SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ARSITY JkAl.Il* K. UJdlnl LN'L*7*tl FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 25c MATINEES A EVENINGS Kiddies 10c GREY'S - t'HíRITflÍErae DiSMl I PORRO WOODS • EVELYN VENABLE 1 ------plus------ Junior High Eleven Readies for Opening Contest with J’ville Promoter Mack Lillard has an­ nounced that Joe Smolinski and Hans (Hitler) Shulz, respective Polish and German wrestling vil­ lains. will clash in next Monday night's main event in the Medford armory. Both showed a fierce wil­ lingness to meet, Lillard said. A former heavyweight champion of the world, Dave Levin, will make his first southern Oregon appearance against George (Wild­ cat) Wilson in the middle event. Levin, a 195-pound clean-wrestling Jew, won the heavyweight title from Ali Baba four years ago, but himself was beaten soon after­ ward. He is one of the best-known matmen in the game. Billy Venable and Taro Ito will meet in the opening bout, which will get under way at 8:30 p. m. ADOLPHE MENJOU '(¡LOUIS COSTELLO ”■>61« DIKIEL SOCE Gets $3510 Student-Aid Coin p»tted dgarmt a humble mar who bed the cou'^je tc deS the throne' ¿(MUNI ¿¿¿DAVIS i. Of the $164.700 allotted to Ore­ gon colleges by the National Youth administration. Southern Oregon College of Education will receive $3510, it was announced in Port­ land yesterday. Students seeking aid will apply to their colleges, where officials will assign them to projects. Ap­ plicants must be between 16 and 24 years of age. and are paid on a work-performed basis. BUYS HELMS RANCH Harry Banks, Klamath county man. has purchased the 204-acre farm of Mrs. Mary I. Helms lo­ cated seven miles south of Ash­ land at the Klamath junction, and will take possession Nov. 1. Mrs Helms will winter in Hollywood with a son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Helms. • WED & THUR • Claudette COLBERT James STEWART WONDERFUL WORLD” E For Chest Colds Distressing cold in chest or throat, never safe to neglect, generally eases up when soothing, warming Mu»- terole is applied. Better than a mustard plaster, l.fusterole gets action because it’s NOT jus* a salve. It’s a "counter- irritant”—stimulating, penetrating, end helpful in drawing out local con­ gestion and pain. Used by millions for 30 years. Recommended by many doctors and nurses. All druggists’. In three strengths: Regular Strength, Chil­ dren’s (mild), and Extra Strong. Ap­ | proved by Good Housekeeping. 30 Years Success! Doctor’s Formula for Itchi.ig of ECZEMA First applications of powerfully soothing Liquid ¿emo (a tested and p- ■; d phy- s.elan's prescription) bring vc.n BBEATM) Friday, Sept. 15, 1939 («rants Pass («rinds ( raters 8-0 Sunday Steve Crippen amt the Grants Pass Merchants gave the Medford Craters a surprise H to 0 defeat in Granta Paas Sunday in the first of two out of three games for the Southern Oregon Itaaetml) league's Shaughnessy playoff finals The Merchants h-d lloosier Hoffard'a gang in their first trip to the plate and were never threatened Six Crater errors and Bill Fur­ long's blow-up In the first inning didn't help the Craters any Crip­ pen was charged with the win and Furlong was the losing pitcher. Batteries: Grants Pass Crippen to Wooda; Medford Fur- long. Rathke to G. < ittsan Tlie two teams will dash In Medford next Sunday HEvTNUi SJSVKTDQ ! CAI.I.S REFEREES Principal B C. Forsythe of the Ashland High school announced yesterday that all men who are interested in being appointed as officials for the ISw southern Oregon high school football league arc to be at the high school build­ ing not later than 1 p m Satin day. Sept 16. when the exam­ inations will be given HINDSIGHT; ON SPORTS : / r * ; In ‘Man’s ( asile Coming to Lithia 1c per Word j»cr Insertion KNOW FAI.I.M NEAR IIEItE With fall rains a welcome early arrival In Ashland, this week saw first snowfall of the season near here at Hiatt lake, where the ground was covered early Wed­ nesday. 