I Friday, May 3, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 cc By Our Good Service You Shall Know Us!” U Lil! IL II N It W ■ I I I I • Mr and Mrs. Roy Clary ami family of Klamath Palls visited Monday nt the Ed Grimm home. DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS 17c WHITE HOUSE LETTUCE-Per Head - - 5c BANANAS—per pound - - 5c FLOUR NEW POTATOES-5 pounds 15c 49’s BUNCH VEGETABLES 3 for 10c $1.49 TOMATOES—per pound - 10c SHREDDED M-J-B Coffee, 25c lb. WHEAT 3 packages CRISCO—3 pounds - - 49c JELL-O—each.............. 5c SWAN S DOWN - - - - 23c BISQUICK.................... 32c CAMPBELL’S CORN FLAKES—Kellogg’s 3 for 19c 25c Dish Free! SOUP 3 cans for ■ HOME MADE CHICKEN PIE 18c ■e* All Except Chicken and Mushroom MILK—Oregon, 3 for - - 19c WHITE HOUSE COFFEE - 23c SUGAR-White Satin, 10 lbs. 52c HONEY—5-pound pail - - 35c • Mr and Mrs R D Reynolds and family moved to their new home at the Ashland airport this week ■Mi discussion will begin M 10 a m. Election of officers will be of interest to all. Mrs Dunn will discuss floor finishes. Mrs Ring and Mrs Ayres are hostesses • Mrs Dews, primary teacher, returned Monday to school after an illness of several weeks. 15C ISC 13e 13c 12c 13c 17c 23c « V See Our New Stock of Fishing Equipment Carpenter Tools Baseball Goods and Automobile Accessories WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. • Mr and Mrs Dean Horne of Ashland were Monday evening dinner guests at the Archie Kin­ caid home. • Tuesday night the Sewing I! club met, members enjoying bam*- ball following the session. PHONE UHI I 100 EAST MAIN STREET • Mr and Mrs. James Crow have sold their home here They plan to move to California soon TAYLOR K. WILLIAMS, AUTHORIZED DEALER 1 ✓ RADIO Close-Out SALE! • The Cooking III girls met Mon­ day at the home of their leader, Mrs Herman Helm. Joan Helm and Inez Yockel demonstrated light bread making Charlotte Mo- drell and Marie Gresham will dem­ onstrate the making of rolls at the next meeting • Walter Seitz of Tionesta spent the week-end at his home here Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas—No. 2 Royal Club Diced Carrots—No. 2 - - Royal Club Peas and Carrots—No. 2 Royal Club Corn—Cream Style—No. 2 Royal Club Sauer Kraut--No. 2| Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| - - Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| - - Royal Club Apricots—No. 2| - ■ SELBY CHEVROLET COMPANY • Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon Ht ... .............. Litwil- ler Funeral parlor for Charles An­ derson The remains were taken to Grants Pass for cremation. Pallbearers were Homer Moore. Dexter Woodworth, Arthur Pet­ ers. J Bohn, Gilmore and J. Walk­ er Services were conducted by the Rev. J Z. Walker • Jacksonville Grange members will present a program for the Bellview Grangers Tuesday Thir­ ty members are expected Hostess­ es. with Chairman Mrs. Kincaid, are Mr and Mrs Pankey, and Mr. and Mrs Wa words, to us, are much more than juM a catch* phriiM* aloguo . . . they an* the keynote, the sincere pol­ icy of our mrchunlcul iuu I service department*. We want them to mean aa much to you ns they do to us . . . won't you come In and get acquainted f • Marjorie Bell of Klamath Falls «pent the week-end at her home here. • The Extension unit will meet today. May 3, in Bellview Busi- MAGGIE BEAGLE'S 25c • County 4-H Club Leader Fran­ cis of Medford met with boys to organize a Bellview livestock club Tuesday night. CABINET AND TABLE MODELS AT 20% TO 50% SAVINGS Save’lOu’75 EASY TERMS! Portland Attorney Is Demo Candidate For Committee worn an “For President Roosevelt and continuance of his humanitarian program, adequate old age pen­ sions and proper recognition of Oregon democrats," is the plat- . hilco iiar EAST SIDE MARKET ™ PLAZA MARKET ™ Enjoy fuirai lour anil prrformanrr ever of. freed al thia price! fatally R. F. Sinar. Ilamlaomr raliinrl. Srr, hear anil timo llii« popular Philco corniole ! I FOUR FREE DELIVERIES DAILY! Always quality meats at less cost! We have a quantity of Fine Hams for our Saturday Special! For breakfast, lunch and dinner, served hot or cold, these hams are delicious ... Half or Whole HAM lb.24c Center Slices HAM 45c lb. A REAL BARGAIN! SATURDAY ONLY! HAM HOCKS 15c lb. For Seasoning Your choice of Morrell’s Pride, Kingan’s I Reliable, Swift’s Premium, or Carsten’s Sweet-n-Tender—. All tenderized, all skinned, all guaranteed! PRIME STEER BEEF ROASTS—pound* 18c “Especially Good!” form on which Nora Hitchman, young Portland attorney, above, bases her candidacy for national committeewoman from Oregon If elected, Miss Hitchman de­ clares, she will work for the best Interests of the party and to ob­ tain proper recognition for demo­ crats of the state. Miss Hitchman wax graduated from Sunnyside grade school and Washington high school, Portland, and the University of Oregon law school. She has been active in democratic organizations and at present is secretary of the Mult­ nomah county central committee, secretary of the Jackson club of Oregon, vice president of the Young Democrats in Multnomah county and a district captain in the organization of precinct workers. --------------------------- •--------------------------- • Subscribe for The Miner today. * --------- Amazing New PHILCO PORTABLE Operafes on AC - DC or Baffer y I $34.95 Ask About Our Big TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE I ( (No discount) with hatteriet Completa PHILCO 84T. P|„M anywhere . . . outdoor. on srlLcontainrd bat­ tery . . . indoors on house-current. Built-In JxM»p A'rial. Underwriters* Approval. ELHART’S 270 EAST MAIN STREET, ASHLAND > A