Friday, March 22, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 THREE ASHLAND ISwiss £ \ ami 'y <’ominK t <> About People You Know! ] arsity Sunday, «Monday and 1 uesday I-------------------------------------- PLAYERS GIVEN • HILTS NEWS • ALL-STATE NOD G’HREE Ashland high school A Grizzlies. Bob Weaver, Bud Provost and Charlie Jandreau. made honorable mention on the all-state team selections following completion of the Oregon state basketball tournament Saturday in Salem. The tourney was won by Salem, who defeated Pendleton 36 to 30 in the final game. Astoria's routing of Monroe gave the Fish­ ermen third place while Baker took fourth place by showing theii heels to Ashland. 35 to 20. Che- mawa's 51 to 27 shellacking of little Helix gave the Indians fifth spot while sixth went to Monroe, state "B” league champions Ash­ land copped seventh position and Helix placed eighth among the 16 district champion teams represent­ ed at the tournament. All-state first team positions were won by Lewis Beck. Pendle­ ton, and John Eggers. Pendleton, forwards; Russell Satter, Salem center, and Roy Seeborg. Astoria, and Wayne Hodgen, Pendleton guards. Second team winners were Art Koski, Astoria, and Virgil Sebum, Salem, forwards; Gene Knutsen, Astoria, center; San Cromwell. North Bend, and Charles DeAutremont, University- High of Eugene, guards. Honorable mention selections included Medley and Simpson. Leb­ anon; Barnick. Salem; Weaver Provost and Jandreau. Ashland; Jarrett, Erlandson and Lowe. Guardsmen Win Klamath Falls; Van Pelt, Che- Marshfield Here' mawa: Kononen. Helix; Simonsen. Astoria, and Spence, Baker. In Second-Half Butte Falls Players Rate The all-state B team includes Battery B. Ashland unit t>f the Wallace. Monroe and Kononen. National won a thrilling Helix, forwards; Earl Kyle, Mon­ second-half Guard, victory over the roe. center, and Eddie Ellis and Marshfield National Guard in the Hoefs, Butte Falls, guards. Hoefs local armory Saturday night. also made the team last year. Ashland went into the tourna­ 34 to 32. Marshfield led" 24 to 7 the midway rest period but at ment with little or no hope of win­ at ning and was expected by many the start of the second half the basketeers began to click to drop their first two games and Ashland gradually overcame the lop­ be eliminated but the Grizzlies1 and went to work on the Chemawa In­ sided Marshfield lead. The lineups follow: dians on opening night and set them back 30 to 22. Their next Ashland (34) Pos. Marshfield (32) game was less successful, how­ McLean F ever, and Pendleton nosed out 31 D. Warren Barnard to 27 after leading 24 to 14 at Lee ................ F Sunbawn start of the fourth quarter. Fri­ Bentley .......... C. Hanson day afternoon's battle with Leb­ Ayres .............. G. McDonald anon was a nip-and-tuck affair MacCollister ... G until the closing seconds when Substitutions : Ashland — Cole­ Ardie Warren stole the ball from man; Marshfield—Bune, Hill. a Lebanon man under the Berry­ pickers' basket and passed to Bob Weaver, who was standing under into fourth place and forcing Ash­ the Ashland basket and looped in land into seventh position. the winaing shot for a victory, The outlook for next season's 29-28 Ashland high school quintet is a Saturday morning turned out to be a final thorn in the side of the bright one. since only Ardis War­ Ashland Grizzly as an inspired I ren will be lost by graduation Baker Bulldog aggregation walked while Alvene Munroe, Dale Adams all over the district nine cham-! and Bill Green will be edming up pions to win easily, 35 to 20, going from junior high. 34-32 Medford Club Will Open State League Rally Play on Albany Lot From The Medford Craters, entrants in the Oregon State baseball loop, will travel to Albany for their first games April 27 and 23, and then hurry home, where they will entertain Jack and Jill's Tavern of Portland May 4 and 5. accord­ ing to Information released by members of the Medford Athletic association. The problem of installation of lights for the Medford field has been assured with the sale of J10 bonds. All teams will play under lights with the exception of the Portland club, which