Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, May 24, 1940, Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, May 24, 1940
1c per Word per Insertion
FOR SALE New und used desks,
filing ca blasts, swivel chairs and
sufes. Medford Office Equip­
ment Co., 32 .(orlh Urape street,
In the County Court of tin* Ntutc
of Oregon for the County of
In the Matter of the Ent ate of
A W. MiJON, Deceased
'file undersigned having been
appointed by the above entitled
court of the state of Oregon, for
the county aforesaid, administrat­
or of the estate of A. W. M< mjd ,
deceased, and having qualified,
notice is hereby given to the cred­
itors of, and all peraona having
claims against said deceased, to
present them, verified as required
by law, within six months after
the first publication of this notice
to said administrator at the office
of Krlggs «t Briggs, attorneys,
Pioneer building, Ashland, Oregon.
Administrator of the Estate of
A. W. Moon, Deceased
Dated May 3, 1940.
(May 3-10-17-24)
United Htuten Department of
the Interior tirneral I .and Office,
O. and C. Adiniiilstratlini, I’oit
laud, Oregon. Sealed bids, marked
outside "Bid for Timber," and ad­
dressed to the Chief Forester, O.
and C Administration. 410 CUO
tom House, Portland, Oregon, will
be received until 10:30 a m , Pa­
cific time. June 7, 1040, for the
purchase of timber upon trncts
hereinafter described; the cutting
and removal of the timber to be
carried out in accordance with the
forest practice rules approved on
July 7, 1938 by the Secretary of
the Interior Each bid must state
the amount per thousand feet,
board measure, that will be paid
for each species or class o< timber
No bld for less than the appraised
value will be considered Each bld
must be submitted In duplicate
and be accompanied by a deposit
The dejMjsit must be in the form
of a certified check on a solvent
National bank and in favor of the
Chief Forester of the O. and C.
Administration The amount of
tin- dcjM.slt will be computed at
the rate of Mt least 20 per cent
of the first >1000 of any esti­
mated stumpage value; at least
10 per cent of the next $9000 of
any estimated stumpage value and
at least 5 per cent of any addi­
tional estimated stumpage value
in excess of $10,000 and up to
$25,000 in amount The deposit of
any successful bidder will be cred- ,
ited as a first installment in the
payment for the timber. Checks of
unsuccessful bidders will be re­
turned upon award of the bld. A
bond on all sales will be required !
in an amount computed at the
rate of at least 20 per cent of the .
first $10,000 <>f the bid, plus 101
per cent of any additional amount I
of the bid in excess of $10,000 |
Payment for timber will be re- !
quired in advance of cutting, pay­
ment in full at the time of filing
the contract being required in ;
sales amounting to $2500 or less
In larger sales, payment may be
made in a number of installments
scheduled to keep pace with the
rate of timber cutting and pay­
able upon demand from the Chief
Forester. The successful bidder In
each sale exceeding $5000 in
amount will be required, prior to
the approval of the contract cov­
ering such sale, to furnish a sworn
financial statement showing abil­
ity to fulfill the terms of the con­
tract. For copies of the form of
proposal, form of contract and
l>ond, and other information, ap­
plication should be made to the
Chief Forester, O. and C. Admin­
istration, Portland. Oregon. The
timber volumes, given in the fol­
lowing appraisals, are estimated
and may be more or less than the
amounts stated. Living cull trees
anti young timber less than mer­
chantable size are reserved from
cutting. Payment for timber un­
less otherwise specified shall be
based upon the estimated stand­
ing timber volume.
In Benton
County: T. 13 8., it. 7 W„ Sec 15.
HE USE1« DA Fir 300 M feet
B M , DB and DC Mr MOO M. feet
B M , Hemlock 35 M. feet B.M.,
none of the timber to be sold for
less than $2 00 per M. for the
DA Fir, $1.75 per M. for the DB
A 1XJ Fir, $1.00 per M for the
Hemlock. Trees below 24 ins
DBHOB reserved from cutting T
14 8„ R 7 W. Sec 17. H'nNW'p
N'bSW‘4 DA Fir 955 M fast
BM, DB Fir 1190 M feet B M .
DC Fir 3(X» M feet B M., White
Fir 65 M feet BM., Red ( '<-<lm
50 M feet B M., Hemlock 25 M
feet B M ; none of the timber to
be sold for less than $2 (si per M
for thè DA Fir. $1 75 per M for
the DB Mr. $1 50 per M for the
DC Mr, $1 (X) per M for the White
Fir, Ited Cedar, and Hemlock In
( iiu'kuiinis ( oiiiity: T. 6 S., R 2
E, Sec 29 NtxNWV. lied Mr
1225 M feet B M , White Mr 15
M feet B M , none of the tlmls-r
to l»e sold for less than $2 (X) per
M for the Red Mr, $1 50 per M
for the White Mr In Coos Coun­
ty: T 28 8, R li W. Sec 19.
