Friday, May 3, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 MUST BUILD OUR WAY Into A New Era of Prosperity AND COOPERATION AND LOYALTY TO OUR PEOPLE AND COMMUNITY IS THE SOUNDEST BASIS UPON WHICH WE CAN BUILD A PERMANENT, GROWING STRUCTURE! I Prosperity Is Dollars At Work It is upon local industry and local employers that the burden of providing payrolls falls. So by loyally sup­ porting our local industries first we make them profit­ able and self-sustaining and thereby create a situation favorable to the attraction of other industries. We want more industry and more employed labor, so we must see that every means at our disposal is used to make those industries, already in Ashland and Jackson county profitable. It is the local farm markets, the markets for livestock and produce, our processors of fruits and vegetables, and our employing factories that have been supplying our economic life. Loyalty to these institu­ tions is our first requirement and first line of attack. The dollars that stay in our town and community are the ones that work for* us every day. The dollar that goes, out of town, that isn’t spent to help the local em­ ployer, is helping to tear down the structure we now have. Loyalty of ideas is useless without loyalty of your dollars and we can’t build further unless we sup­ port the present foundation. Cooperation of efforts and consolidation of our buying power TOGETHER are required to start us back up the grade to expand­ ing business, new industries and a prosperity that will make money for the laboring man, the employer, and the man in business or professional life. Have Confidence in Your Neighbor*Trade at Home THIS PAGE MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWING ASHLAND MEN AND FIRMS: THIS PAUK MADE POSS1BIJC BV THE FOLIA>WING ASHLAND MEN AND FIRMS: Mayor Thornton S. Wiley Ashland Chamber of Commerce Frank J. Van Dyke, Attorney Stevens’ Cash Market Schuerman’s Grocery J. P. Dodge and Sons Funeral Directors Reed & Young Texaco Service Western Auto Supply Co. Taylor R. Williams, Auth. Dlr. C. P. Talent Jones Can Fix It—Watches Lininger Implement & Hdwe. Metz-Richards 10c-25c-$l Store Plaza Trade Shop McNair Bros. Drug Store Harrison Parts Co. Greyhound Tavern Elks Barber Shop Briggs & Briggs, Attorneys Build With Our Own Resources Each dollar spent with local employers of labor assists in building a reserve which in turn may be used for new’ industries, and suc­ cess for these local institutions which now’ employ hundreds of men is the best incentive for the installation of further new’ in­ dustry! BUY AT HOME There is very little merchandise, labor or professional service which cannot be had as reasonably here in Ashland as anywhere else in Oregon or the West Coast. In building and labor costs, due mainly to local sources of Oregon building materials, we can actually con­ struct here from one-fifth to one-third LESS than anywhere in the West, and because of large available sources of raw materials we have every favorable factor that makes industrial expansion possible. ■ ' V • George W. Dunn Jordan’s Electric Co. Lithia Hotel and Coffee Shop Roy Frazier’s Signal Service East Side & Plaza Markets Hiram’s Ice Cream Store City Market Broady’s Drugs Billing’s Agency Lininger Sand & Gravel Co. F'ORTMILLER’S Pine Box Company Bohemian Club ’ The Log Cabin I. C. Erwin, Insurance White House Grocery Community Hospital Hamaker & Brower General Petroleum Station A Wimpy’s »