4 Friday, May 3, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER • HILTS NEWS • • Mnrlowt- Grroy attended a scout meeting in Yn-ka Thuraday evening Horton Geroy and Killy Gran accompanied him. • A number of senior Epworth league member* attended a roller »kitting party in Aahland Hatur- day evening. The oars taking the • WANT ADS • 1c per Word per Insertion FOR HALE OR TRADE Eor livestock or property, 1937 1',,- ton (’hev truck, 1936 V-8 coupe. Harley - Davidson motorcycle Brahe Bros., Inquire Hornes* Service station (lHp) FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford. (48tf) In the <'«Minty Court of the State of OregiHi for the County of Jackson In the Matter of the Estate of A W. MOON. Deceased NOTICE TO < KEDITOKM The undersigned having been apiiointf'd by the above entitled court of the state of Oregon, for the county aforesaid, administrat­ or of the estate of A W. Moon, ileceastMj, and having qualified, notice is hereby given to the cred­ itors of. and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them, verified as required by law. within six months after the first publication of this notice to Said administrator at the office of Briggs A Briggs, attorneys. I’loneei building, Ashland Oregon A C. NININGBR, Administrator of the Estate of A W .Mo-in l> I xitcd May 3. 1940 i May 3-10-17-24) OF INTERESTTO ALL ASHLAND HOMES: Civic organizations arc urging an immed- late cleanup of all cans, debria, garbage. To enable uh to fully cooperate in this work we ask that residents phone us, whenever : ¡Kissible, telling us where and when to send a truck for this ! work. young folks witi - driven by Mix. Mary Uiurentz, Charles Wright and W A Gran Mr» Elmer Jack- eon accompanied Mr» l^uurrntz • Mix Andy Vieira returned home Saturday from a two week» vixlt with her mother In Weed • Two Hilt boy» w ire entered In event» In the high school track meet Friday in Yreka Ernext Dutro broke the county record In the 440-yard run, making it In 57 3 seconds, and Raymond Cole­ man took first place in the foot­ ball throw • Among those who attended the Yreka high vx Mount Hhaxta high xchool bancball game in Yreka Saturday were Mr and Mr» Cole­ man. Margaret and Raymond Coleman, Adolpho, Silvio and Vic­ tor Zanotto, Walt Fowler, Court Rowe, Mr and Mr» W A Gran and non Billy, Horton Geroy and Ernest Dutro. • Mr and Mix Richard William» and »on» Runscll and Roy were buaine»» visitor» in Medford and Axhland Saturday. • M im Edwards 1» attending the library until Mr» Roy Hord re­ cover» from her Hine»» • Mi and Mr» W A Gran and »on Billy »pent Sunday with friend» in Medford • Mt» Bert Mitchell haw been ill Mince Mon-lay Mrs Raboe i» stay- Ing with her • Mi and Mr» Richard William» are visiting Mr» Stuck in Chico. R iimw I and Roy William» drove them down Sunday and returned Monday • 'rhe Universal Road »how ix putting on a »eric» of entertain­ ment» at the club hou»e, the firxt being held Wednexday evening • Mr anil Mrx Roy Clevenger and »on Bobby were in Yreka Saturday. • The Hilt baneball team played the Medford town team Sunday in their second practice game The »core was Hilt 12. Medford 3 The opening league game will tie play­ ed May 5 on the home diamond with McCloud, • George Wright in confined to his home by an injured ear • Subacrib«* for The Miner today Page 7 • Mr». Vincent I^ariini Wedne»day morning left for near Eugene to viait her son», John anil Victor* • Service» were held at Litwiller Funeral parlor Saturday for Eu­ gene E Levulett, with the Rev .lame» Morgan conducting. Fall­ bearer» included F E RuMill, Ed­ ward Grimm, James George, Har­ ry B George Jr., John Zulick and Jarrie» Forney Interment was in the ¡OOF cemetery. • Mr ami Mr» Albert Arnold leave Friday morning for John Day to visit during the week-end with Dr and Mrs Rae Foster. Mr» Foster is their daughter. • Henry Walter this week re­ turned to Honduras, C. A„ after being called here by the illness of his mother. Mr» Elizabeth Waiter. Buy A Home While You (’an Buy Right! 