SW'.NE'., SE',NWl/4, N'yKW
*/«. NW'.SE'. Douglas Mr 1445
M feet B M , Port Orford Cellar
309 M feet B M . none of thr tim- i
b«r to be iudd for less than $2 25
per M for the Douglas Fir, $10.00
per M for the Port Orford Cedar
Douglas Fir trees below 50 ins.
DBHOB and Port Orford Cedar
trees bsiow 42 ins DBHOB re­
served from cut ting T 28 8 . It
12 W , Sec 3. 8% NEU Green
Douglas Mr 1213 M fret BM
Fire killed Ikiugias Fir 711 M
fee! BM, White Mr 109 M feet
Green Ke.| Cedar 142 M
feet B M.. Fire killed Red Cedar
214 M feet B M Hemlock 30 M
feet BM., none of the timber to
be sold for less than $2.00 per M
for the Green Douglas Mr, $100
per M for the Mre killiil fjnuglas
Mr and Green Red Cedar, $ 75 per
M for the Whit.- Mr Mre killed
Ited Cedar, and Hemlock T 29 8.,
H 9 W. Sec 33, W'.NW', DA
Mr 1668 M feet B M , 1X3 Fir 464
M feet B M,, Port Orford Cedar
27 M fret B M„ Hemlock 53 M
feet B M , none of the timber to
be sold for leas than $2 25 per ,M
for the DA Fir, $1 75 per M for
the DC Mr, $1000 per M for the
Port Orford Cedar, $75 per M for
the Hemlock Trees less than 24
Ins DBHOB reserved from cut­
ting T 29 S. R 11 W , Sec 9.
NE'. and NE^SE'. Douglas Mr
1420 M feet BM. Port Orford
Cedar 440 M feet B M . Dead or
Iwn Port Orford Cellar, 24 M
feet B M , none of the timber to
be sold for less than $2 25 per M.
UM Diiuglns Fir $10 (X) per
M for the Port Orford Cedar.
$8 00 per M for the Dead or
Ikiwn Port Orford Cedar. Douglas
Fir trees below 50 Ins. DBHOB
and Port Orford Cedar trees be­
low 42 ins DBHOB reserved from
cutting T. 31 S . R. 12 W , Sec.
22, W'^SW. Red Cedar 71 M
feet BM, DA Mr 261 M
• f
B M White Fir 260 M fret B M
Green J’ort Orford Cedar 779 M
feet B.M,, Dead and Down Port
Orford Cellar 68 M feet BM ,
none of the timber to be sold for
less than $125 per M for the
Red Cedar, $2.00 per M for the
DA Fir, $1 (X) per M for the
White Fir, $10 (X) per M for the
Green Port Orford Cellar, $8.00
per M for the Dead and D»wn
Port Orford Cedar. Douglas Mr
below 44 ins DBHOB and Port
Oiford Cedar trees below 32 ins
DBHOB reserved from cutting. T
31 S„ R 12 W , Sec 22, E'-jSW',
Red Cellar 85 M feet B.M., DA
Fir 435 M feet BM., White Mr
5IX) M feet B M , Green Port Or-
ford Cedar 660 M feet B M , Dead
and Down Port Orford Cellar 26
M feet B M , Hemlock 15 M feet
BM, none of the timber to be
sold for less than $1.25 per M
for the Red Cedar, $2 00 per M
for the DA Fir, $1 iX) per M for
the White Fir and Hemlock. $10 00
per M for the Green Port Orford
Cedar, $8 (X» per M for the Dead
and l)own Port Orford Cedar
Douglas Fir trees below 44 ins
DBHOB and Port Orford Cellar
trees below 32 ins DBHOB re-
h .- ivc '
tn.rii cutting T 31 S . R
12 W Sec. 27. NW', DA Fir 106
M feet BM
White Mr 95 M
feet B M . Green Port Orford Ced­
ar 798 M feet B.M.. Dead and
Down Port Orford Cellar 103 M
feet B M . Red Ce.Jar 47 M. feet
B M , none of the timber to be
sold for less than $2 00 per M for
the DA Fir, $1 00 per M for the
White Mr. $10 00 per M for the
Green Port Orford
— - ■ Cedar, $8.00
per M for the Dead & Down
Port Orford Cedar. $1 25 per M
for the Red Cedar Douglas Fir
trees below 40 ins DBHOB and
all Port Orford Cedar trees below
32 ins DBHOB reserved fr«m cut­
ting In Douglas Countv: T 23 S .
