Friday, May 24, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Candidate Of-the-Week DIAL 7021— FOLK DELIVERIES DAILY SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS HONEY—Parker’s 5-pound pail BANANAS—per pound ■ 5C LETTUCE—Home Grown 5C NEW POTATOES-No. 1,10 lbs. 25c PEAS—4 pounds - - - 25c TOMATOES—pound - - - 10c SUGAR White Satin 10 pounds 49C MILK LEMONS, doz. 10c Oregon 5 for RIPE OLIVES—pint tin - 13c ALBERS’CORN FLAKES - 5c GIANT CRYSTAL WHITE-6 for 25c JELL-O CERTO—3 for 45c 29c Matches, carton 13c Snow Drop 49’s $1.19 COFFEE Any Kind pound BORENE Large Size Package FLOUR 29c 25c BATTLE CREEK HEALTH FOOD • Mr. and Mi» George Yockel and children Louise, Inez and Ed­ na and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sten- rud made a trip to Rogue river Sunday where they enjoyed a pic­ nic lunch. • Members of the Bellview school student body entertained the graduating eighth grade class Tuesday evening at a wiener roast in Lithia park, followed by a theater party. • Mr. and Mra. Joe Shaver and son Frankie of Montana are vis­ iting for a short time at the home of Mr. and Mra. Chester Apple­ gate Mrs. Shaver is a sister of i Mrs. Applegate. • Miss Alice Metcalfe returned Friday evening from Butte Falla, | where she spent the week visiting | with Miss ixila Talbot, who taught t school there the last year. • Arthur Hamilton Is employed i by the Lithia theater in Ashland. } • Mr and Mrs. Ora Meyers of Medford were visiting Sunday at /'HARLEN EDIMON, secretary the home of Mr and Mrs. R E of the navy, who sought Beil and family. the detiKM-rutl«- gultemutorlid • Mrs Arthur Hamaker and Mrs. nomination In New Jersey's pri­ Archie Kincaid were shopping in mary election Tuesday, May 21. Medford Thursday of last week Edison was unoppoM'd on the • W. A Johnstone of Griffin ' ballot and Is <«up|Mirtc