Friday, May 17, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know! ] '——- — — • Mr and M im Wally Wolcott of Rossburg called on relatives and fih'iKln here Monday. • Mr and Mix James McNair of Corvallis spent lust week-end here at the home of Mr and Mrs Hal McNair They are students at OHC I • Mrs Fred Taylrr returned from an extended visit in Crescent City I Sunday, • Mr and Mrs A O. Brown are the parents of a daughter bom { .Saturday at the Community hos­ pital • Mr and Mrs Harry Hoxie fish­ ed in Hogue river Hundny. CORONER Courthouse Records Show Coroner Elections As Follows: Nov. 3, Hill—John A. Perl Nov. 7, li»IH—John A. Perl Nov. ft. I»IH—John A. Perl Nov. 3, Ifr.’O—John A. Perl Nov. 13, IBM—Frank Perl Nov. 3, i»M —Frank Perl I«34—II. W'. Conger I if’M—II. W. Conger THIS TIME VOTE FOR Republican Candidate H. W. CONGER And a Change In Drputysklp! Paid Adv ■* • l/cltoy Neeley of Klamath Falls is visiting st the home of Mr. and Mrs Karl Neeley • Mr and Mrs. Edward Ledger­ wood of Bonneville visited here last week-end with Parker Hess Mrs la*dgerwo