Friday, April 20, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Washington School News DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS 10c HOME GROWN ASPARAGUS—per pound LETTUCE-Per Head - - 5c TOMATOES—per pound - 10c BANANAS—per pound - - Sc CUCUMBERS—each - - 10c AVOCADOS—Each - - - Sc Swift's Bacon SQUARES lb. 7c Strawberries, 2 boxes 19c « KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES Bulk Salad Oil—bring container, gal. 95c Oxydol—large 19c Cheese—per pound 19c Snowdrift—3 pounds 45c Tasty Salad Dressing—quarts............. 17c Sugar—10 lbs. White Satin 52c 3 for 19c DISH FREE! COFFEES c ^ lk 24 c PEARL SHORTENING 4 pounds FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR 37c 49’s........................ $1.69 BISCUIT MIX............ 25c 18c MAGGIES’ HOME-MADE CHICKEN PIES ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS ISC 17c 15c 13c 12c Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas—No. 2 Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| Royal Club Catsup................... Royal Club Whole Kernel Corn—No. 2 Royal Club Sauer. Kraut—No. 2| - - Meco Corn—No. 303 ................... Meco Peas—No. 303 EAST SIDE MARKET ™ PLAZA MARKET 7ni FOUR FREE DELIVERIES DAILY! tt. Quality for Lets” Fresh, Young Pork Spare Ribs For Hot or Cold Meals! Tender LEG OF PORK ROAST pound 14c pound 17c SATURDAY ONLY! lou may secure your Columbia Em­ pire Contest entry blanks he ¡re! Fryer Rabbits Lard, 3 lbs. 25c ★ The best of Beef at lowest prices! L. LINK SAL SAGE—Saturday Only—2 pounds for 33c ASHLAND CREAMERY COTTAGE CHEESE...... pint 10c A Local Product—for Saturday Only FRESH BRAINS —.each basket 10c Bill Leever of Ashland, junior in science at Oregon State college, was one of »lx DSC represent« tives of Sigma Gamins Epsilon, honor society in geology. al U»e national convention in Salt Uik<- City, «luring spring vacation The convention included field trips to the open pit mine at Bingham, the copper refiner.v al Alta, the Wu witch mountains and Great Sall lake On their return trip they visited the science departments at Stan­ ford and the University of Call fornix and the Acamedy of Science In San Francisco • Mi and Mrs Hithan McDow­ ells have moved to near Phoenix By St IIOOI. STI DENTS from the Spitzer house. Mr. and In our room and in other rooms Mrs George Conner occupy the in Washington school w,- have house vacated by the McDowells. banka. These iamks are for the • Mr. ami Mrs Hoy Estes, Mr children's crusade for children We laimb. Mi and Mrs Joe Tryon pul money tn the bank* Wo start and Mr and Mrs Lem Frink mid ed April 22 and are stopping family spent Sunday on tile April 30. The money from these Greensprings. banka we send across the sea to • Mr and Mrs Al Sherard at- the boys and girls who have no tended the Townsend «lance m money. We are supposed to put as many ¡tennics us we are old In Ashland Thursday night. e • Cliff Green has completed re the bank Melvin Morgan Saturday my daddy and I went roofing of his house. Trinity Episcopal • Mr and Mrs. Roy Parr have on a fishing trip We got up at purchased the house in which they 3:30 a. m We took our salmon Church We ate lye living from D. R. Smith, local ]>ail» and trout palls Dr. Claude E. Mayra, Vhsr breakfast In Grants Pass, then we contractor. • J. Phillip! of Roseburg was went to the river to fish The first Holy communion. N u m transacting business in ~ Talent day we did not get a thing, but the second «lay I hooked one that Church school, 1» 30 a m Monday Sermon and morning prayer. 11 • Talent grade school pupil» were bent the hcx»k straight and got in The Old Fellow» ami tti- given a medical text Monday un­ away I gave up the salmon fish a ... . der the supervision of Dr Merkle ing and fished for trout. I « aught beknli« will attend this service in • Lee Fifield was a business call- six trout and one sucker Donald a I m * ly. Holy communion, 0:30 a m Green. ei in Ashland Monday. • Fred Hodapp of near Eagie Sunday Curtis Reed, Floyd Wednesday Choir will meet nt 7 30 o'clock Point wax a Talent visitor TUes Reed. Irene Reed ami I went for day a walk We were near the water­ Friday evening You arc cordially invited to wor- • The First Aid club met at the shed We tk our lunches. We home of Mrs. Harriett Bates pres- waded in the creek but decieo- out The Indiana burned the cen­ of the General Federation of ple there Mary Margaret White ter out of logs so they could ride down stream Robert Fult<»n built Women's