Friday, May 24, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know! | • Mm Chiirlv« Mitchell left Moli- day for a few daya viait with relative« in Klamath Falla • The Rev and Mra. K. E. Word« worth Monday returned from a trip to ForttaAd • Mt and Mia Jamea Metz of (Hille vlalted here laat week-end at thc home of Mt arid Mm Mil jot t Carter. e Mr. and Mra. Jack Zittercob Wetlneatlay left for Albany where they will make theii home • Helen Kaiina«t<» and Dolly De Manti« of Burlingame, Calif , are I viaitIng here at the home of their SEE LL THIS on your Southern Pacific "Grand Gírele Tour" for only $0Q roundtrip parent*, Mr. and Mra. J K. Kan- naato. • Dr. Hertha Hawyer left for Portland Tueaday where ahe plana to viait with relative« for aeveral day« • Irick Applegate recently arrived for % viait with hi« father. M L. Applegate He haa been teaching in Nevada. • Mr and Mm Don Brace made a bu«lne«« trip to Klamath Falla Monday • Jame« Baughman recently ar­ rived from Marahfield for a vivit with hi« father, C. J. Baughman • George Froehrich and Vic Peif­ fer fiahed in lhamond lake Mon­ day. • Ixirraine Htevena, who haa been teaching in Merrill for the la«t nchool term, arrived In Aahland recently for a viait with her par­ ent«, Mr and Mm Will Htevena • Mary Mcl^anian, who haa been teaching in Chiloquin, 1« viaiting here at the home of Mr. and Mr» Ted Guetzlaff • Mr. and Mt« Hay Guise made a trip to F1*h lake Monday and re­ ported a limit catch Page 3 Mr and Mm. Don Brace visited in Crescent City last week-end. • Mr. and Mr» Guy Applewhite I visited with friend« in Hilt Sun- I d“y • Mm. Lottie Van Scoy of Eagle Point visited here last week-end at the home of Mr and Mm J H . Carlton. • Mr and Mrs Walter Hash of Dead Indian «hopped in A«hiand Monday. • Mrs. Ted Bchopf and small daughter arrived Monday .from ( Chiloquin for a visit at the home of Mrs. Ida Crandall. • Mr and Mm. Everett Yeo of San Jose are visiting here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Yeo • Nellie F’errine left Tuesday for a vacation trip to southern Cali­ fornia • Mr and Mm Winston Marks of Seattle are the parents of a daughter, Judith Kinney, borne here Sunday at the home of Ml«« Mary Spencer Mrs Mark« 1« (he former Esther Spencer. • Mr and Mm Jim Flre«tone of Rcdiling attended high achool graduation exerci«e« here Wed- neaday. m * ii * 2«* ($9.75 extra) ♦ ♦ tee l»<*l S P •»•nt or writ* J A OKMANDY. O.a /*••• A»»«. »22 Paci«* Bulldin». Pottlaad. 0<*(un NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR Mey 11 —Oct. 27 Reed & Young’s Service Specials! • Betty Home recently returned from Chiloquin where «he haa been teaching and will «pend the «um- mer here at the home of her par­ ent«, Mr. and Mm. C. E. Horne • Mr and Mm Harvey Walker. Mr and Mm. J. C. Hamaker and Time to have your car conditioned for Spring and Summer! Our expert me­ chanics guarantee best service at the lowest prices! Scientific chiMMi« lubrication with correct Miirfnk warm weather lubrlcuntM, and complete wiuth Job! Guaranteed to give your car new life! Do It today! • • Subscribe for The Miner today. Modern living comfort, extra leisure time and more efficient home management all owe their existence very largely to the wonders of electricity. For cooking, for washing, for cleaning, for refrigeration, and for relaxation and comfort, electricity is your most useful, your most inexpensive servant! And electricity costs LESS in Ashland . . , see your dealer now and add new leisure, new comfort to your home! Easy