Friday, May 10, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 • Mr and Mrs George L Davis, who lived south of town, moved to Compton. Calif. last week. • Nobel Green of Colorado is a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. Harvey Thompson. They were neighbors in Colorado before com­ ing here. • Mr. an«i Mrs. Norman Driver, who have been living at the Sim­ mons' camp ground the last win­ ter, have moved to Ashland. • Truman Phelps of Eagle Point visited friends in Talent Wednes­ day. -------------- —~ There’s no hurt like forgetting Sunday, May 12 Chocolates Yow mothor . . . your children', mothw . . . anybody'• mottmr . . . will ba daliqMad wH* a »auction from our ipacially dacoratad boia» of bar favorita Whitman', Chocolat,» Tbe Sam«4w................. »I SO fa $7.SO i > Tba MrMII......................... SOc fa $5 00 OM mt «Wt a«rt a«a,.............. Sl.M W Plaza Confectionery and Cafe HOME OF QUALITY FOODS SINCE 1922 r N B W • j A T S SUNDAY THE ROSEBURG PIRATES will 1 be making their first appear­ ance on the Ashland high school baseball dianion«! in three years when they clash with the Ashland- Talent nine at 2:30 p. m. Sunday, May 12. in a Southern Oregon league game. Little is known of the strength of the Douglas county club since their opener with Medford last week was rained out. However, they are said to carry a fiery bunch of youngsters who play ball with enthusiasm. For a number of years Roseburg has been a top- notch outfit in Douglas county leagues and is returning to the Southern Oregon l«x>p after a two- year absence Al Simpson, practice manager of the A-Ts. says that he believes he has ironed out the fielding weaknesses which contributed to the 8-3 setback at the hands of Crescent City last Sunday. Nig DiSordi, who took the mound against the coast team with little practice behind him, following a broken leg injury which kept him out of play for most of the winter, has been working hard all week and is pronounced in fit condition and probably .will get the start­ ing call against the Indians. Dick Skeeters has the receiving job cut and dried, Delbert (Tiny) Jones will be a cinch for first base, and remainder of the A-T lineup will round out something like this: Collin Moore on second. Howard Jandreau at third. Bob Strickland at shortstop, and Don Montgomery. Ed' Learning and Charlie Warren in the field. Simp­ son. Eddie Joanis, Skinny Wilson. George Bullion will be on hand for utility job«. In other league games Medford entertains Grants Pass and Gold Hill goes to Crescent City. ------------- •------------- • The play entitled “The Dude Ranch,” was presented by the seniors of Talent high in the school gym last week It was a western comedy full of romance and excitement. The school orches­ tra played between acts. A large crowd attended. • Subscribe for The Miner today. • Mr ami Mrs Clarence Homes of Ashlami were Talent visitors Tuesday • Mr and Mrs. Al Sherard al­ tended the Townsend «lance iti Axhlami Thursday night • Mr and Mrs H. Wooten and two daughters of New Mexico are stopping in the Talent camp groumi and are looking for a lo­ cation. • Mrs Waybuin Kenyon and chil­ dren «pent Friday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Sherard. Another seven-man battle royal awaits the Medford armory wrest­ ling fans Monday night when Pro­ moter Mack Mllard brings Imck two old favorites and two new faces. The old standbys who will return are Pete BelcaMro, away last Monday, and Prince Mehali kis, the turban-wearing Arabian The Black Panther, big Negro from Is»s Angeles, ami Al Ferona. Italian who has been campaigning r ) • The Hilt Ladies Aid society met Thursday afternoon with 15 mem­ bers present Plans were complet­ ed for a party and dishtowel .sale for the next meeting May 16 Fol­ lowing the business session re­ freshments were served • Dr and Mrs R F Schlappi are spending a week in San Fran­ cisco. • Mr and Mrs. Walter Bray are the proud parents of a daughter, born May 7 at the Hilt hospital Dr. Jones of Yreka is attending the during Dr Schlappi’s ab­ sence. