcomer, and I with long and lanky Tiny Jones dic 6-2, 6-0; Edwards and Ray ers. Bulldog Jackson. defeated Mansfield and Elam 8-6 covering everything from a pop in HILT WINS FIRST GAME fly to a cross-eyed broken-armed and 6-3. The big feature of the second infielder's wild peg, Parker Hess Role, Earning game last night was the roaring TO OBSERVE MEMORIAL DAY HERE THURSDAY and Jack Bears* as a pair of bat of Johnny Daugherty, Elks i clouting cops. Gordon Miller cen­ Beaumont Club — catcher, even though his team ter fielding jackrabbit, and big Arrangements for annual ob ­ dropped a 14 to 6 decision to Hilt. Darby O'Toole who throws a hook Bob Hardy, former Ashland Ashland Daugherty, who had gone hitlasn servance of Memorial day were like one of George Shaffer's gaffs, and University of Oregon so far this season, strode to the made by representatives of Ash­ and who can strike the suds off high star and Southern Oregon plate to rap out four hits—three land patriotic organizations in a a thimble of beer at 90 paces, to athletic league baseball pitcher, la basebail is doing meeting held in the Legion hall singles and a double—in four trips bear the brunt of the offense and alright for himself with Beaumont The Lodgemen got off to a bad Tuesday night. Dr. Arthur S. Tay­ an infield combination that hasn't tn the Texas league, teagu ». according to start when Pitcher Buster New­ lor and faculty members of SOCE been equalled for two years , look in statistics furnished by his father. father, will be in charge of the program house was touched for three hits, out everybody' Even Skeet O'('on J H Hardy. NOW PLAYING Hardy Thursday, May 30, in Ashland two walks and four runs in the neii cuts one down now and then The southpaw pitcher has work- work­ first inning. With two away, Ken­ cemetery. and ed almost exclusively in the relief Glenn Simpson will be in charge with his new penknife, although rd ny Harris was called to the mound Corrigan baserunning should role this season and has gone to of a committee for decoration of his and finished out the game. penalize him eight laps around the mound against eight right teams up veterans ’ graves in Ashland ceme ­ Ray Coleman, Hilt center field­ I to and including May 16. He has the diamond. teries. The program will include a er, was his team's leading hitter 311 ■, innings and Down at The Miner Hindsight pitched a total of 31 when he collected two triples in selection by the city band; invo­ can't but throw out his chest given up 25 hits and struck out three times up. He walked twice. cation by the Rev. James H. Ed­ and a help couple barrels of ink over 13 batters. Hardy has Issued issued 10 Score by innings: RHE gar; opening remarks by Dr. Tay­ our new catcher, Earl Schilling free passes and is charged with lor; Gettysburg address by El ­ Hilt ............. 425 102 X—14 10 4 First time up to bat last Monday but two wild pitches. Opponents Elks ............. 011 001 3— 6 10 2 wood Hedberg; tributes by repre­ night swung from his hip have accounted for 11 runs off Batteries: Hilt—Tallis to Zan- sentatives of various patriotic so- picket "Tub" yeah, way around from Bob otto: Elks—Newhouse and Harris cities; a military salute, and clos­ that In fielding the ball, ball. Hardy is one there and blasted out a ing exercises. to Daugherty. assists and four The procession, which will in­ triple which, because of terrific credited with 12 assista put-outa He has been charged clude the oldest living war veter­ momentum gathered between first put-outs MINERS OPEN WITH WIN third, carried him right on with two errors and has scored The Miner Press started the ans and their auxiliary, will form j and home with plenty i of room to two runs off two hits Hardy, who softball season off in a blaze of at the plaza at 10 a. m and will | spare And as Tubby was picking is tn his second year at Beau- Beau* march to the Mountain View glory Monday when they stopped 'em up and stomping 'em back mont. has been officially at bat the best efforts of the Talent Mer­ cemetery. down he almost shook the globes eight times times. He has been charged chants 11 to 7. The Printers, bat­ off the light poles (The Printers j with three defeats. ting first, jumped into a 1 to 0 Leverette and Dom Provost, took thwarted the rooting section this ----------- •----------- lead and made it 2 to 1 in the a 12 to 9 decision from the Pine season by signing up Schilling, SHOi SHOPIJFTER ’ IJFTER GET« 10-DAY second inning. From then on out Boxers in