“ 1 4 Red
R 6 W„ Sec 3. NEU BE
Mr 630 M feet B M , Incense
Cedar 60 M feet B M , none of
the timber to be sold for less than
$150 per M In Jackson County:
T 38 8 , R 4 E . Sec 35. W4
NW1, Yellow Pine 47 M feet
B M , Sugar Pine 226 M feet B M
none of the timber to be sold for
less than $3 50 per M. for the
Yellow Pine and $4 50 per M for
the Sugar Pine. Only trees brand­
ed USOC to be cut T 39 8.. R
3 £., Sec 35, E'iNK'i Ponderosa
I iu. 425 M feet B.M . Sugar Pine
138 M feet B.M., Douglas Mr 162
M feet BM, White Mr 5 M feet
BM, Incense Cedar 112 M feet
B M , none of Vie timber to be
sold for less than $4.25 per M
for the Ponderosa Pine, $4.00 per
M for the Sugar Pine. $1 00
M for the Douglas Mr and
cense Cedar, $.50 per M for the
White Fir Only Pine trees stamp­
ed USOC to be cut; Douglas Mr,
White Fir and Hemlock below 28
ins. DBHOB reserved from cut-
ting T 39 S., R 4 E , Sec 3,
EUNE'4 and BE *4 Ponderosa
Pine 335 M feet BM., Sugar Pine
825 M feet B M., Douglas Mr 510
M feet BM, White Mr 93 M feet
B M , Incense Cedar 89 M feet
BM, none of the timber to be
sold for less than $4 50 per M for
f h. Ponderosa
Pine, $5 00 per M
for the Sugar Pine. $100 per M
for the Douglas Mr. $.75 per M
for the
White Mr and Incense
Cedar (Douglas Fir, White Fir.
and Incense Cedar to be taken at
option of the purchaser) Only
stamped Ponderosa and Sugar
Pine tiers to be cut; other species
tx-low 24 ins DBHOB :cs»-r-ved
from cutting. T. 39 S . R 4 E.
Sec. 3. W^NW'4 and SW'« Pon-
derosa Pine 942 M
feet B M ,
Sugar l*ine 434 M
feet B M .
iJouglas Mr 738 I M. feet BM
White Fir 174 M feet BM , none
of the timber to be sold for less
than $4 50 per M for the Pon de r-
osa Pine. $5 00 | per M. for the
Sugar Pine. $1 00 per M for the
Douglas Mr, $ 75 per M for the
White Mr. Only stamped Ponder-
osa and Sugar Pine trees to be
cut; other species below 24 ins
DBHOB reserved from cutting
Douglas Fir and White Mr trees
to be taken at the option of the
purchaser In Josephine County:
T 38 S. R 7 W, Sec 1. SUSE'4
NE'« and E%8EU Ponderosa
line 162 M feet B M. Sugar Pine
364 M feet B M , Douglas Mr 992
M feet B.M . Incense Cedar 43
M feet BM, none of the timber
to be sold for less than $2.50 per
M for the Ponderosa Pine. $3 50
per M. for the Sugar Pine, $100
per M. for the Douglas Fir, $75
per M. for the Incense Cedar.
Only stamped Ponderosa and Sug-
ar Pine trees to be cut. All other
species below 24 ins. DBHOB re-
served from cutting T. 37 S.. R
8 W.. Sec 5, NW'iSE1, Ponder­
osa Pine 9 M feet BM , 8ugar
Pine 134 M feet B.M.. Douglas
Fir 85 M, feet B.M., none of the
timber to be sold for less than
$3 00 per M for the Ponderosa
Pine, $4 00 per M for the Sugar
Pine, $1 00 per M for the Douglas
Fir. All Pine trees not stamped
for cutting and all Douglas Mr
trees below 24 Ins DBHOB are
reserved from cutting. Douglas
Mr to be taken at the option of
the purchaser. In Lane County: T.
15 8 . R 6 W . Sec 31. SE>i Red
Mr 4170 M feet B M . Hemlock
60 M feet B M., none of the tim­
ber to be sold for less than $2 00
per M. for the Red Mr, $100 per
M. for the Hemlock Trees below
24 ins DBHOB reserved from cut­
ting T 15 S R 7 W , Sec 23.
