Friday, April 26, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER • WANT ADS • lc per Word |>er Insertion WANTED TO KENT Small acreage with housu and burn, prefer between Talent and Ash- iand. The Chateau or cull 4742. FOR HALE «-tube radio, not yet u yeai old, touch tuning, chimp. Inquire Miner office. FOIt HALE New and used desks, tiling cabinets, swivel chaira and safes. Medford Office Equip merit Co., 32 North Drupe street, Mudford. (48tf) NOTICE OF HALE Notice la hereby given thut, pur­ suant to an execution iaaued out of the circuit court of the alate of Oregon for the county of Jack- son, on the 28th day of March, ItriO, in an action wherein Murk Skinner, superintendent of banka of the alate of Oregon, la plaintiff, Elmer D. Morrison and Flora Mor­ rison are defendants, and H. E. Key la assignee of lire judgment obtained therein, 1 have levied upon the following described tcul piepeily, aituutcd in J ik kaon county, Oregon, to-wit: All of the right, title and in­ terest of Elmer D. Morrison in and to Lot 31» of Montvlew ad ditiun to the city of Aahlund, Jni kaon county, On-gon mid on tin- 1th duy of Muy. 11140. at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day, at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Medford, Jackson county. On-gon, 1 will acll the above deacrilx-d premises nt pub­ lic auction for cash to the high­ est bidder , to astisfy the JU lg rnenl in said action, together with Ito- costs of sale. Dated April 2, 1940 HYli I BROWN, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon l!v HOWARD GAULT Deputy. BRIGGS & BRIGGS Pioneer Building Ashland, Oregon Attorneys for Plaintiff (Apr MS-1»-») United States Department of the Interior, General fjuid Office, O. and C. Administration, Portland, Oregon. Sealed blds, marked out­ side "Bld for Timber," and ad­ dressed to the Chief Forester, O. mid C. Administration. 410 Custom House, Portlnml, On-gon. will be received until 10:30 u m . Pacific time. May 7. 1940. f»i t tn- put chase of timber upon tracts here- , inafter described; the cutting and removal of the timber to be car­ ried out in accordance with the forest practice rules approved on July 7, 193« by the Secretary of the Interior. Each bid must state the amount |>er thousand feet, board measure, that will I m * paid for each species or class of timlx-r. No bid for leas than the appraised value will In- considered Each bid must be submitted in duplicate and be accompanied by a deposit. The deposit must be in the form of a certified check on a solvent Na­ tional Bank and in favor of the Chief Forester of the O. and C. administration. The amount of the deposit will be computed at the rate of at least 20 per cent of the Brat 11000 of uny estimated stumpage value; at least 10 pci cent of the next $IHHH) of any es­ timated atumpuge value and at least 5 per cent of any additional eaiimated stumpage value in ex ceMl of 110.000 and up to $25,(XX) in amount. The deposit of any successful bidder will be credited aa a first installment in the pay­ ment for the timber. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be re­ turned upon awaid of tile bill A bond on all sales will be required in an amount computed at the lute of at least 20 pci cent of the flist $10.000 of the bld, plus 10 per cent of uny additional umount of the bid in excess of $10,000. Payment for timber will be required in ad­ vance of cutting, payment iu full ut the time of filing the contract being required In aules amounting to $2500 or less In larger sales, puyment tnay be made in a num­ ber of installments scheduled to keep puce with the rate of timber cutting and payable U|H»n demand from tiie Chief Forester. The suc­ cessful bidder in each sale exceed­ ing $5(XX) in amount will be re­ quired, prior to the approval of the contract covering such sale, to furnish a sworn financial state­ ment showing ubllity to fulfill the let ms of the contract. For copies of the form of