the first game Tuesday gaining both his power at bat. and SUSPENDED JAH JAIL TERM there was little question as to the night. It was a free-hitting affair ability at batting the breeze ) outcome. Talent's nine errors, with every man on the losers' May Bates, also known as Blilie Gad! but those umpires call 'em four of them by Shortstop Harvey side collecting at least one bingle. close ... on me! BIJD SILVER Wilson, 33, appeared before Jus­ Maxson, didn’t help the Mer- Seven errors contributed largely ----------- •----------- tice of the Peace M. T. Burna thia chants. to the Boxers’ defeat. • Subscribe for The Miner today week on charges of petty larceny Score by innings: R H Score by innings: R H E Miner Press .122 130 2—11 12 Varsity 104 331 0—12 13 1 Talent ......... 011 002 3— 7 10 Pine Box 130 101 3— 9 11 7 Batteries: Miner Press—Mann Batteries: Varsity—Woodward T to Schilling; Talent—Ausland to to Dysinger; Pine Box — C. Warren Childers. to Schonneker. r-7 DODGERS TAKE ELKS : MINERS DROP SECOND F The second game Monday night The Miners were not so lucky saw the Dodgers go to work on a hapless Elks nine and turn in in the second clash on Tuesday's a 14 to 5 win. The Dodgers blast­ slate and were tripped 11 to 7 by HT- ed Kenny Hai ris off the mound the Dodgers. The Printers, staging in the first inning and Arch a late rally, knocked Pitcher Dar­ Barksdale took over from there, by O’Toole from the box in the allowing eight hits and donating seventh inning with two walks and a triple before Leonard Warren eight walks. V Score by innings: R H E took over the chucking duties GENE AUTRY Dodgers 620 *: 0—14 10 2 This time it was the Miners who 620'015 Elks 201 010 1—5 7 2 were dogged by errors with nine r. in Batteries: Dodgers—O’Toole to being chalked up against them. H ' - Score by innings: R H E li L. Warren; Elks--K. Harris and Dodgers 021 341 x -11 11 3 Barksdale to Baughman. Miner Press 111 001 3— 7 6 9 VARSITY DUMPS BOXERS Batteries: Dodger» O’Toole and The Varsity nine, new league Warren to Hargraves; Miner members sponsored by Walter L Press Mann to Schilling. Ashland Juniors End Activity Net Loss to Medford Relief Spurs Bob Hardy, With Saturday! Friday Ï MOUNTAIN RHYTHM” COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR SERVICE EXPERT PAINTING ¿it DAVID O. SFJ.ZWXH MOTOR REPAIRS BODY REPAIRS OIJR MECHANICS are skilled at removing all signs of accident damage. We can restore dented doors, fenders and bent axles. We guarantee your satisfaction! rf GONE WITH THE WIND IN TK flMfllLOR etarrfe* C lark G able ^ r ^ ub ^ i „ IMUl OfJH* H oward « D c H avilland •ad preseatiaf V ivien L eigh « PRICES Sunday Matinee, Night $1.10 Monday Matinee................ 75 Monday Night............... 1.10 All Seats Reserved LITHIA A HOMEOWNED THEATRE Phone 7561 Friday, Saturday This is our second anniversary. In ap­ preciation of your patronage, we are again offering you a special admission price! 15c We arc showing the very beat pictures that It Is MMiblr for us to secure, therefore we have gauged our prices accordingly and only your continued pat­ ronage will |wrmit this pallcy. “THE FATAL HOUR” with Boris Karloff ,i»<> ----- ----- also with Renfrew of the Mounted Sunday, Monday and Tuesday WANT A QUICK SNACK BUTA GOOD ONE? Then you'll find Pete'» Lunch Juot the place for nourishing and flavor­ ful Hundwlchrs, served quickly and appetixlng- ly. We serve kx* cream und cold drinks! A Pete's Lunch EARL D. (PETE) NUTTER ENTIRE BODY, fenders or doors repainted by factory methods. Old paint removed completely so that the finished Job looks (and is) Just like NEW! EXPERT STAFF of skilled me­ chanics familiar with every make of car . . , the most up- to-date equipment guarantee« satisfactory work! We also stock replacement part«. MAMI.AKrr liniWIJ.’IW.WA.nui mid was given a 10-day suspended jail sentence. After complaints by a local mer­ chant that the woman had been shoplifting. Police Chief C. I’ Talent arrested her after she ad­ mitted taking a amai crucifix. • A student, Joe Whitsett, was fined $1 ami $4 50 court costs when charged with operating un automobile without un operator’s license in justice court Wednes­ day. State police arrested him en­ route to Medford Tuesday night WRESTLI NG t S ALL-STAR MAIN EVENT« Work Done on Convenient Payment Plan! CLYDE CATON’S Medford Armory JUNCTION GARAGE SISKIYOU BOULEVARD AT INDIANA AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT PHONE 5311 For Reservations Phone Brown’s, Medford 101 X