Friday, May 3, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 • Mr. and Mn. Ralph Wilburn visited friends near Trail Sunday. • Mn. Andy Carrol of the Uits- worth ranch was shopp ng in Tal­ ent Tuesday. • Mrs George Phiefer was shop­ ping in Medford Tuesday. HERBERT K. HANNA Scout Training Series Announced for Muy Two nights of training for Boy Scout leaden and one night for Cub leaders in the Ashland dis­ trict were announced by The«» J. Norby, district Boy Scout chair­ man. at the regular monthly meet­ ing of the scout committee held in the Uthia hotel Monday night "Both courses." said Norby, "are open to all interested adults tn Ashland and Talent, ami there will be no fees attached to either training session.” The course for scout leaden and committeemen will be held in the city hall at 7:45 p m May 14 and 24 and will cover the field of troop J* L. 0. (OTTO) CASTER Democratic Candidate for County Commissioner Primaries May 17 WILL STRIN E TO BE FAIR AND IMPARTIAL TO ALL THE COUNTY I came to Oregon in 1884 when a small boy, with my parents, and have lived here all the time since, except three years when I resided in Cali­ fornia. I have farmed and raised cattle the past 35 years. ,1 am married and have raised a family of three girls and one boy. These are my qualifica­ tions for Commissioner: Served as road supervisor for six years, and worked on roads off and on during the past 30 years. Served as commissioner from 1935 until 1939. L. O. CASTER Was bom in Jacksonville in 18S2, where I have resided ever since but have maintained my law office at Medford for approxi­ mately 20 yean. Have practiced law for the past 34 yean, having a general practice covering pro­ bate. criminal, civil and equity trial work. Upon graduation from college I studied law in the office of and under the direction of my father while he occupied the circuit bench in this district and was re­ quired to attend and follow the actual trial of the cases conducted in his court from the institution of the action until final judgment FOR STATE and all of the court's rulings upon the pleadings and evidence and instructions of law to the jury were carefully analyzed and ex­ plained to me All briefs submit­ ted to the court by the attorneys were given me for study and I had to view all law points from I the viewpoint of both plaintiff and defendant and cases appealed to the Supreme Court were given special study. When my father resigned from the bench in 1910 we associated in the law practice as Hanna A Hanna until father’s death and upon Judge Calkin's retirement from the bench Judge Calkins and I associated as law partners under the name of Calkins A Hanna until Judge Calkins moved to California. I have had no other LESLIE M. SCOTT partnerships “An All Oregon Man ” I enjoy good health. I am of the Christian faith, but am affiliated Republican Primaries May 17» 1940 with no particular church. Ad paid for by Scott for Treacurer Com an l tec. (Pd. Adv.) SCOTT TREASURER W. W. (Wes) Truax Republican Candidate For COUNTY COMMISSIONER Thirty-two years residence in Bague Rogue River Valley engaged in mining, storekeeping, vineyard, orchard, general farming and stockraising and feel I know the needs of the people of Jack- son county. IF NOMINATED AND ELECTED I WILL DO RIGHT AND FEAR NOT. —Paid Advertisement management, outdoor programs, troop morale building and hand­ ling of a troop. The training for Cub leaders will be held nt 7 45 p. tn May 16 I in the city hall and will cover the field of Cub puck organization and management Parents of nil Cults and parents of boys of Cub age | are most welcome to attend, ac­ cording to Norby. Kenneth Wells, scout executive front Medford. a.*uil*t in both training courses there will be ample time for cussionn and demount rat Iona. e • Mrs Bill Hotchkiss and Mrs I Liwrence Burnett made a busi-| ness trip to Klamath Falls Friday. • Subscribe for The Miner today. Ralph Billings » Son of pioneer*. Fam­ ily consists of wife and son; attended local school and Oregon State Col­ lege; farmer; been active in civic affairs, including church, Red Cross, 4-H Club. YMCA. Grange and Boy Scouts, Have en- deavored to be fair to all sections of the county, A few years ago coun- ty warrants were offered for ten or more per cent discount. At one time the warrant indebtedness reached over $300,000. In­ terest rate was reduced from 6 to 5 and then to 4 per cent. Today Jack- son County is on a cash basis without any in­ crease in levy. Net bond­ ed indebtedness decreased to about $15.000. Many things have contributed to make this possible. Confidence was restored. People have been able to pay their taxes more regularly. Our discounts for cash have been greater. Our income from Federal Government has been continued, especially the sum tn lieu of taxes on the former railroad lands , Many tracts that came to the county through tax fore­ closures have again been placed on the tax roll, a total of several thousand dollars per year. The road program which was for several years only one of poor maintenance through lack of finances, has now been able to expand and build a few miles of permanent road in several different sections of the county. The welfare program has grown during the years until It is nearly 100.000 annually. The foregoing could not have been made possible by any one person, but represents the best efforts of those who have been members of your court during the last few years. I have enjoyed my seven years work. —Paid Advertisement George R. Carter 4 ~l LOFLAND HARRY Itrpiililicati Candidate for County Assessor NEILSON JAUKNON COUNTY, OREGON Native of owner and wince 1X97. experience thin county, property taxpayer continuously Qualified by *0 yearn an deputy aanrsaor. NUHJE4T TO PRIMARIEN MAY 17 Paid Advertisement X REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION AN COUNTY CLERK SUBJECT TO PRIMARIES MAY 17 Your Support Will Be Appreciated —Paid Advertisement REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR District Attorney Vote 62 X C. A. MYERS REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION FOR JACKSON COUNTY AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION MAY 17 Experienced, Qualified, Earnest, Conscientious Service to All 12 Years Experience in the Duties of the Office GEORGE W. NEILNON, wife and two boy» have resided In Jackson county for the past 22 years and has been a taxpayer for 21 years. Graduate University of Oregon Law School and admitted to practice in 1916. In addition to legal practice, has had a wide experience in other business lines, including lumbering, mining and railway work, which has proved very beneficial in handling the varied duties of the office. Has worked diligently to promote the natural resources of Jackson county with success. Has collect­ ed, without cost to workers, more than $10.000 in wages for employes of lumber mills and mines. Will protect the best interests of Jackson county and its citi­ zens by experienced judgment, discretion and fairness and will perform the duties of this office in an efficient, trustworthy and economical manner. Your Support and Vote Appreciated —Paid Advertisement COUNTY ASSESSOR 1 Qualified By Many Years of Experience If Nominated and Elected I Will Give Efficient, .Courteous and Economical Service Subject to Primaries May 17, 1940 — Paid Advertisement Frank Perl . I REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE For County Coroner A Subject to Primaries . May 17, 1940 Paid Advertisement »