Friday, May 3, 1940 • Talent Parent Teachers an«o- ciutlon elected the following offi­ cers at their last meeting: Mrs. Ed Jones, president; Mrs. Karl Baylor, vice president; Mrs. Hoy SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Parr, secretary; Mrs Jay Terrill, treasurer. A program followed the business meeting with the Talent accordion band playing, followed by a solo by Lydia May Baylor and a talk on child recreation by Mrs Lem Frink. • Mr and Mr« Edwin Graham have purchased property .x-cupied by Mixa Gould ami parents M ims Gould moved into the Davis prop- erty south of town and th.- Gra-« move«! into their n.-w place • Word has been received here that Mr and Mrs Billy Bates of Dunsmuir. Calif., arc the parents of a 6^-pound son Mr and Mrs. I Kates are former Talent residents I • Mr and Mrs Benny Babbs and children of Carberry carrip were guests of Mr and Mrs Wayne ______ r___ I Cowdrey last ______ week • Victor Willburn of Thompson creek wax transacting busbies« In Talent Tuesday. • Mi and Mrs Ivan Olson are the parents of a «laughter, bom April 23 • Mrs Delbert Goddard and Mrs C. >. BOWMAN Don Montgomery were »hopping in Medford Tuesday afternoon • Miss Nora Malone, woh spent the winter in Talent, moved to Medford Monday. > Mis Lyle Russell of Applegate visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs __ .......... . ..............., Guy Stager, Monday. e ;M; «¿¡'£7h«l Hodapp of „ltay visiting Vi«iti»ig Eagle Point spent Hln .Sunday friend« m Talent e M,„ h o |.(.Illan<1 ,,t Valiev view wax shopping in Talent Mori- day. • Mr and Mrs Urthari McDowell of near Phoenix visited Mrs Mc- Dowell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben (‘lark, Friday • Mrs Don Maygard was an Ashland caller Thursday, • Mrs Bertha Hungate returned from Community hospital in Ash- week and is convalescing at her home. • Talent Townsend club members met Thursday night in the city hall A pot-luck supper was en­ joyed by many in attendance Fol­ lowing business, Mrs Harriett 2« years in Jackson county, liaised my family here. Made a aruall fortune in the building business 1‘riictlcully retired. Still young enough to be active both physically and mentally. Have fought for more efficient use of public money ami for tux reduction. Not afraid to fight for my prin- I ciplcs. 5 years active service in the Townsend work U y. ars an I. <> O >■ Believe myself capable of hand­ ling the position of County Commissioner. Paid Adv. CORONER ROSCOE L. LARSON CANDIDATE FOR (.EG. n ERBON- IGE M THE TOWNMEND CANDIDATE I OK COUNTY COMMISSIONER