Washing Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department” / . Just turn o too«« *Jny tinw of th« ** or the house—«»' LONS of «<■«'' P'P' hot. V, „otic - i«’01' ” ’ ,ClMN then never »>*• another thought! BUY A HOME NOW-! EXPERT GREASE AND CAR WASH $1.00 More Leisure Record Turnout Sees Softball Ixoop Open With Exhibition Tilts Before nearly 500 «pectatom. the biggeat opening night «oftball crowd ever to gather at the high school field, the Hilt outfit, re­ turning to the Ashland city league after a year's absence, won the pre-season ‘‘championship’’ when they defeated the Elks 7 to 6 in finals of the evening’s tournament. Each team drew for two-inning games and the positions set up the league schedule. The Miner Press, number one. opened the evening's play against Talent, the game ending with the ITintem out in front 2 to 0. Next came the Dodgem, meeting the Elks At end of two innings the score was tied at 1-all, but the Elks were given the nod by virtue of 12 runners left on base to eight for the Dodgem. Number five position went to the new league members, the Varsity club, which took a 2-1 win over the Pine Boxers. Hilt went into the second round on a bye. In the second round the Elks blasted Ormond, Miner pitcher, for eight hits to win 6 to 0 and Hilt tok the Varsity 1 to 0. In the finals for the evening, Pitchers Kenny Harris of the Elks and Court Hose of Hilt were wild and found themselves in many tight spots. Hilt knocked Harris out of the box after, with two away, the Elks chucker had issued a walk, a double and a single to fill the bases. Arch Barksdale was called in from the outfield and struck out Gran to retire the side. James Parsons. Ashland, won second place in the narrative and ballad section of the WFG poetry reading contest held recently at the University of Oregon. Parsons, a graduate of Ashland high school, is a sophomore maj­ oring in speech at the university He 1« the «on of B J Parsons. Electricity Adds Hours of Pleasure to Your Homework! • Max DeMllle and Mr« Mabel Cottrell vlalted with relative« in Klamath Fall« TUeaday. FOUR SCENIC ROUTES TO THE EAST JAMES PARSONS PLACES IN U-O POETRY CONTEST GOOD 3-room hou«e with large lot, *750 cash. (Can arrange term« imi *350 If neceMxary.) 5-ROOM dwelling (modem), three large lot«, *1000, term« WASH AND WAX $3.00 H-ROOM plastered house, a nice home for *1(100. Thorough wmih and vacuum clean­ ing of iiphobriery; flninh coated with luntrotis wax; tire« drermed. A real «|>eelal! Billings Agency HEAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE OIL CHANGE Phone 8781 41 East Main $1.25 ('nmkca«e drained and refilled with Mimimer grade Texaco oil (5 quart«). Aino ex|>ert check of tin*« and buttery refilled. Your car need« It now! ’^■PPICIINT44’ Uie «nly ene level tea- •poenful to a cup of tifteci flour for («oit recipe». TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES! Don't drive on «month, dniigcrou« tire«. We will give you a gencrou« allowance on new, guaranteed Cen­ tury Tire«. Eiuty payment«; pay for them a« you ride! We (live SAH Green Stamp* On All Purchases Double On Sundays! SID REED & JACK YOUNG’S TEXACO SERVICE ASHLAND HOTEL BUILDING PHONE 1501 ELECTS'0 no 'W $ ?NLV 50 ■f/t BAKING ■LV powder Same price today 1 i as 48 years a jo 1 i 25ounct$ f°r 254 | I MenufaeturaJ k» k.kin» ..wJer 1 wk. m.k. iralkin» kwl I k.liln* *.w4.r —w>a., su|»«rviewn II •( • ■«art ek.misfi •( n.ti.n.l 11 regulation ______ II II II 11 11 MILLIONS OF POUNDS HAVE BEEN USED BY OUR GOVE RN ME NT Now on Display at your Dealer’s or Your City Electric Store