A Friday, May 17, 1940 ATS WALLOP ROSEBURG 11-2 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Action Treat for Mat Scout Fees at Camp Fans I n Being Billed Cut to $1 Per Week For Monday’s Card According to Theo J Norby. Wrestling fans ull over southern Arising from last week's defeat) administered by the Crescent City Oregon are awaiting Promoter Merchants, tie Ashland-Talent Mack IJIIard’» announcement of A T'» lust Humtay on the local hta card next Monday night, May diamond drove out 12 hlta to 20, in the Medford armory. The knock three Roseburg pitcher» off announcement wax to be forth- i tile mound, and croaard the plate coming Thursday morning With an aggregation ot some of 11 time» to down the highly- the brwt muscle-twisters now In touted Itoseburg Pirate» 11 to 2 Skinny Wllaon, right-hand hur- action on the Pacific coast within : ler Who formerly played with Gold hta reach, Ultard ta expected to I Hill, thiew »trike after atrike to build hta Monday night attraction ! whiff nine Pirate atickmen and around Jimmie Mitchel), batter I allowed six »crutch hit», only two known as the Black Panther; Er- I nle Piluso, Oregon's iron man; I of which got out of the infield. Prank ds this summer for a weekly fee of The “SCARLETT” 11, plus their food supply and as­ sistance in getting meals. The change in fee» wax presented to the executive» by Kenneth Wells, new Crater I .Ake council area leader. Phone 4311 FOR APPOINTMENT Ashland Hotel Beauty Shop Before the slash the fee wax $7 and in aome cases was prohibitive. Camp Fire girls will be allowed to attend their session of the camp for $1 50 per week, but un­ der the same conditions as Scouts. E. B. Poyer An ultra feminine hairdo which reflects the Old South! Candidate for Democratic Nomination for "The Scarlett" coiffure is des­ tined to be the favorite choice of girl graduates! You’ll like our modem versions of this hairdo—suited to your person­ ality. COUNTY COMMISSIONER PRIMARY MAY 17, 1040 Four years satisfactory office work previous to coming to Ashland. 19 years successful dairy­ man in Ashland. —Paid Advertisement ASHLAND HIGH NETMEN TO FINISH IN MEDFORD Hollis Beasley will take his Ashland high school tennis team to Medford Saturday morning for final matches of the season. The Medford netmen have been a stumbling block to Ashland ten­ nis wins all season but Beasley and his »quad arc set to break the jinx In Saturday's encounter In the other southern Oregon high schol league matchrs Granta Pana travels to Klamath Fall« on thr same date. PERFUMES—COLOGNES GIFT STATIONERY And Many Beautiful Cosmetic Gift Boxes to Choose From! JAMES PARSONS TO TAKE PAM IN I OF O FI.AY EAST SIDE PHARMACY Among those taking part in Maxwell Anderson'» "High Tor," to be presented at the University <>f Oregon May 22 23 ami 24. 1» James l*nrsona, Ashland, who will play thr part of Ashrer Parsons, a graduate of Ashland high school, la a sophomore maj­ oring In speech at the university He la the son of B J. Parsons. Page 5 FOR HIM WATCHES—SHAVING SETS ELECTRIC RAZORS —A Complete Assortment of Modem Leather Billfolds Priced from $1.00 to $5.00 Kodaks and Movie (’ameras 2« EAST MAIN STREET PHONE 4811, ASHLAND S’MATTER POP— Awk! It’« Between Ugh and Uh! EDWARD W. KUBLI 1 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER SUBJECT TO PRIMARIES MAY’ 17, 1940 —Paid Advertisement By C. M. PAYNE Life - Auto - Fire INSURANCE Monuments and Markers of Kroner and Granite At Price« You Can Afford M. T. BURNS Next Door to Past Office t all Office «NI, Keo. 6406 Evening Ap|»olntinmts ' DEPENDABLE SERVICE" MESCAL IKE a, s. L huntuy Phone 6/32 FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE CLOVER LEAF DAIRY TUBBY A Detective Must Have Mystery. First One Thing and Then Another