SOUTHERN OREGON MINER I DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS COFFEE—ANY KIND, PER POUND O-MI-O 5c LETTUCE—Per Head 5C AVOCADOS - - - NEW POTATOES-6 pounds 15c 15c GRAPEFRUIT—6 for 5C RADISHES—3 bunches BANANAS—per pound 5c Sugar BROWN OK POWDERED— ORANGE JUICE Ill-Ounce Tin 17c Albers’ PANCAKE 3 lbs. 15c MECO CORN............................ MECO PEAS................ ........... CHEF SALAl) DRESSING.... ALBERS’ CORN FLAKES.... MAGGIE BEAGLE’S HOME MADE CHICKEN PIES... 9- Pound Bug 39c 3 for 25c 3 for 25c ....qt 19c ........... 5c GINGHAM TOILET TISSUE 18c CHEESE, lb. 15c Sperry SNOW DROP FLOUR-49’s 1.19 WHITE HOUSE FLOUR-49s 1.49 ROLLED OATS GLANT SIZE— Quick or Regular CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP-6- 25c Del Rogue Solid Pack Tomatoes 13c 29c OREGON MILK—5 URGE CANS FOR ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS 15c 13c 13c 17c 29c 13c 17c 16C Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas—No. 2 Royal Club Stringless Beans Royal Club Sliced Beets Royal Club Clam |’s flat Royal Club Crab—|’s flat Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| Royal Club Wet Pack Shrimp EAST SIDE MARKET ™ PLAZA MARKET ™ FOUR FREE DELIVERIES DAILY! (t Quality for Less” For the best in Meat, every day, patronize these local Markets! SAUSAGE 10c pound SATURDAY ONLY! LUNCH MEATS Very Nice Spring Lamb BACON HAM Kettle Rendered PURE LARD Guaranteed Fresh 3 lbs. 25c SATURDAY ONLY! OUR GROUNU BEEF IS STILL HAMBURGER, AND MIGHTY GOOD, TOO! 15c lb. Friday, May 10, 1940 tiring preaidant, Mr«. George ter and brolher-ln-law, Mr. and Helms, and to Mis Modrcli and Mix Al Randles. Mrs. J. Crow, who both are niov- • Mr and Mix Al Itandlvs of M.-.ii..i u Ing to California. • Mr. and Mrs Albert Arnold the home of Mrs. Randle's par­ returned Tuesday from John Day, ents, Mr. and Mrs James Met­ after visiting there with then calfe. • Mr and Mix Con Atixtin, who daughter and son-in-law, Mr. ana • Miss Marjorie Hdi and Glen Miller were united in marriage recently moved to Hubbard, Ore., Mrs Rae Foster. have returned to Bellview to make • Mr mid Mix Richard Joy en­ Tuesday In Klamath Falls They their home because of Mr. Aus­ tertainer! Sunday evening In hon­ plan to make their home in Seal or of the fourth birthday anni­ tie, Wash, where Mr. Miller lx tin's health. • Mr. and Mrs Earl Neeley of versary of their son Alden Guests employed. Mrs. Miller lx well Ashland and Robert Rosenbaum, included Mi. mid Mrs. Albert C known here, having graduated also of Ashland, were guests at Joy, Mrs. Diuise Wilson and Miss from Ashland high school and lai er attending Southern Oregon Col­ Sunday dinner at the Walter Hash Adena Joy. home in the Dead Indian district • The Home Extension unit met lege of Education. Mr. Miller also • Mrs. Mark True, with Mrs. W Friday New ..ftliel'. were ill- Is known here, having lived In the D Jackson of Ashland, Sunday stalled as follows: President, Mrs vicinity of Ashland several years afternoon visited at the home of Hash; vice president, Mrs. Met­ ago. Mixa Maude Foran and ami L. D calfe; secretary, Mrs Montgom­ W. Meservey Tile occasion mark­ ery, and librarian, Mrs. Chester ed the birthday anniversary of Applegate Mrs. Dunn mid Mrs Miss Foran The afternoon wax Christlleb discussed floor finish­ spent in visiting and at the close ings and Mrs. Ring mid Mrs a lovely birthday cake wax served Ayres served the luncheon. The next meeting, May 15. weather with ice cream. I (Hl CUBIC CA • Mr. and Mix. Elmer Byrd were permitting, will be a picnic at the dinner guests Sunday at the home Chester Applegate ranch. FT. load «pO.eJv of Mrs. Byrd's parents, Mr. and • Mi and Mrs. Jess 'Valker mid H1H) CUBIC Miss Mary Walker are Plaiting In Mrs John Farmer. FT, LOAD • Pupils of the Bellview school, Monmouth at the home of the in the upper grades, enjoyed a Rev ami Mrs David Walker. Dump Delivery trip to Oregon Caves Saturday. • Mr and Mrs C. M Gillmore They were driven to the resort by are in McMinnville this week at­ George Yockel, the group going tending the state Baptist conven- I Whittle Transfer tlon in his truck. • Mr and Mrs E. A Hamilton • Robert Brantley has returned and family, W. O. Martin and home from Eugene, where he hax J. H. Williams attended church been attending U of O. services in Medford Sunday eve­ • Mrs Char lex White and two daughters Agnes and imis moved ning. • Mrs. Mark True wax a Med­ from Ashland to their former Bell- view home this week. ford business visitor Monday. Democratic Candidate for • Mis Haloid G i .