Friday, April 26, 1910 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 W. T. (TOM) MILLER < INDIDATE FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE JACKSON AND JOSEPHINE COVNTIES PRIMARIEN MAY 17, 1940 Paid Advertisement r TODAY and SATURDAY! ...Jonathan Swift's Amazing Fantasy Comes to Life on the Screen!!! OBRIEN in “LEGION of the LAWLESS” SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY! DISNEY CARTOON and “OLD HICKORY” PRICES NOW 10c and 25e Next Wednesday, Thursday—Everyone JQc M-O-M PICTURE played as Junior heavyweight champion and fans arc getting back their old respect for him Bobby Chick, Dude's older brother, will face the tough little Irishman from Kamuis City, Itay (Mickey) Ryan, hl the opening Another team match awaits the bout which will go to the mat at wrestling fans at Medford armory n 30 p m 1 Julies night will not be next Monday night when Promot­ in force for this card er Mack Lillurd semis clever Ern­ ie Pilus«» and scientific Frankie mm tufa NT YND Clemens, the Indian wonder ls>y. W. L. Pet. into the ring against Pete Bel- Team— 500 1 1 castro and Ngt Bob Kennaston. Ashland .500 1 1 Klamath 1-alls currently the toughest muscle­ .,*»00 1 1 mung lets in these parts Piluso Graut» Pa»» '.(HI 1 1 and Clemens gained consid« raid« Medford prestige In last Monday's battle royal and are all set to do all Hollis Beasley's Ashland high possible damage to their Monday tennis team scored All unexpected night foes. victory over the strong Klamath Belcastro and Kennaston have Falla netmen on the high M-hiail been exceptionally gtsxi ring bud­ dies lately, always doing every­ courts here last Saturday morn­ thing |H»ssible to help each other, ing Tile score was five matches but just how good they will be to two for Ashland In the first aguinst a pair of cool-headed mat- team contests and four to three men like Plluso and Clemens re­ in favor of Ashland In the second tram matches mains to be seen. Dan (Dutch) Schultz, the big • Subscribe for • The Miner today. blond roughneck from Houston. Texas, will be up against a tough customer when he tackles (Yjwboy Dude Chick in the middle bout. In the lust few weeks Chick has re gained much of the form he dis- TEAM MATCH TO 21 TURN OUT FOR TOP MAT MELEE GRID PRACTICES The biggest play day ever plan­ for the Junior high school will AT BLAKE’S CALL ned be held starting at 1:15 p. in. Juniors Plan Play Day Of Sports Events For Afternoon of May 1st \VHEN Leighton Blake, new high school football coach, is­ sued his call for spring football I practice he was answered by 21 ' young hopefuls who for the last week have been practicing funda- | mentals, blocking, tackling, learn- I mg new playa and going through other maneuvers on the local grid­ iron to prepare for a heavy game schedule next fall. Blake, who will be aided next year by Gerald Gaatineau, has dispensed with the varsity-senior game, usually played at this time each year. and will devote most of his nine to teaching funda­ mentals such as pivoting, shifting, several types of blocks, passing. I kicking and other important phases of the game to furnish his players with a complete knowl­ edge of the sport in which they are participating. Those turning out Monday In­ cluded Vernon Rush. Albert New- bry, Ivan Randles. Bill Briggs, Martin Herrin. Russell Hawk, Russ Fowler. Bob Dunn, Chuck Jandreau, Chet Fowler, James Smith. Bob Weaver, Earl Warren. Richard Westerberg, Bill Jacoby, Wayne Pickens, Lawrence Hall, Don Warren, Ken Caton, Bud Pro­ vost and Dick Finnell. Rush, Her­ rin. Hawk. Jandreau, Fowler, Smith, Weaver and Westerberg aie lettermen from last fall. Wednesday, May 1 Al Simpson, athletic director, will be in charge According to Simpson, school Is divided into four teams for com|M