Friday, May 17, 19*10 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Juniors Winding Up la nd-Ta le nt To ASHLAND MEN TO Ash Spring Sports Play Play 3 More Home ADDRESS MEET Games in First Half Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar Holy communion. 8 a. m. Church school, 9:30 a. m. Sermon and morning prayer, li o’clock. Holy communion every’ Wednes­ day. 9:30 a. m. Choir W’ill meet Friday evening, 7:30 o’clock You are cordially invited to wor­ ship with us. Mayor T S. Wiley, E. C. Biegel. J Q. Adams, Councilman O. F. Carson and City Attorney Frank Van Dyke will represent Ashland at the 15th annual League of Ore­ gon Cities convention May 22 to 24 in Seaside. Ashland also will be represented in discussions when Biegel, man­ ager of the electric utility here and city superintendent, will speak on "Operations Under a Contract Electrical Supply,'' and by Adams, who will talk on "Proper Ac­ counting Treatment of Inter-Fund and Inter-Budget Item Transfers." Other city problems arising from rapid population shifts and increased demands for municipal services coupled with declining revenues will be considered in open forum discussions by city officials in attendance. • SATURDAY • NURSE EDITH „ CAVELL 1410 Grads Output Of Ashland High Since Year of 1891 The Ashland-Talent baseball club has five home games in the first half of the 1940 schedule, in­ cluding the two already played here. The remainder of the first- half schedule follows: May 19 Ashland-Talent nt Grants Pass Crescent City at Roseburg. Medford at Gold Hill i May play night game in Medford May 17 ) May 26 Ashland-Talent in Medford. Crescent City in Grants Pass. Roseburg in Gold Hill. June 2 Gold Hill in Ashland-Talent (may play in Medford night of May 31 1 Grants Pass in Roseburg. Medford in Crescent City. June 9 Crescent City in Ashland-Talent. Roseburg in Medford. Grants Pass in Gold Hill. June 16 Ashland-Talent in Roseburg. Medford in Grants Pass Crescent City in Gold Hill. (One of the latter two games may be played in Medford on the night of June 13 or 14.) June 21 Gold Hill in Medford (night). June 23 Grants Pass in Ashland-Talent (may play in Medford night of June 20) • Roseburg in Crescent City. ------------ •----------- Since 1891 1410 students have been graduated from Ashland sen­ ior high school, according to ma­ terial compiled by the office of Theo J. Norby, school superin­ tendent. The name of every grad­ uate since 1891 has been kept on record in the superintendent's of­ fice and in that first year records were kept three seniors made up the graduation class. Number of graduates for each Encouraged A-T’s succeeding year are listed as fol­ Off to Grants lows. with the exception of 1903. when no students graduated be­ For Week-End Tilt cause that year the school was changed from a three-year insti­ Ashland-Talents baseball club tution to a four-year school. will take to the road for the first time in regular league play Sun­ 1891 3 1916 33 day, May 19. when they travel to 8 1917 1892 .... 49 Grants Pass to tangle with the 1893 10 1918 ...... 46 Merchants. 1894 13 1919 49 Since Skinny Wilson went the 1895 12 1920 54 entire distance to win the game 1896 9 1921 43 against Roseburg last Sunday he 1897 .... 15 1922____ ..... 75 probably will get the starting call, 1898 13 1923 46 with Nig DiSordi and Wayne 1899 ..... 13 1924 . 53 Com best on hand to back him up 1900 ..... 54 if necessary. The infield might 13 1925 1901 15 1926 54 get a shakeup after workouts this 1902 ...... 11 1927........ ...... 62 week but at present stands the 1928 .... 76 same as in the past with Skeet­ 1903 1904 ..... ..... 53 ers catching, Jones at first, Neale 14 1929 1905 10 1930....... 65 at second, Jandreau or DiSordi on 1906 10 1931 73 third, Strickland playing short­ 1907 ..... 13 1932 . 74 stop, and Joanis, Learning and 1908 13 1933 64 Montgomery in the outfield. 1909 ..... 14 1934 67 The Merchants took the A-Ts 1910 ..... 18 1935 72 in a pre-season tilt and now are 1911 ...... 26 1936 67 reported to be even stronger with 1912 24 1937 ..... 74 the addition of Jack Cook to their 1913 33 1938 75 pitching staff. 