Friday, March 29, 1940 ; Washington •! : School News < By M< IIOOL HTCDENTN The 3-b »nd 4-b had a good re port on communication by Mary jane Coleman and I I m i old Gillette. Wti learned that there were many way» of communication. Home of the ways Hie aigns, talking, news pa|*era, phones, telegraphs, radios, letters, Ixioka, pictures, bells anil many other ways lionaid Wren The teacher let ua hunt for Easter eggs; we each had three eggs. We brought three hard boiled eggs Mini then w<* colored them with our crayoliia The 4-a glrla hid them for ua to find. Marianne Clary. Monday, March 17, we hmw a moving picture on safety. it was very good Melvin Morgan Mlaa Bruner from Yuba City, Calif., came to viait ua Wednesday, March 20. She told ua about the big flood. Hhc told ua how they had to put their furniture in the lank houses and about how the water came up to the tank and got aonie of the furniture. Our two goldfish died Their names were Cleo and Sharp Kara We had them over a month Bus­ ter Thompson. We arc making poem books We have many poems about fairies, brownies and many other things Lawrence iiali. W’c were Invited to visit the Ashland Groceteria bakery shop last Tuesday. The most interesting things were the slicer, the huge ovens and the big mixers. Mr Bart baked cookies so that we could sec how a baker works. W<* wish to thank Mr Bardy and Mr 11.lit fol their kindness The 4 . Class Donald Cui lop, 5-b, broke his arm while playing at home Mary Alice Young, 5-a, relumed to school Monday after a three weeks siege with the measles Betty Bullis, Ruth Ager. Ijtut i Swanson, Barbara Henderson and i Alma Jean Clary of the Chicks- j garni Camp Fire group sang sev­ eral songs in the amateur contest tryout All rooms observed Easter by telling the Easter story, coloring | and hunting Easter eggs, by draw- i Ings and in various other ways. | Harold Gillette brought a col­ ored glass so when the sun came out we could see the spots on it.— Thelma Winkleman. The Chickagaml Camp Fire girls went to the police station Tuesday evening to find out about finger printing. Mr Talent, Mr • WANT ADS • ! M uhic Study Club Hears Fine Program : LINCOLN : : School News : Provost, Joe lambert and Jack Chambers. Sunday John Hotell and his father went bass fishing near Gold Ray dam They caught one fish Then they came back to Ashland and went out to Emigrant and fished for catfish They caught 23 Bill Starnes and his brother Ned went to the Easter egg hunt in the park Ned found six eggs and Bill found four. Sunday, March 24, Catherine Silver went to the Easter hunt in the park In the afternoon she went to the show, "Swiss Family Robinson," which she enjoyed very much. Pauline McDougal went to the park to hunt Easter eggs Sunday She saw Barbara I^e Dotson and Rena Russell. They had a very good time. The third grade Is going to keep a record of pioneer history. Each of the children is going to have a book They are going to write stories and draw pictures and maps The maps will show where the pioneers went to get to Ore­ gon Ixillta Moore brought some vio­ lets and flags for room four's gar­ den She planted the violets by a tree. The third grade lioys chose new soccer team captains They are Harry Kannasto and Roger Hall. ( LI B PRESIDENT COMING The president of the Oregon Pro-America, Mrs. Roy T. Bishop of Portland, will be in Ashland Friday, March 20, at which time a special public meeting will he held in the city hall at 7:30 p. m. with the Ashland Pro-America group as hosts. The public is in­ vited to attend. ---•----------- • Mr and Mrs R E Haleman of Klamath Falls were dinner guests Easter Sunday at the Ted Huff home. 