Friday, May 17, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 Woods enjoyed a trip to Lake o' the Woods Sunday. • Carl Harris of Fort Laton. Wash., Is visiting lit the Walter Hash home. G. W. Jones of Ash- ' land also is visiting there. Iti li. 7021—FOIK DE1.IVEK1ES DAILY SATl'RDAY ANI) MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS 49c LETTUCE—Home Grown Sc GR APEFRUIT-Arizona, 6 for 15c NEW POTATOES-6 pounds 15c BANANAS—per pound - - 5c LEMONS—per dozen - - 10c Jell^o 3 for 13C Dinner Bell Alber’s Corn Flakes 5c Oleomargarine 2 lbs. 23c PEARL SHORTENINGS lbs. 39c SNOWDRIFT—3 pounds 45c FLOUR SHREDDED WHEAT—3 for 25c White House TASTY SALAD DRESSING—qt 19c 49’s $1.49 lb. 17c Bacon Coffee TOMATO SAUCE—3 for 10c PAPER NAPKINS—80 count - 5c OREGON MILK—5 for 29c White House 1-lb. Glass Jar lb. 23c HILLS BROS. BLUE CAN COFFEE—POUND 19c ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS 15C Royal Club Catsup Royal Club Crab—|’s flat Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas—No. 2 Royal Club Whole Kernel Corn—No. 2 Royal Club Minced Clams - Meco Peas and Corn—3 for Meco Beets—Sliced - - - 29C 13c 15C 13c 16C IOC EAST SIDE MARKET ™ PLAZA MARKET ™ FOUR FREE DELIVERIES DAILY! Pork Shoulder STEAKS 15C lb. Pork Shoulder ROASTS 13c lb. Meat and de Pork Leg ROAST 16c lb These Prices Good Saturday Only! PORK SAUSAGE—Same High Quality, pound 10c For Saturday and Monday! Beef from young, grain-fed Steers. The very best — tender tasty and top quality. Every day in the week you get “Quality for Less” at the East Side and Plaza Meat Markets » LONG DISTANCE "Puts you there” so quickly! The aim of the Bell System is a tele­ phone service for the nation, free so far as hu­ manly possible from imperfections, errors or delays...enabling anyone anywhere to pick up a telephone and talk to anyone else anywhere else, clearly, quickly and at reasonable cost. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY < f USE OUR FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Every order is carefully and promptly filled. livery is guaranteed! • Mr and Mrs R E Bell. Rose­ mary, Patricia. Kenneth and Sain- inie, Mr and Mrs Allan Miller, Mr and Mis. Robert E. Bell Jr. of Klamath Falls, and Mrs Swan­ son and children of Ashland al) enjoyed a picnic luncheon at Emi­ grant creek dam Sunday, in honor of Mother's day and the recent marriage of Mi and Mrs Miller Mrs. Miller is the former Mar­ jorie Bell • Mr and Mrs. Con Austin were Sunday dinner guests at the Ed Grimm home. • Miss Alice Metcalfe is spending this week in Butte Falla visiting with Miss Lola Talbot, who teach­ es school there • Mr ami Mrs. Arthur Hamaker of Ashland were Sunday guests at dinner at the Archie Kincaid home. • Mr an