3-room house, very large lot, fine location, **00.00, easy term«, t-roam house, I acre ground all in fruit, *1,000, easy terms. Very fine 10-room house, grand location, cost *10,000—*',.500. Very fine 0-room house, wonderful view, did ask W,.500—$2,000. II acres, lovely IF room huse, splendid I mat Ion 2>t ml., *4,500. About 3 acres, fine comer, 7-room house, lots fruit, *2,200. Good ti-room house, very clone in, paved walk and street, *1,000. H. C. Galey, Agent, Ashland Hotel Bldg. GOOD PRINTING - A MINER HABIT! "Remodel your home WITH A FIRST NATIONAL FIIA LOAN" CLEAN UP? —We l>o It Every Day of the Year! The laundry dor« It BEST—and we give you the added service of daily pick-up and delivery—and think of the convenience of having all needed minor rrpair» and mending carefully made! Phone 7771 WE WEIAOMK NEW CUSTOMERS GIVE I S A TRIAL—WE DELIVER > Ashland Laundry Co. PAINT ... IS THE BEST REAL ESTATE SALESMAN! ; ■ ; Do you want to increase the value of your property, make your home more attrac­ tive, more salable? Then Phone 3811, the ; Crosby Texaco Sta­ tion, or 8201, my resi­ dence, and we will try ; to be there when you : want us. Add to its comfort, value and attractiveness! Now is the time to make those needed improvements— to remodel, repaint, add PAINT NOW! ; To assist in getting this done as reason­ ably as possible and to assist Ashland resi­ dents, we will cut our ■ rates of hauling dur­ ing the next week by at least one-third. HERE’S HOW YOU OBTAIN A extra rooms, a new heat- ing system or other con­ MODERNIZATION LOAN *. Secure Estimate of Cost A»k the CASH price from your coni,octo, or bu.lding materiel wo- ply dealer ’ 2. Soo The Firtt National Bank Bring the eitimote to the moil convenient bronch for checking the loan. There it no deloy The firit Not>onal con grve DlRKT approval. 3. Mail th» Certificate of Completion to the bank. Thi« it supplied by your contractor or builder when the work is finished. Th» Firtt National Bank than pay» CASH. No Delay,! . . No intro Charge! BEST GRADE OUTSIDE PAINT veniences. $2.88 gal. offers long-time FHA YOU« IMPROVEMENTS COST................... $200 Modernization financing ••paytn« 7 year» . . . monthly ppyment in $ 9.1« Pittsburgh Sun-Proof! •ir The First National Bank Examples of modernization financing : ■•paying 1 year . . . monthly payment in $17 55 on existing structures up Repaying 3 yearn------ monthly payment 1» $ «.39 YOU NEED NOT BE A DEPOSITOR TO BORROW FROM THIS BANK to $10,000. i P E R 'l RSHbRRD RRRRCH FIRST RRTIORflk RRNK lh-xlgn. to fit every type of room, at prie«*« to fit JiiHt what you want to pay! FAINT IS THE BEST SALESMAN WICKS FURNITURE OF PORTLAND— *Tha Firtt National Bank W««t of the Rockies' Ashland, Phone 8761 ■ E ■ I E I S’MATTER POP— Uncle Si Got > Kick Out of Hi* Gag FEIEIÄL lEFOSIT IISUIARCE CIIPIIATIII By C. M. PAYNE Ashland Sanitary Service DEWEY VAN C URLER Now Is the Time To Buy Fire Insurance ★ . ENGLE & THOMAS AGENCY Ashland Hotel Building MESCAL IKE >, s L. HUNTL1Y Love’« Young Dream Goe« to Pot