'Hie Ashland Music Study dub presented a program of selections1 written by Edward Macdowell and Ethelbert Nevin in the Civic Club By SCHOOL STI DENTS house Monday night. Mrs. Itoy Monday, March 25, Mi and Mrs Bartley s|x>kc on the works of Macliowell and Nevin as the fea­ C. II Thomas gave room five three ture attraction of the musical pro­ blue delphinium plants to plant gram, which included the follow­ out by the bird bath. The boys ing; who planted them were John Ho- Vocal numbers by Roy Carruth­ tell, Ronald Nance and Edward ers, "Mighty lark’ a Rose" and Beare. They thank her very much "The Rosary," by Nevin; MRS. GLADYS CHADWICK, I ji for giving them the flowers. Piano solos, "To a Water Idily" Grande, Ore, says: Old Cherokee seven is enjoying the sil­ anf I xi I m Flre- bothered me, and I was J * Larger, Mere student teachers. Home of them I/> ih While. Wanda Wyant, nervous. It helped all Ftaots ami M d—n A Osrt Leslie Sogsworth, violins; Frances are Miss Cherry, Miss Harrison this, SPECIALLY that Atkins, viola, Edna Bash, ’cello; and Miss Hom. tired weak feeling. I Pharmacy Janet Baxter, buss, and Ethel May Monday, March 25, pupils of have nervous head­ East Robinett, ¡ilano. aches so much, and it Lincoln school went to the high 242 East Main, Phone 4311 relieved this too. A short reception followed the school to see a film called "Birds Mrs. J. I-a Flemme, program. of Prey.” It showed owls, vultures, eagles and hawks It showed what Portland. Ore, says: IS TOUR PRESENT LIFE fn the hill near the Lilina STEVEN Mury Rush • Sold ny EAST SIDE PHARMACY Our room, 3-a and 2-b, had a park when he was playing base­ ¡dano recital at 11 o'clock Tues­ ball with Jack Dickinson, Dom • Subscribe tor The Miner today. day morning Joyce Reinhold play­ ed "In the Swing" by June Waldo, i PHONE 4721 Earline Rogers played "Joyous ■ • Waltz" and "The Knight and the | METROPOLITAN LIFE luidy " Margaret Wagner, "Boat­ INSURANCE CO. ing Song" and "French Song;” Shirley Newbry, "Dance of the | Wooden Shoes," and Virginia Idl-1 iy. "Nightingale" and "i’ussy." We enjoyed the music very much. My Health 1 brush and comb mv hair And it makes me feel Like a. millionaire. Virginia Lilly, 3-a. Optometric My Health Poem When you are sick go to tied and Specialist stay. But when you are well, go out­ doors and stay. • We are fully equipped to reline auto and Earline Rogers, 3-a. Spring truck brakes, turn scored or pitted brake 103 North Central Spring is coming, coming sn. Phone 1509 drums, or make adjustments. Drive a safe Let ua sing a merry tune, Medford, Oregon Ix-t ua sing about the spring car—keep your brakes in good condition! And hear the merry echoes ring —Helen Flaharty, 3-a. WE MAKE STORAGE TANKS! ■ ..... - ♦----- GIRI-M VISIT POLICE Shop Fifteen W’ashington school Camp Fire girls and their adviser, Wil­ and ma Nutter, visited the police sta­ Fourth Street tion and fingerprints, the study of ROOMS 35c UP 97 OAK STREET, ASHRAND PHONE 4536 which counts towards credits in CHILDREN’S HAIRCUTHNG their Camp Fire work, were taken 25c of each for civilian identification. ' Side R. • HOW ARE a SCHUERMAN - YOUR BRAKES? Dr. Robt. E. Lee Eye OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP MESCAL IKE Mirror Barber Rooms Deaperate Character Gives Up! Br 9. L HUNTLEY lc per Word per Insertion FOR SALE New and uaed desks, filing cabinets, awlvel chairs and safes Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, M «if ord. (48tf) NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. ’ In th«' Mutter of th«' Estate of Edward T. Merrill, DMBSMS. Notice ia hereby given that the undereigned has been appointed executor of the estate of Edward T Merrill, deceased. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notifi«*d to present them duly verified to N. Dickey. I-awyer, 8 Steams building, Ash­ land, Oregon, within six months from date of first publication here­ of. Date of first publication March 3. 1940 Dennis W. Merrill, Executor. (10-11-12-13) NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of A. M. Reaver, Hn-NiMd. Notice ia hereby given that th$ undersigned has filed her final ac­ count in said court and the court has fixed Monday. April 8, 1040, at 10 o’clock a. m. and the court room of said court at Medford, Oregon, aa the time and place for the hear­ ing of any objections there may be to said report and settlement thereof. Minnie Beaver, Administratrix. (10-11-12-13) TUBBY Page 5 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER A Dismal Future.