7 LITHIA Friday, Saturday “WHISPERING ENEMIES” « with Jack Holt phi»------ “RENFRU ON THE GREAT WHITE TRAIL” u Ith OPEN FOR BUSINESS J P Johnston, jeweler and graduate watchmaker of 44 years exper- I lence, also an official watch in- [ spector at Portland for the SP We make watches keep time' 70 North Main ln-ct. Ashland (36c123) By I TOLD YOU SO IF SUET WILL DO IT. Coach Al x Simpson’s junior high football stalwarts should enjoy a tol'able season this fall. Several of Al's behemoths would make the beef trust look like vegetarians, they’re so ponderous. Coach Simp-ton i» no Mickey Mouse himself, but when he crowds his way into a huddle he has to duck to keep from bumping his head on their el­ bow*. One bulky player pass­ ed the six-foot mark along about the time he shed his milk teeth. And his weight? Well, it reads something like the Polish casualty list as an­ nounced from Berlin. • WANT ADS • i FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford (48tfl James Neill --- plui BUCK ROGERS and News Free Popsickles! To thr K Ridirà Saturday Matinrr (and Prtecw!) Sunday, .Monday and Tuesday According to the knothole patrol which has been scouting Al’s ag­ gregation. the juniors should be able to hold their own against Pat Patterson's Jacksonvillians and a stiff head wind next Friday afternoon when they play their first contest. And if the well-blub­ bered forward wall can get to leaning toward their opponents' goal it will require an anti-tank gun to stop their smashing lurch. Coach Simp, as he already is affectionately known by every junior high student in the com­ munity, has been drilling his boys on fundamentals, which the lads seem able to comprehend and ex­ ecute. Given more experience, they probably will provide tough competition for a number of jun­ ior high outfits around these parts. Al's only real problem this sea­ son should be supplying drayage to out-of-town games for his juve­ nile tonnage. Last week-end a coach's con- vention was held in The Miner office and the session required the steady application of a mop, two sponges and all of Arch Barks­ dale's dry towels The place sound­ ed like the maternity ward of Community hospital with dinner an hour late. It weems that the coaches had something to wail about, too. Iw-onard Patterson from J'ville started the black clouds gathering when he related how in his entire football turn­ out of 16 Iroys, but three of them had ever before seen a pigskin off the hoof. And (sniff, sniff!) along come three Medford coaches—Bill Bowerman, Russ Acheson and Riney Cook—with a city-slick­ er song and dance about en­ ticing them away to Medford. MAN’S CASTLE’ \BO\K Loretta Young and Spencer Tracy who ap­ pear together in “Man's Castle," coming Sunday to the Uthia theater for a three-day run. Clarke between sobs. "Down at Rogue River we've got only one player who ever heard of the game, and Medford already has subsidized him into moving to the city of princes!" Coach Simpson, who had con­ tented himself with wringing tow­ els for his unfortunate comrades, only occasionally broke the si­ lence with salty splashes on the brimming floor. When told of the session by Hindsight, Millie Hulen of thr Medford M-T s|M>rts depart - HH-nt laughed and laughed. Then, in more serious attitude, he propounded his only clinch­ ing argument in justification of Medford's grasping athlet­ ic tactic»: That'» ................ nothin'— y'oughtta see how kluinath Fall's combing THEIR terri- tory!” At that point Hindsight threw up his hands in despair and was pleased to note a mug of suds in one of 'em You just can't argue with that kind of logic! watsui NG AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Spencer Tracy Ixiretta Younir IS YOI It PRESENT I II F INSURANCE ADEQUATET Mee STEVEN K. 4 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS! Medford Armory MP.l lUII-OLlTAN LIFE INNCHANCE CO BODY REPAIRS 1 “Guess I’ll have to put the Miss­ us in a suit and squeeze myself into pads to make a quorum If they succeed," cried Pat. "You alnt—er, haven’t- seen I trouble at all,” chimed in Leroy J Don't drive around In a car that has dents and bumps In the fenders or body! We'll straighten them out so good you won't recognize it! All our work is guaranteed and done by ex[»ert mechanic»! TRY OUR JUICY HAMDURGERS STOP IN FOR A FREE ESTIMATE WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS! Those repairs will cost a lot less than you think. It will only take a minute to find out—so why not stop in our shop. No obligation, course! PIE ALA MODE Eat at Pete’s Lunch EARL H. (PETE) NUTTER I Clyde Caton’s JUNCTION GARAGE South Pacific Highway PHONE 5.311 < i