J r Pap** PEACE TREATY nowadays lx Juxt a hunch of words that go In one year and out the other A 4 4 4 NAME HEADS FOR SHAKESPEAREAN FESTIVAL GROUP Two fairs will open tomorrow one on Treasure Island, the oilier In New York City demonstrating that under-armed Americana be- IN annuul meeting in the Uthia lieve in preparedness at least foi hotel Tuesday night members the pleasant things In life. of the Oregon Shakespearean Fes­ tival association named directors 4 4 4 and executive committees for the Democracies are fluid to be loS- summer season. Ing ground because they are unfit Directors named included Mis to stand the competition of totali­ tarian governments, but any coun­ Etta Schilling, Walter Ix*vcrette, try that can survive national elec­ Dr Walter Redford, J W lti cCoy, tions every four yeurx ought to be Frank J Van Dyke, Mrs Harvey A WiMxis, Robert Dodge, lli-v J able to weather anything H Edgar, Morgan Cook, Angus Bowmer and Mrs Theo J Norby 4 4 4 Americans have suffered the of Ashland and Mrs. Mattel Mack. tortures of war right along with Porter J. Neff, Mrs A Im us Punti their European cousins Important Miss Gertrude Butler, Mrs .lames battles have been raging up and Stevens, Mrs Alex Bparrow, Mis down every bar. every restaurant Charles Lemery, Mrs H Chandler counter anil across every bridge Egan, F mii H HuH, ■ H Head­ table with telling effect Ami the rick and Ix-onard Carpenter of fellow who can't even win an ar­ Medford. Board of directors then elected gument at home generally consid­ ers himself a military authority, un executive committee Including and over here the side with the Walter Redford, president; Iajon- sympathizers nrd Carpenter, vice president; F most loquacious J. Van Dyke, secretary; J. W comes out on top, McCoy, treasurer; William Cot­ 4 4 4 trell, director; Lxrls M Bowmer, Typical war communique: To­ art director; Walter Leverette, day we downed 40 enemy planes business manager; Mrs H. Chand­ while losing but one kite, a small ler Egan, Medford ticket chair­ box model which a boy got tan- man. Mrs H M Schilling, Ash­ gleil in some phone wire« land ticket chairman, and Dean Iheper, managing secretary. 4 4 4 The following committee heads Graduation exercises are brink were appointed by President Hert­ held in Ashland schools and the ford: Dr. R E. Poston, building college now and It is only with and grounds: Miss Gertude Butler, resolute optimism that commence­ social i-v.-nts, Mrs J W Wnglil. ment speakers can welcome the Inter-relations; Robert Ihrdge, students into the world, such as housing, Theo J Norby, actor em­ it is ployment for Ashland, and Eugene 1 Thorndyke, actor employment for i 1 And the fellow who first in- Medford. vented the wheel, forerunner <>f modem mechanization, must lx doing a little turning over himself these days. 14 1 When mm overdrink they see snakes and. MMTdlM t<> dcm<> crats, when snakes get drunk they see republicans 111 Generally it's the fellow who dove back there for cover who finds himself behind the eight- ball. 4 4 4 With all this talk about fifth columns. The Miner hastens to ad- vise readers it is a six-column paper. iWhrw! that WS» a narrow squeak!) 4 Clark Wood, the Weston leader editor, is so intemperate himself he thinks plaster-of-pnris is a French liquor. 4 ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1940 4.4 Folks who wondered why Ad- mirul Byrd went traipsing off Into the frozen solitude of the South Pole now are beginning to admire his foresight 4 Volume IX 4 4 The only time most folks see themselves as others do is before n mirror, where they have a tol­ erant audience. SOFTBALL LOOP SCHEDULE SET The Ashland softball schedule, already a week old. goes into its second week Monday night under the lights at the high school field with the Miner Press and Elks meeting in the first game at 8 o'clock and Talent and the I*ine Boxers meeting in the second en­ counter of the evening at 9 o'clock. Itciii.iind. i of the first-half schedule follows: May 27 Miner Press vs. Elks; Talent vs. Pine Box. May 29 Miner Press vs. Var- sity; Dodgers vs. Hilt. May 31 Dodgers vs. Pine Box; Talent vs. Hilt. June 3 Miner Press vs. Pine Box; Talent vs. Elks. June 7—Dodgers vs. Varsity; Miner Press vs. Hilt. June 10 Talent vs. Dodgers ; Elks vs Varsity. June 12 Pine Box vs. Hilt. For second-half schedule, alxrve listing will repeat on Mon­ days. Wednesday and Fridays. ---------- •------------- r Roy Frazier and Companion Are Invited to Be Guests of the Southern Oregon Miner To See Their Choice of the Following Varsity Theater Programs: (Friday and Saturday) "RAFFLES” With David Niven and Olivia Dellavllland plus GENE AUTRY in "MOUNTAIN RHYTHM” • Please Call at The Miner Office for Your Guest Tickets J 10-Gallon Hats Will lier High Note Opens Frisco Exposition I Muir Rodeo as Part Of Ashland Shindig L’VERYONE frum the mayor