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ohlund were in Medford Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs James Purvis spent the week-end in Ashland and vicinity. • Mr and Mrs. W A Gran and son Billy and Horton Geroy were Medford visitors Saturday. • The McCloud nine shut out the Hilt team with a 12 to 0 score Sunday when the two teams met the first game of the North- ern California Baseball league on the Hilt diamond. West, pitch« : for McCloud, made a splendid showing, pitching a no-hit, no-run game. • Roy Hord left Tuesday evening for San Francisco to obtain sur­ gical treatment for his hip, which was fractured in December • A road show company is pre­ senting a series of motion pictures and vaudeville acts In tjie club house this week. The first show was given Tuesday evening, and all are being well attended. • Mrs. Roy Hord was taken to Hilt hospital Wednesday evening for treatment of complications following an attack of mumps. CORONER NUcceHaiully In Portland, will lx* Uie new face« The other« who will complete the lint are Ernie PII uho , Bulldog Jackson and Frankie Clemen«. The Black Panther 1« a clean wrestling gent who will bring a long at ring of mat victor!«*« with him. Ferona 1« inclined to be rough and can hold hi« own in just about any kind of company. The free-for-all will act a« matchmaker for the evening'« card The first man eliminate«! will have worked for nothing. «Ince he will be |>a>d only hi« traveling expenaaa The «ecoml .«mi third out win return to open the card and mo on throughout the program. The melee will get under way at 8:30 o'clock ■harp Monday night. May 13. In the County Court of the Stat«* of Oregon for the County of Jiu-kson In the Matter of the Estate of A. W. M(X»N, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS Courthouse Records Show Coroner Elections As Follows The undersigned having been ' appointed by the above entitled' court of the state of Oregon, for > th«* county aforexaid, adniiiiiatrat- or of the eatate of A. W. M« k > ii , deceased, and having qualified, notice la hereby given to the cred­ itor« of, ami all ¡x*raona having claim« agalnat Haiti deceaatsl. to present them, verified aa required by law, within nix month« after the first publication of this notice to «aid admlni«trator at the office of Brigg« A Brigg«, attorney«, HflBMl building. Ashlaml. Oregon A. C. NININGER. Administrator of the Estate of A. W. Moon, Deceased Date«! May 3, 1940 (May 3-10-17 24) Nov. 3. |»I4—John A. Perl Nov. 7. 1916—John A. Perl Nov. 3. 1918—John A. Perl Nov. 2. 1920—John A. Perl Nov. 12, 1932—Frank Perl Nov. 3. 1936 —Frank Perl 1924—II. W. Conger 1928—H. W. Conger • Charles Skeeter« and a number .«f his logging crew spent Satur­ day fishing in Rogue liver • C M Lltwiller of Ashland was a business caller In Talent Mon- «lay. LITHIA A HOME OWNED THEATRE Phone 7561 Friday, Saturday “BULLETS OR BALLOTS with Edward G. Robinson Joan Biondell “RIDERS OF The FRONTIER with Tex Ritter Sunday, Monday and Tuesday THE FIVE LITTLE PEPPERS AT HOME" THIS TIME VOTE FOR Republican Candidate H. W. CONGER with And a Change in Deputyship! Original Peppers - Paid Adv KIDDIES 25c THE CHATEAU ENTERTAINMENT WITH FRI SAT “The Great Victor Herbert” with ALLAN JONES and MARY MARTIN --------- plus--------- VIRGINIA WIEDLER and FRANK MORGAN in “HENRY GOES TO ARIZONA" SUN - MON - TUES A STORY THAT DARES FICTION TO EQUAL IT! KOLIA AND HIS BALALAIKA WE FEATURE AN 8-COURSE 75c DINNER Until 8:30 p. m CHEF PAUL BI LKIN’ AND HIS KNIFFS ACT SCINTILLATING DANCE MUSIC EVERY NIGHT! MICKEY ROONEY wf/h FAY BAINTER GEORGE BANCROFT MHUO-GOLOWYN MAYEB PICTURE WEDNESDAY—EVERYONE JOC Anna N'eagle in “NURSE EDITH CAVELL” Plus Joe Penner in “MILLIONAIRE PLAYBOY” RALPH BILLINGS County Judge A NATIVE SON With Seven Years N ori -Purl Kati Judiciary (iMidldatr for CIRCUIT JUDGE NO. 12 ON OFFICIAL JUDICIARY BALLOT (All voters regardless of party registration are entitled to vote the judiciary tail lot.) Herbert K. Hanna has resided at Jacksonville since birth 57 years ago and has maintained his jaw office at Medford for 20 years For 34 years he has engaged in general practice of law coveting probate, criminal, civil and equity trial work. After graduation from college he studied law under his father while the latter occupied the cir- cuit bench here. Upon his father's resignation they formed a law partnership as Hanna A i tanna which continued until his father'« death. Upon the expiration of Judge Calkins' second term as circuit judge Judge Calkins and Mr. Hanna formed a law partner­ ship as Calkins A Hanna which continued until Judge (Talkins moved to California. Mr. Hanna is of Christain faith but does not affiliate with any particular church. His health is good. H. K. HANNA. (Information furnished by H K. Hanna, Jacksonville, Oregon. Paid Adv.) AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS Medford Armory For Reservations Phone Brown’s, Medford 101 IN YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? See STEVEN It SCHUERMAN PHONE 4721 • METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. A Ke publican Candidate for HANNA EDWARD W. KUBLI REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Experience in Handling County Business - Paid Advertisement