pro|s>iuil, form of contract and bond, ami other infor­ mation, application should be made to the Chief Forester. O and c Admiiiistiiition. Portland, On gon. The timber volumes, given In the following appraisals, are esti­ mated and may be more or leas than the amounts stated Living cull trees and young timber lees than merchantable size are re­ served from cutting Payment for timber unless otherwise specified shall I m - based ujKin th» estimated standihg timber volume In Hen­ ton Count» . T 13 S . R 7 w See 23. NEL NW'« Yellow Fir 1«35 M feet BM. Hemlock 795 M feet B M ; none of the timber to be sold for less than $2 00 per M for the Yellow Hr, $75 per M for the Hemlock T. 14 8„ R 6 W. 8M 19. N'.NEL Red Kir 1100 M feet B M , Yellow Fir «20 M fact BM Red Cedar 15 M feet B M ; none of the timber to be sold for less than $1 75 per M for the Red Fir. $2 00 per M for the Yellow Fir, $100 per M for the Red Cedar. All trees under 24 Inches DBH reserved from cutting T 14 S R « W . Sec 31 NWft Red Hr 3500 M feet B M . Yel­ low Hr 275 M, feet B M., Red Cedar 105 M feet B M ; none of the timber to be sold for less than $1 75 per M for the Red Fir. $2 00 per M. for the Yellow Fir, $1 25 l>er M for the Red Cedar. Ail trees under 24 Inches DBH reserved MESCAL IKE ■r s. 1- from cutting In < olumbia Comity: T 4 N.. R. 2 W , Sec 29, mature timbei located in WfcWWWi NK'i. Red Fir 120 M feet BM., none of the timber to be sold for less than $1.75 per M In Douglas < ouniy: T 29 S„ R 3 W , Her 27, WLNEL, H'ANW'4. NW',HWl/4 Incense Cedar only 415 M feet ft M , none of th»- tlmls-r to be sold for less than $1.35 per M Trees marked or otherwise desig­ nated for cutting In«- County: T 15 H . R 6 W . Sec 17. HEL MEL Red Fir 1525 M feet BM none of the timber to be sold for less than $175 pot M T 15 S. R 8 W . Sec 35, HE L MW L . S'i SE', Red Fir 1885 M feet BM. Yellow Fir 3375 M feet B M Red Cedar 110 M feet BM, Hemlock 415 M. feet BM,; none of the tim­ ber to I m - sold for levs than $1 75 per M. for the Red Fir, $2.00 per M for the Yellow Fir, $1.50 per M for the Red Cedar, $1 (X) per M foi the Hemlock T M 8 R 8 W., Sec. 5, I jo I s 5. 8, 8 and 9, Yellow Fir 1086 M feet B.M Hemlock 45 M feet BM, Red Cedar 2«K M feet BM; none of the timlrer to be sold for less than $2 (X) per M for the Yellow Fir, j $1 50 per M for the Red Cedar, $1 (XI per M for the Hemlock Al) Yellow Fir trees tnder 3k inches DBH and Hemlock and Red Cedar undet 24 inches DBH re­ served from cutting T 19 S, R. « W. Sec 13, NE',NE>, Red Fir 1040 M feet B.M . Yellow Fir 310 M feet B M . none of the timber to be sold for less than $1.75 per M for the Red Hr $2 00 per M for the Yellow Fir All trees under 24 Inches DBH reserved from cut- ' I mg T 20 S. R 1 W Sec 35, ‘ BEL NEL Yellow Fir 1980 M feet BM , Red Cedar 50 M feet BM , Hemlock 65 M. feet B M.; none of the timber to he sold for less than $2 00 per M for the Yellow Fir, $100 per M for the Red Cedar) and Hemlock In Linn Comity: T. 10 S„ R 1 E. Sec 33. ESSE>4 Yellow Fir 2800 M feet B M . Sec 35. S',SWL Yellow Hr 1015 M feet B M , Red Cedar 50 M feet i B M ; none of the timber to be I sold for less than $2 00 per M ; for the Yellow Fir $150 per M for the Red Cedar All trees under 24 inches DBH reserved from cut-| ting T 10 S. R 2 E . Sec 9. SELNEL Red Fir 1307 M feet B M , Yellow Fir 832 M feet B M . Sec 31, MW'« Red Fir 1483 M feet BM, Yellow Fir 1675 M feet BM. Red Cedar ?76 M feet I BM. Hemlock 983 M feet B.M, Noble Fir 1291 M feet B M ; none | of the timber to be sold for less than $1.75 per M for the Red Fir, $2 00 per M. for the Yellow Fir. $1 50 per M. for the Red Cedar. $100 per M. for the Hemlock and Noble Fir. All trees under 241 inches DBH reserved from cutting T 15 S , R 2 W., Sec. 21, NE'4 SW'4 and S'aSS Red Fir 11483 M feet B M Red Cedar 25« M feet B M., Hemlock 144 M feet BM ; none of the timber to be sold for less than $1 75 per M for tne Red Fir, $1 00 per M for the Red Ce