is a traveling organiaztion. Each team will play two games a week for 14 weeks, with the contests to be staged Sat- urday nights and Sunday after­ noons. Each team will have 16 home games and 12 away, ex- cept the Portland outfit. • Far) Eklsal) of Klamath Falla Sunday visited here at the home of his mother, Mrs F W Edsall. • Mrs. Mary Pope underwent a major operation at Community hospital , Tuesday. ______ • Mrs George Frohrich and chil­ dren visited in Grants Pass Sun- day. Today & Sat ^ow Playing Southern Oregon Premiere Showing • Fred W Lahr of Cut Bank. Mont., arrived in Ashland Mon­ day to visit his sister, Mrs F. B. Kroeger. He is enroute to Los Angeles, where he will visit a .sis­ ter. Mrs. B F. Winkler, and his mother, Mrs. Anna latke • Daughters of Union Veterans will hold a cooked foods sale in the East Side Market Saturday. March 23. (12p) • Mark Smith, student at Oregon State college, is visiting here dur­ ing spring vacation at the home of his parents. Mr. ami Mrs. E. O. Smith. • G um Mitchell of Jacksonville visited here last week-end at the home of Mr. ami Mrs Charles Mitchell. • Mis E S Robbins Saturday returned from Corvallis where she was sent as a representative ol the Talent Grange • Celebrate with us Saturday! Elhart's. • James Parsons, student at the University of Oregon, is visiting here during spring vacation with his father, B J. Parsons. • Mi and Mrs Karl Nuns. Mrs W. D. Whittle and Peggy Whittle made a trip to Crater laike Sun- day, • Don Travia made a l usines» trip to San Francisco early thia week. • Mrs. Myron Miles of Baker la visiting at the home of her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. J A. Youngs • James Voss, who attends the University of Oregon, Is spending spring vacation here with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Voss • Mr and Mrs. R I Flaherty made a short business trip to San Francisco this week. • Mrs. W E Beers of Lakeview is visiting here at the home of her daughter, Mrs I’. D. McDoug- al. • W A. Snider made a business trip to San Francisco this week • Free gifts Saturday at Elhart's • Nixson Denton is spending his spring vacation here at the home of his mother, Mrs Bertha Den­ ton. He is a student at Oregon State college. • Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dimmitt of Klamath Falls visited here with William Dimmitt Tuesday. • Chet Phillips of San Francisco is visiting here at the home of his mother, Mrs. L. A Phillips • Mr and Mrs Eddie Samuelson of Mt Shasta Sunday viaited here at the home of Mrs Joseph Sam- uelson. • Mr. and kirn. George Rieka aie the parents of a son. Ralph David, born to them Sunday at their home on Oak street. • Mrs. Allen Porter of McCloud Sunday visited here with her brother. Vic Pieffer • 'Jean Moore is visiting in Port­ land this week. • LeRoy Lindner and Gerald kenberg visited in Portland week-end. • Agnes Parsons of Portland vis- ited here last week-end at the home of Mr and Mrs. Kent Ash­ craft. • We celebrate Saturday be our , guests! Elhart's. • John Billings of Klamath Falls visited at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Billings, last week-end. • Dr and Mrs. C. A. Haines made a week-end trip to Portland. Ashland Players Get All-Star Team Cards Wallace Beery DOLORES DEL RIO in “THE MAN FROM DAKOTA ■FEATURE HIT NO. 2- BOBBY BREEN in “ESCAPE FROM PARADISE COMING SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY! “ALL SEEMED LOST WHEN THE SOUTH SILA HURRICANE HIT OUR HOUSE IN THE TREE TOP-“ But it w as nothing com­ pared with the terrify­ ing tidal wave, ship­ wreck and lurking jungle perils ... Share a fearless family’s amaz­ ing adventures ... The world famous hook now the screen’s outstand- \ ing thrill-drama. Charlie Jandreau, Bob Weaver and Bud Provost, members of the 1939-40 Ashland high school bas­ ketball squad, this week received their award cards presented by the Medford Mail Tribune The three Ashland boys made the all-star district nine team in a poll con­ ducted by the Tribune, in which coaches of the three district schools and sports writers from Medford, Grants Pass and Ash­ land participated. Other players making the first team were Fred Gunnette and Bob Newland of Medford Second team cards were sent to Ardis Warren, Ashland; Walt Kresse and Rodney Stead, Med­ ford, and Don Hill and Fred Tread- gold of Grants Pass. Honorable mention cards went to Jim Smith of Ashland, Don Moyer and Bill Davis of Grants Pass and Ray Crosby of Medford. • Mrs Maiy Favero entertained for a group of friends March 12 ut her home Those present wen Mesdames Pete Favero, Angelo Andrighetto, HenYy Chinazzo, Valentino Cervellin, Joe Rosetti ami Giovani Zanotto. Delicious re­ freshments were served ami all en­ joyed a very pleasant afternoon. 