SELSW'i Yellow Fir 3300 M
feet BM., Hemlock 75 M feet
Page 5
BM , none of the timber to be
¡told I for less than $2.50 per M. for
the Yellow Mr, $1 50 per M for
the Hemlock T 15 S„ R 7 W ,
Sec 27. SE'.NW'. Red Mr 336
M feet
B M , Yellow Mr 863 M
feet BM, Red Cedar 50 M feet
B M , none of the timber to be
sold for Jess than $2 00 per M for
the Red Mr, $2 25 per M for the
Yellow Fir, $1.50 per M for the
Red Cedar. Trees below 24 ins
DBHOB reserved from cutting T
16 S , R 8 W . Sec 5, Lots 6, 8
and 9 Yellow Mr 969 M feet B M .
Red Cedar 140 M feet B.M , Hem­
lock 46 M feet BM., none of the
timber to be sold for less than
$2 00 per M for the Yellow Fir,
$1.50 per M. for the Red Cedar,
$1.00 per M. for the Hemlock.
Yellow Mr trees less than 38 ins.
DBHOB and Hemlock and Red
Cedar trees less than 24 ins
DBHOB reserved from cutting. T
18 S, R 1 W, Sec 3. SEU8EU
DA Fir 445 M feet B M . DB Mr
45 M feet B M , none of the tim-
ber to be sold for less than $1.75
per M for the DA Mr and $1.50
per M for the DB Mr T. 228 R
1 W„ Sec. 15, Lots 2 and 3 Red
Fir 1140 M feet B M , Yellow Mr
1390 M feet B M . White Fir 20
M feet B.M , Red Cedar 20 M
feet B M , Incense Cedar 50 M
feet BM., Hemlock 15 M feet
B.M., Cedar Poles 85, none of the
timber to be sold for less than
$1 75 per M for the Red Mr, $2 00
per M. for the Yellow Fir, $1.50
per M for the Incense Cedar,
$100 per M for the White Fir.
Red Cedar, and Hemlock.
each for the Cedar Poles Area I
South and West of Sharps Creek
on Lot 3 reserved from cutting.
In Washington County: T. 1 S.,
R 5 W , Sec 31. N*4NE‘4 Red
Mr 1888 M feet B M . Mre killed
Red Mr 100 M. feet BM , Mre
killed Red Cedar 170 M feet B.M.,
none of the timber to be sold for
less than $1.75 per M. for the Red
Fir, $1.50 per M for the Mre
killed Red Mr. $1.00 per M. for
the Mre killed Red Cedar.
Yamhill County: T 2 S . R 5 W .
Sec 31. Wl/jSW‘4 Red Mr 1650
M feet B M., Red Cedar 180 M
feet B M., none of the timber to
be sold for less than $1.75 per M
for the Red Mr and $1.25 per M
for the Red Cedar. T. 4 S., R. 6
W. Sec. 29. SW1.SW14 Red Mr
1395 M feet B M., White Mr 100
M. feet B.M., none of the timber
to be sold for less than 51.75 per
M for the Red Mr. $1.50 per M
for the White Mr. T 5 S.. R 7 W..
Sec 27, 8HNWII Red Mr 550
M feet BM . White Mr 190 M.
feet B M., none of the timber to
be sold for less than $1.50 per M
for the Red Mr, $1 00 per M. for
the White Mr. Trees below 24 ins.
DBHOB reserved from cutting. T.
4 8, R. 6 W , Sec. 12. NEU NW'4
Red Mr 595 M feet B.M . Yellow
Mr 80 M feet B M . White Mr 100
M feet B.M, Beetle Killed Red
Fir 60 M. feet B M . none of the
timber to be sold for less than
$1.75 per M for the Red Fir. $2 50
per M for the Yellow Mr, $1.00
per M for the White Fir and
Beetle Killed Red Fir. Trees be­
low 24 ins DBHOB reserved from
cutting. The right to waive tech­
nical defects and to reject any and
ail bids is reserved. Dated at Port­
land, Oregon, this 17th day of
May, 1940 W H Homing. Chief
Forester, O. and C. Administra­
(May 24-31)
Now, Guaranteed remedy works fest threu$
system, relieve« your m*»ery in • few minuit
Life - Auto - Fire
Monuments and Markers
of Bronze and Granite
At Prices You Can Afford
Next Door to Post Office
( all Office 6261, Kes. 6406
Evening Appointments
Phone 6732
S’M ATTER POP— The Try-Any thing Age
Good, Clean Shooting, Pa
'I ill1 llj
/.■M j OG oj <aUS-»-ie'5 A
ocflBEQ - I*vÄ MAO TO e»EJXT
tu ' WMUL B unch
PAPE MA m DED seven
T uen -n-iAiis ‘PVZEX''
• Copyright, by S. L Hunliey »
Soundless Music