CHICK EAGER FOR REMATCH HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS WITH SCHULTZ 111 By 1 TO1J) YOU SO (Reading Time 2 Mimic*. Glancing Time 10 Second*) Friday Saturday . Friday, May 3, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 and 10c Ml tte Travedine Salesman boy Dude Chick, the former world champion, after he fouled out to Dutch Schultz at Medford armory tyiTH all this softball chatter last Monday night. Chick failed I ’’ and g«H»d-natured banter going to release a Boston crab after he around town lately. Hindsight per­ had been exposed to a lot of rough ceive« an awakening of the ath- treatment at the hands of Schultz Idle-minded and a rebirth of the ami the referee gave the bout to good old days when a baby was the German. born with a mitt in one hand, u Chick hounded Promoter Mack bat in the other and cried "You La lla rd all week for another robber!" instead of the conven­ chance at Schultz and finally the tional "wail" when irritated. That contracts were signed for no time is, all except little Willie down in limit, no referee in Use nng and Medford, who came into this world only the choke hold barred. The with one rubber arm, another oae match will be the top main event muscle-bound, and a proclivity for Monday night, May 6. grounding out to right field. And Bulldog Jackson, also billed as this summer ball league probably Yukon Jake, will return to the is a good thing for our little city armory after many months ab­ because it gives business men a sence and will meet Ernie Piluso chance to get out and build blist in the middle spot. Jackson's vic­ ers and callouses on some part of ious hammerlocks have made him their bodies besides that jxrt last one of the nation's most feared seen as they round a comer or grapplers. head for the dinner table. It also Bobby Chick and Frankie Clem­ gives us youngsters a chance to ens, the Indian wonder boy, will holler "Swing, you panty-waist," open the card at 8:30 p. tn. at dignified gentlemen from whom a half-hearted hello would be as welcome as a year's supply of A-T Bows to lipstick to a Ubangi mol) A summer wouldn’t be complete in without Ebe Dunn blattlng out his brains at some poor unfortunate, All hopped up over their sur­ or Bert Miller bellering "Jesse prising 9 to 5 win over the Med­ James" at Umpire Curly Crease, ford Rogues the previous week, who always, even under heavy vo­ the Ashland-Talent baseball club cal barrage, does his best. journeyed to Gran s Pass Sunday * 1 * and were trimmed 7 to 3 by the High school track coach Skeet Merchants, also of the Southern O'Connell seems to be well pleased Oregon league, in a practice game. with outcome of his squad, which Errors were a large factor in the won two second places in the pair A-T defeat, with seven black of meets entered And for a bunch marks being chalked up against of greenhorns who never before them. had been on a cinder track, they Skinny Wilson worked first four showed up well. The first night innings for the A-Ts and issued of practice some of them were so one base on balls but failed to bewildered they thought a pole strike out any of the batters fac­ vault was a bamboo bank and that ing him. George Bullion relieved a low hurdle was something a Wilson in the fourth and whiffed short chubby woman was laced two and issued no free passes No kidding. O'Connell the Nine local batters were struck out into. first night of practice called a and four were given free trips to vacant-looking little fellow over first. and said "Why don’t you put the Score by innings: R H E shot ?" “Okay. came the answer, G Pass 030 101 110— 7 2 but where's the key to the ar­ A-Ts 000 002 010— 3 6 7 mory?" Batteries: Ashland- Wilson and Special credit should be given Bullion to Skeeters; Grants I*ass to little Ross Willard. Fred Shere. Cook, Cabler and Tarrence to Joe Burdic. Don Nosier, Ed Bost­ wick and John Bergstrom, all of Woods. Hilt of the Northern California whom have won their letter. In league gave the Medford Rogues the Yreka meet last week Willard a 12-3 thrashing in Medford Sun- showed as clean a pair of heels as day. ever trod a barnyard when he ------------•------------ scampered down the track with • Funeral services for J. Oscar the speed of a scared rabbit on Talent were held Saturday after­ Easter morning to break the noon with the Rev. J. C. Orr of­ tape in the 880-yard dash, and ficiating. Interment was held at Shere, running like a bleached Ashland cemetery. Pallbearers in­ Jesse Owens, crossed the line first cluded Homer Moore, W. O. Mar­ in the 220-yard dash, while Bur­ tin, J. M. Crow, McCollum, Rush dic and Nosier took seconds and thirds, but nevertheless contrib­ and Ben Christlieb. • Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Deadmond uted their best efforts Yep. you and Mr and Mrs. Tilton spent the gotta give guys like that credit.