10 Juniors Awarded Basketball Letters At • special assembly program arranged by Principal Earl Rog­ ers. Ruth Woon Ward, Frank Ward, Fulton Wil llama, Johnny Smith, Kenneth Brown ami the hostess, Mis Doi Roeecrans. Mrs. Bray was the re cipient of many lovely gifts freshinentN were served. • Mis Ted Walland was Visiting friends in Hilt Thursday • Mr and Mrs. Joe E Kings!« y and Mr. ami Mrs C U Rowatein ami daughter Frei «la May or Med ford were guests at the W A Gran home Sunday. • Mr and Mrs Richard William» and son Roy and Donald Hum were in Ashland Saturday. • Mr and Mrs W A Gran and son Billy and Horton Gcroy vi;i ited friends and attended a thru ter in Ashland Saturday. • Kenneth Kennedy arrived horn* Thursday morning from Bakern- fleld, .where he hud been confined to the hospital several months fol­ lowing an operation on his leg • Mrs. Lola Bray and Mrs Hei ley Clawson of Hornbrook weir visiting Mr and Mrs Walter Bray Thursday evening. • Robert Hord and Wayne Baun gartner were roller skating in Ashland Thursday evening BELCASTRO TO TACKLE ‘MR. X’ Pete Belcastro, conqueror Of Chief Little Wolf last Monday jumps from the frying pan Into the fire in the Medford armory Monday night, March 25, when he will take on Mr. X, a 220-pound masked wrestler who hails from Omaha, Neb Mr. X is making his first trip to the went coast He in I ugh but not dirty grapplei Belcantro'n ring generalnhlp, com bined with hin mean mat tactics, has largely been responsible foi his long list of victims but Mon day night he will be giving away 32 pounds to a man Who known an much if not more than the Wee«! Assassin when it cornea to rough stuff Don Sebastian cornea back to Medford after three years in other rings to meet Cowboy Dude Chick in the middle bout Sebastian weighs 205 pounds, is clean and clever and comes to southern Ore­ gon at the completion of a cam- paign in Portland where he won a vast following. King Kong Clayton, the colorei favorite from Alabama, will go u| against Bobby Chick, older brothei of Dude, in the opening bout Botl boys are fast, scientific wrestlerr and grapple addicts can look for ward to a clever match. This ’ bout will go to the mat at 8:30 p. m i ----------- •_ PANHANDLER FLUSHED < ON A transient, Enoi} Austin, , 57 Wednesday was picked up by Pa­ trolman Parker Hens for pan­ handling and taken to the city limits where he was hastened on his journeys. • Joyce Powers is visiting with her parents in Montague for a few days this week. • June McDougal and Carl Fehige made a trip to Klamath Falls Sunday. Subscribe fol nil' Miner toiliiv » .Sure money on LOW FRRES One Round XL ay Trip ji Francisco 85.05 80-10 m Angeles f».MO 17.65 rtlaml 5 20 »10 igeile 3.15 6.25 DEPOT: 101 r,. M MN I'hiMir 3311 GREYHOUND, 1 LITHIA A HOME-OWNED THEATRE Phone 7.5411 Friday, Saturday “THE BIG GUY ?» with Victor McLaglen Jackie Cooper “MAN FROM TEXAS” with TEX ¡UTTER Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “DESTRY RIDES AGAIN with James Stewart Marlene Dietrich ASHLAND'S NEW RENDEZVOUS! THOMAS MITCHELL* EDNA REST FREDDIE IARTNOLDMEW TERRY KILBURN - TIM NOLT IAIY BOUT QUILLAN K RADIO Picture i WEDNESDAY DIME DAY-EVERYONE 10e! EDWARD ELLIS in “THREE SONS” & “LAND KIDS ATTEND MATINEES—10«:—AND AVOID NIGHT CROWDS! OUR ADJOINING ROOM WITH BOOTHS AND TABLES FOR LADIES A-ONE DRAFT BEER FEATURING 5C per glass WRESTLI NG AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Finest Oliality Brew in Generous 6-Oz. Glass! 3 Al.l.KIAIl MAIN KVKNTH BOHEMIAN CLUB Medford Armory AL BROWER, Proprietor I For Reservations Phone Brown's, Medford 101 *