- ciu - and two • Mrs. Jeane Joy sang two vocal children, Marilou and Rodney of number« over KM ED Wednesday County Tacoma, Wash , are visiting for a • Jack Williams is employed ax short time with Mrs. Greene's bookkeeper at the First National Commissioner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sten- bank. • Mr. and Mis. Arch Barksdale rud. Primaries May 17 • Harry Farmer, who is employed are the parents of a son born Sat­ at New Bieber, Calif., visited one urday at Community hospital H<- day this week at the home of his has been christened Richard Jen­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John nings. • The Sewing i club met Tues­ Farmer. • Mrs. Mark True was a member day evening at the Hollingsworth i I cam* to Oregon in ihm of the program committee for the home. Following the meeting Joan when a small boy, with my entertainment presented at the Helm and Phyllis Hollingsworth parents, and have lived here ail mothers’ tea at the Presbyterian served refreshments • Members of the Central Point the time since, except three church Thursday afternoon. • Mr and Mrs. Chester Applegate Grange Tuesday evening present­ year« when I resided in Cali­ and Mias Helen Kruger spent Sun­ ed a program at the Bellview I fornia. I have farmed and raised cattle the part 35 years. day in Medford visiting with meeting. • Approximately 35 Bellview 1 I am married and have raise,! friends. • Mr. and Mrs. Ora G. Ayres of students attended and took part j a family of three girls and one !’ . at•• my quallfn .1 this district, with Mias D>rena in the music festival in Ashland ! tions for CommlMloner: Ayres and Jerry Truman of Klam­ Friday. Served as road «ii|MTVim>r for ath Falls, spent Sunday with Mr • Mr and Mrs Arch Kincaid and Mrs. Elmer Ayres and son at and Mr. and Mrs. A Hamaker at- i six years, and worked on roads their home in Days Creek, ore tended a rodeo and enjoyed a pic­ off and on during the past 30 years. Served as commissioner Elmer Ayres is a son of Mr. and nic near Rogue river Sunday. Mrs. Ora Ayres. He teaches at • Mrs R E Bell was in Klamath foMR IMU until 1039. Falls Wednesday the Days Creek school. L> <>■ < ASTER • Miss Edna Hash visited in Ash­ • Miss Alice Metcalfe spent thia [ land Monday evening at the home week in Medford visiting her sis- of her aunt, Miss Agnes Jones. • Mr and Mrs W O. Martin and Louise and Lloyd Moore made a trip to the Gold Ray dam Sunday. • Kenneth Beil, who is employed in Klamath Falls, spent last week* end visiting at the R. E. Bell home here. • Lynn DeMille of Klamath Falla KF.HVKI.1CAN CANDIDATE FOIL visited at the W. O. Martin home Sunday. NOMINATION FOK • Misses Lois White and Edna Hash appeared on a program over radio station KM ED in Medford Monday afternoon. Lois sang a solo, accompanied by Mrs. Wini­ fred Judson, and Edna played a cello solo, accompanied by Miss Agnes Jones. Both girls played with the little symphony orchestra Tuesday evening. • Misses Ruth and Margaret Walker played a piano duet at Qualified By Many Years the Civic club house for the Music Study club Wednesday afternoon. of Experience Miss Betty Dunn also presented a piano solo. The girls are stud­ ents of Mrs. Richard C. Joy. If Nominated and Elected 1 Mill Give • Those wishing to attend the Efficient, Courteous and home makers' retreat at Irtke o’ Economical Servier the Woods arc asked to phone Mrs Walter Hash. Subjec t to Primaries May 17, 101» • The Community club held their last meeting of the season Wed­ nesday. During the business ses­ — Paid Advertisement sion Mrs. Floyd Samford was in­ stalled aS new president, Mrs Moore as vice president, Mrs Al­ bert C. Joy as treasurer and Mrs Herman Helm as trustee. Hostess­ es were Mesdames C. H. Modrell, Albert C. Joy and Herman Helm. The mystery-box wax opened and gifts were presented to the re- BLOX $9.25 L. 0. (OTTO) CASTER Vote 62 X C. A MYERS COUNTY ASSESSOR Life - Auto - Fire INSURANCE Monument« and Markers of Bronze and Granite At Price« You Can Afford M. T. BURNS Next Door to Post Office Call Office 0M1, Kes. H400 Evening Appointments “DEPENDABLE SERVICE" Frank Perl REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE For County Coroner Subject to Primaries May 17, 1910 Paid Advertisement \