Friday, March 22, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Willie Durham, Well Known Ashland Soldier, Gets Boost Meredith K. Durham, non of Mm E'la Durham. 134 Church at reel, Ashland, recently was pro* muted to th<< grade of corporal in the United States army air corps lie I n a member of the 32nd Bom­ bardment squadron (heavy), first wing. GHQ Air Force, stationed at March Field, Calif Durham is well known here us ''Willie" l»y many friends and baseball fans As he steps Into the first rani of noncom missioned officer grade. Uorporul Durham faces a new field of responsibility and a great­ er <>|>|H>rtunlty for advancement to the top in the tanks of enlisted men He received his promotion from the grade of private first class With tire army air corps' recent huge scale expansion of personnel, equipment and facilities ami the schtsdlng and training of enlisted men In many varied fields. Cor poral Durham finds himself one of the many enlisted men in the GHQ air force taking advantage of the splendid educational ami vo­ cational opportunities now being offered air corps personnel March Field, Durhams station, s|M'clally loeuted for agreeable climatic conditions that allow fly­ ing activities during every season, nestles on u high plateau near the towering Han Bernardino moun tains, whose jagged peaks, capped with snow through the winter months, present a scenic contrast to the mild temperature that pre­ vails at tin- i'aclfie flyiM field The modern mllltaom«c Several lettermen and a number of last season's reserves answered Simpson's invitation. No games will be scheduled for the present. l-ettcrrnen who turned out In­ clude Owen Griffith, Calvin (toss, ill« hard DeMers, Bill Barker, Jamie Moseley, Charlie Morris and Jo«- McElfrssh Reserves from last year's squad i eporting an- Paul Wordsworth. Ward Croft. Jay Samuelson, Tom Anderson and Neal Arant. New material showing on the gridiron for the first time are Joe Whitsett, Jack Gunter, irick Kerr, Jess Ross, Charles Gettling, Mar­ vin Gettling. Ben Ricks. Hubert Taylor. Victor Lantis, Rolllc B -rry and Robert Hill John Delsman. who Rimpson had been counting on to fill one of the first-string guard positions, has been unable to report becuuse of a newspaper route. Simpson also has baseball on the spring schedule and hi* tennis tram has been practicing for sev­ eral days in preparation for a heavy program. _______________ e_______________ lc per Word jmt -----•----- Trinity Episcopal Church HELP.PROWPJo' WHEN YOU BUY YOUR CAR plsnt THRU THIS BANK Plast» sW FIswr», IxSssr» » Ovt East Side Pharmacy 242 East Main, Phone 4811 You Build Personal Credit in your own Home Town! IS YOUR PRESENT UFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? See STEVEN R. Buying your car through this branch SCHUERMAN of the First National opens a source of ready cash for your other needs — RIGHT HERE. This bank credit may be valuable if you want to borrow money for personal needs...or to buy, build or modernize your home. You need not be a depositor to borrow from this bank J. W. McCOY, Atanagsr Dr. Claude E. Kayrr. Vicar PHONE 4721 • METROPOLITAN UFE INSURANCE CO. z Dr. Robt. E. Lee Optometric Eye Specialist G. H. WENNER, Assistant Manager Holy communion, ham. Church school, f»:30 a m Sermon and holy communion, 11 a. m Monday, holy communion 9:30 a. m. Tuesday, holy communion 9:30 a m. Splendid Easter music has been prepared for BMtor Sunday and Doctor Sayre will preach a sermon entitled "The Risen Christ." • Walter Ix-verctt«- Sunday re­ You and your friends are cor­ turned from n trip t I’ran- dially invited to worship with us clsco and LxrS Angeles e • • Subscribe for The Miner today. • Subscribe for The Miner tmiay • WANT ADS • week-end for lack of muffler on Synopsis of the Oregon angling A Murphy resident, Thomas his car. laws for 1940 now are available iJewItt Blanchard, was fined |S at the Ashland Chamber of Com­ and 34 50 costs in Justice of the • Subscribe for The Miner today. merce office Peace M T Burns' court last • Subscribe for The Miner today JUNIORS HOLD GRID PRACTICE SWATTER POP— DRAWS FINE HERE Page 5 RSHIiRRD RRRRCH FIRST RRTIORRIi RANK OF PORTLAN D—*The First National Bank West of the Rockies* 103 North Central Phone 1509 Medford, Oregon Mirror Barber Sh?o and Rooms Fourth Street ROOMS 35c UP CHILDREN’S HAIRCUTTING 25c - - P»»t! Another Idea, Kid» - - - . - - By C. M. PAYNE Insertion FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabincta, swivel chain and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford.________________ (48tf) Non ■ «0 < KEDI I OKS lii Ihr ( »uiity Court of th«- State of Oregon for ,la< k«on County. In the Matter of the Estate of Edward T. Merrill. livs-ruM-d. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned haa been appointed executor of the estate of Edward T Merrill, deceived. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notifitsi to present them duly vertfi«*d to N Dickey, iaiwyer, 8 Stearns building, Ash­ land, Oregon, within six months fnim date of first publication here- : of. Date of first publication March < 8 I*. <40 Dennis W. Merrill, Executor. (10-11-12-13) MESCAL IKE Pa Get» Out of a Bad One ■r ». l HUNTLEY NOT l< E OF FIN \l. HE IKING In th«- (’«Minty Court of th«- State of Oregon for Jackson County. In th«- Matter of the Estate of A. M. Beaver, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed her final ac­ count in said court and the court has fixed Monday, April 8, 1940, at 10 o'clock a. m. and the court room of said court at Medford, Oregon, as the time and place for the hear­ ing of any objections there may be to said report and settlement thereof. Minnie Beaver, Administratrix. (10-11-12-13) TUBBY He Who Laughs Best, Laughs Longest. I DEVER SAu) YOU LAUGHU j AßDUTAD^THIMG UKE iHfcT BEFORE . You KOST ALWAYS CU.Y UJHAT (S SO J