— BUD SILVER week-end at Shasta Springs. • Kenneth and Donnie Reynolds ! • Subscribe for The Miner today. are recovering from measles. Power • WED « THUR • Everyone 10c I^ÜTFOIFÜN Merchant Grants Pass BASEBALL OPENING STATE LEAGUE MEDFORD FAIRGROUNDS SATURDAY NIGHT—Starts 9 p. m SUNDAY—Starts 1:30 p. m MEDFORD CRATERS vs. Jack and Jill Portland Nine OPENING GAME OF THE SEASON! Spiiay BYINCTON Joan VALERIE Russell GLEASON Admiaaion 40c—Children Free I • Mr and Mrs. Daniel Farmer ! Ashland Tennis l*ads Title Rounds Will I and Dolore« of Dorris, Calif, were guests at th** Willis To Play Klamath 7th Start at Junior Hi week-end Byrd horns. HOW THEY STAND Team W I.. Pct. M'*-------- - Medford High Tennis Teams Defeat Locals Playing on the local high school courts early Saturday morning, Hollis Beasley's Ashland high netmen were turned back by the Medford Tiger racqueteers 5-2. Medford's second string made the day perfect by winning over the Ashland second string 6-1. The varsity score* follow: Pro­ vost. Ashland, lost to Chan. Med­ ford. 6-l, 6-0. Jandreau. Ashland, defeated Eldridge. Medford, 6-4. 6-2. Merritt, Ashland, lost to Cooley, Medford, 7-5. tt-3: Ormond. : Ashland, lost to Maruyama, Med­ ford. 61. 2-6. 7-5; Finnell, Ash­ land. lost to Smith, Medford, 6-0, 8 10, 10-8. Doubles: Provost and: Jandreau defeated Chan and Eid-1 ridge 9-7. 8-6. Cooley and Muru- ! yama defeated Ormond and Mer- , ritt 6-3 and 8-6. ■ ■ ■ •------------ Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. Claude E. Nay re, Vicar Holy communion, 8 a. m. Church school, 9:30 a. m. Sermon and holy communion, 11 ■ m Holy communion 9:30 a. m. Wednesday Choir will meet at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening You are cordially invited to worship with us —-—e " • Subscribe for The Miner today. Friday, Saturday “BOY MEETS GIRL” with James Cagney Pat O’Brien ----- also — “The Lone Star Pioneer” with Bill Elliott “AMAZING MR.WILLIAMS” with Joan Blondell Melvyn Douglas AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT AIJ4G NEWS AND "THE OREGON TRAIL'* 3 AI.L.MTAK .MAIN EVENTS Wednesday and Thursday Medford Armory Everyone 10c For Réservations Phone Brown's, Medford 101 Final Cleanup USED CARS WE ha V e taken reductions on all THE FOLLOWING USED CARS. ALL CARS PRICED FAR BELOW’ ACTUAL VALUE! 1928 1930 1929 1936 Ford Tudor, special price............. ..$50.00 Chevrolet Coach, special price....... 95.00 Buick Sedan, special price........... 115.00 Willys Coupe, special price.......... 195.00 1935 1936 1934 1938 Ford Fordor Sedan, special price 275.00 Ford Coupe, special price............... 295.00 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan............... 285.00 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan.............. 595.00 Phone 6 <32 FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE CLOVER LEAF DAIRY IM VOI R PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? See STEVEN IL Low Mileage W Low Mileage, Runs Like New—100% Guaranteed COMMERCIAL CARS, PICKUPS AND TRUCKS 1929 Ford Truck, special price............... $90.00 Closed Cab, Platform Body 1933 Ford V-8 Truck, special price....... 195.00 Dual Wheels, Closed Cab, Platform Body RICHARD CREEME A HOME OWNED THEATRE' Phone 7561 Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Junior Play Day Is Popular Innovation The first annual Junior high school play day was held at the senior high athletic field Wednes­ day afternoon. May 1. The student body was divided into four color groups with tennis, horseshoes, softball, baseball, track and re­ lays the sponsored events. Ribbon awards were given for first, second and third places in each event. In order to allow for wider student participation, each student was limited to entrance in three events. The blue team won first place with 11.700 points, the purples took second with «800 points. 5100 counters gave the reds third po­ sition and the greens were fourth with 2400 LITHIA 1935 Ford V-8 Truck, special price....... 315.00 Closed Cab, Stake Body, Dual Tires, Motor A-l Dr. Hobt. E. Lee Optometric Eye Specialist • 103 North Central Phone 1509 Medford, Oregon 1934 Ford V-8 Pickup, special price..... 275.00 Motor Completely Overhauled, Good Rubber, Guaranteed 1937 Ford V-8 Pickup, special price....... 375.00 Motor Reconditioned, A Guaranteed Car ACHING CHESI COLDS Need Mora Than “Just Salve” To Relieve DISTRESS I To quickly relieve chest cold misery and muscular aches and pains due to colds— it takes MORE than “fust a salve”—you need a warming, soothing "counter- {rritant"like good old reliable M usterole —used by millions for over 30 years. Muateroie penetrates the outer layers of the skin and helps break up local con­ gestion and pain. 3 strengths: Regular. Children's (mild) and Extra Strong, 40* 15 YEARS IN BUSINESS IN ASHLAND IS YOUR GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION! LOW TERMS—EASY PAYMENTS! Claycomb MotorCo. PHONE 4011—ASHLAND Wholesale Prices on Gasoline, Lubricating Oils, Fuel Oils, Tires, Tubes and Batteries Mirror Barber Shop and Rooms Fourth Street ROOMS 35c UP CHILDREN’S HAIRCUTTING 25e Life - Auto - Fire INSURANCE Monument* and Marker* of Bronze and Granite At 1*1100* You Can Afford M. T. BURNS Next Door to Post Office Call Of floe «261, Ren. 6406 Evening Appointment* “DEPENDABLE SERVICE”