clubs An interesting When we went to the CCC camp program was presented, followed In Medford we saw how they had the first steamship that went up the Hudson river Herbie Wilson by a silver tea made some little animals ami ash 1 went on a picnic Humlay af­ • Mr and Mrs Henry Mason trays out of tin < ¡ him W,- went have returned from Washington, to another room and suw the fun­ ternoon We hiui a lol of fun We went to the woods We heard the where they have been visiting a niest kind <>f a flower Th«v ■ « Hinging all about We pi son. Wayne, and his family for some wild flower» We picked wiki the last two weeks • Many Talent people attended Glen Withrow. Charles Fen»». Mr dwarf blur lupine, cat ears and the annual P-TA play at Wagner and Mrs Cliff Collins. Mr and some big. tall wild lupine We had creek Friday night and report an Mrs Earl Brisco. Hertha Hayman a very nice lime You should go enjoyable evening The play wax and Mr and Min Barney Riggs to the woods some day yourself The evening was s|>ent playing and just see how nice it Is You entitled Mr Bob " • Mr and Mrs. Dick Yerington pinochle, high score prize going to should see how beautiful it is to of Elk Horn lodge and Mrs. Orma Mr and Mrs Vic Mason, men's n- m Oregon Mary Jane Col«- Gordon of Klamath Falls visited low to Mr. Collins and women's man. low to Mrs Brisco The fifth graders recently sent Mrs. Anna Dickey Friday Mrs Wayne Cowdrey and copies of the Washington Flash • Ladies of the Missionary society of the Presbyterian church in «laughter Shirley and Mrs R F cs" to 27 Ashland» in the I'S Ashland met at the home of Mrs Parks were Mrdfonl visitors Mon­ • Subscribe for Tiu- Miner tixlay D R Smith Thursday afternoon day. An interesting program on for­ eign missionary work was pre­ sented. Mrs. Edgar is president of the society. • Mrs Bob Logan and Mrs Blanche Hungate were shopping in Ashland Thursday. • Mrs. Bertha Hungate was ad­ mitted to Ashland Community hospital Saturday for medical treatment. She is reported to bv Saturday, April 27, of improving steadily. • Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown of Anderson creek gave a dinner •t their home Sunday honoring Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs Ben Clark, on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary Among relatives present were Mr and Mrs Delbert Clark and fam­ ily, Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and family. Mr. and Mrs Lathan McDowell and family, Mr. and Mrs Ben Clark and the host and hostess and family. ( het Hughes, formerly of Safeway’s • Harvey Wally of South Ump­ qua Falls CCC camp spent several Produce will be glad to days last week with his parents in Talent, Mr. and Mrs. Walter any of his old friends his Waity. • The Extension unit met in the New Market in the old Southern Ore­ city hall Wednesday to discuss floors and their care Mrs. Ethel gon Gas Co. office (Swedenburg bldg.) Lacy and Winifred Mason were leaders. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon • W. R. Bosche of Medford is stopping ih the Talent camp ground. He is employed at the McKeen sawmill. • John Pfttinger of Ashland was a business caller in Talent Mon- day. • Mr. and Mrs. Helbig of Rone- burg spent the week-end with Mrs. Hel big’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lxmg. • Friends of Mrs. Winifred Mason gave her a very pleasant surprise at her home last week when they gathered at her home to remind her of her birthday anniversary. A covered dish luncheon was en­ joyed by Mesdames Keith, Bell, Connor, Hayman and Withrow. Mrs. Mason received many beau­ tiful gifts and cards. • A number of Talent people at­ tended the funeral services of Mrs. Harry Weagant in Ashland Tues­ day morning. • Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Collins of Ashland were transacting business In Talent Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Lacy en­ tertained at their home Saturday night the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Homes of Ash­ land, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Poling, Mr. and Mrs George Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Vie Mason, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Grand Opening QUALITY Produce Market Department, welcome Life - Auto - Fire INSURANCE Monuments and Markers of Bronze and Granite At Prices You Can Afford M. T. BURNS Next Door to Post Office (all Office 6261, Res. 6406 Evening Appointments “DEPENDABLE SERVICE” ' at À