1914 77 N 1939 Other Southern Oregon league 1915 ___ 38 1940 100 games send Crescent City to Rose­ burg and Medford to Gold Hill. ----------- •------------ • Those of Bellview graduating from senior high school this year include Nancy Ring, Rosemary Final Adds Bell, Eunice Kincaid, Barbara Moore and Dale Williams Those 25 Census Count moving up from Junior high in­ clude Bobby Hinch, Charlotte Census Enumerators P. D. Mc­ Hamilton, Jeanette Talent, Dale Dougal and Mrs Frances Carter Anderson, Ruth Walker, Jose­ completed their final count Mon­ phine Peachey and Veda Williams. day and Tuesday when an addi­ ----------- •------------ tional 25 persons were counted • Jack Duane, son of Mr. and at the Chamber of Commerce of­ Mrs. G. B. Pfeifer, celebrated his fice. seventh birthday anniversary Sat­ Although exact population fig­ urday afternoon with a party. ures will not be compiled for some The little guests were Lois and time, McDougal estimated that Charles Zickefoose, Dale Blunck, the 5000 mark already has been Jerry Montgomery, Lynn and reached here. Sally Tripp, Marjorie Schultz, George Baylor and Carl Cowdrey of Talent, and Sally Ann Moffett In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Medford. After a trip to the Lithia park in Ashland, ice cream Jackson and cake were served at the home In the Matter of the Estate A. W. MOON, Deceased of Mrs. Pfeifer, assisted by Mrs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Clyde Moffett. Jack received many The undersigned having been lovely gifts and a good time was appointed by the above entitled enjoyed by all. court of the state of Oregon, for the county aforesaid, administrat­ or of the estate of A. W. Moon, deceased, and having qualified, notice is hereby given to the cred­ itors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them, verified as required by law, within six months after GRADUATION TIME is the first publication of this notice to said administrator at the offiee an important event in of Briggs & Briggs, attorneys, the lives of students en­ Pioneer building, Ashland, Oregon. tering upon the thresh- A. C. NININGER, hold of their careers . . . Administrator of the Estate of A. W. Moon, Deceased. a time to be commemor­ Dated May 3, 1940. ated with gifts that last (May 3-10-17-24) . . . a time for thoughtful remembrances of jewelry! We have a large selection of appropriate gifts in a wide range of prices . . . come in today! Pass AMIA WrACLt ESSA MAY OUVtl ttOICE SANDUS MAY IOISOK ZASK FITTI H I WARXtl ti« lui« «torti ROY ROGERS in “OLD CALIENTE” Round-Up Dir«c»»d to JOHN FORI henry FONDA 'ME OMWIU íUffwm • WED & THUR • DIME DAY EVERYBODY 10e Gins FOR THE GRADUATE! The Junior high schisil spring athletic program goes into the final stages Friday afternoon, May 17, when the Ashland tennis squad entertains the Medford Juniors on the local courts at 3 o’clock. Al­ ready the two teams have met three times with Medford taking two matches and Ashland grab­ bing only one Coach Al Simpson of the Ashlanders announces that his club is In the peak of condi­ tion and anxious to even the series with their bitter rivals. The 8-a twos copped the inter­ mural baseball championship at Junior high when they stopped the band two out of three games, the third one ending in a 2-2 tie. Those composing the title nine LITHIA A HOMEOWNED THEATRE Phone 7561 Friday, Saturday “OUTSIDE THE THREE-MILE LIMIT” with JACK HOLT are Owen Griffith, catcher: Char- les Jacoba, pitcher; Fred Kun nasto, first base. Robert Hill, sec­ ond base; Robert Huffman, third base: Buddy Ginhuin. shortstop. Harry Henry, left field: John lau-kstrom, center field, and Hen­ ry Lan ini, right field, ---- • • Mr. and Mrs Walter Hash, Auntie Barron, Mrs Kate Neil, Ken Bowers, Bill Grow and Mr and Mrs I«often enjoyed a picnic in the Dead Indian district Sun­ day. ROSCOE L. LARSON Nonpartisan Candidate for County School Superintendent Fifteen year« experience in Jackson county. A graduate of Linfield College, I have taught at Butte Falls, Phoenix, Applegate, Prospect and Sams Valley, and I refer you to the patrons of the above schools as to my qualifications and ability. If elected I will give my best efforts toward efficient supervision and a business-like administration of Jackson County Schools. Paid Advertisement “THE KANSAS HARRY N. LOFLAND Three Mesquiteers Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “HIS GIRL FRIDAY Rcpulillciui (iuidldutr for County Assessor JAC h.HON r. Economical arid efficient administration of the office. SUBJECT TO PRIMARIES MAY 17 Paid Advertisement with Cary Grant Rosalind Russell Ralph Bellamy Variety Short Subjects Wednesday and Thursday Everyone 10c AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT S ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS Medford Armory For Reservations Phone Brown’s, Medford 101 Hear . . . A. EVAN REAMES GEORGE M. ROBERTS W. J. LOOKER AND OTHERS Talk Over WATCHES FOR HER ... . . . FROM $10 TO $50 ☆ * KMED WATCHES FOR HIM ... . . . FROM .$9.75 TO $100 7:40 P.M. THURSDAY, MAY 16 ☆ ☆ On Behalf of OTHER APPROPRIATE GIFT ITEMS, 50c AND UP HERBEÍ K. HANNA FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE Chas- A. White Jewelry Store 272 EAST MAIN STREET Paid Advertisement