« Friday, Sept. 15, 1939 L SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know! | — * — —- — — ONCE ¡ na LIFETIME! ; — a chance to see TWO WU W ojudx F airs for only A/) ROUNO trip in chair cars and coaches C ROUND f WW in Pullmans / ouxrbrrth Tuo ■u, ottupy ut no oxtra tburgr. Southern Pacific See local S P agent or write J A OHMANDY Gan Pate 4<»nf 622 Pacific Building. Portland. Oregon - - - - - — • Kenneth Hehl 1111 ig, who trachea in Butte Falla, visited here last week-end al the horn of bin moth­ er, Ml ■ Btta Sclillllnx v Lynn DcMille of Klamath Falla vlaited her« last week-end with bls parents, Mr and Mrs R. M I >. Ml lie • M ik Henry Hughs and children recently returned from u vacation trip to the coast. • Hr It F Hchluppl of lillt via- tied with friends In Ashland Mun­ day • Kay Burkins la visiting In Bali Francisco and attending the fair thia week. • Mr and Mra Kenneth W cmx I m arc the parents of a non, Warren Ntannard, bom Sept 10 In Port- j land Mu Wood 1» the daughtei of Mr and Mra. Horner Billings of Aahliuid. • Mr and Mra George Barron left Bunday for tii«-ir homo In Ohio following a vlait here at the home of Mra Minnie Barron and other relatives • Mr and Mra M P Dunn arc vacationing at the fair In San Franclaco thia week, na arc Mr and Mra I F Andrea • Mr and Mra Joyc Swartaley are vacationing in Han Franclaco j - ■ - i A SECRET OF SUCCESSFUL HOME MANAGEMENT 0 O r Every succeasful housewife has little tricks of home management that save her time, money and strength. Here’s One That Many Women of Ashland Find Very Convenient and Practical: ASHLAND LAUNDRY SERVICE! It saves 52 days n year in time and labor and can cost as little as 48 Cents a Week! You should use It for your own and your home's suke! ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. PHONE 1771 > • Delia Willard la vialtlng at the home of her parents, Mr and Mra Ben Willard here, until the opening of fall semester at Willamette uni- v.islty. • Mr and Mra C P Talent, Mra Maichial Stanabury and daughter Sherry Sunday returned from u alate fair trip to Salem. • Mr and Mra Kenneth Hartwell recently became the purents of a arm christened la-land Arnold. • Ix>ila Hunter ami George May of Klamath Falla vlaited here Sun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mra W11 Hum Hunter. • Mr and Mra. Bert Wright of Weed vlaited here with relatives early thia week. • Mr. ami Mra M T Burna made a trip to Weed Sunday for u visit al the home of Mr and Mrs. Bill Ford. • Mr and Mrs Flunk DiSordi re­ cently left for Portland, where they will make their home. • Mr and Mrs Will Htevena vis­ ited in Malin last week-end with their daughter Ixirraine, who Is aching there. Hazel Bruner’recently left for Yulia City, Calif , where she will I e.u >i • Hurry McNair and H L. Clay- cpmb made a business trip to Klamath Fulls Monday. • Ituymond Flnneran of Dunsmuir Was a busincMN culler Monday • Karl Fxlsull of Klamath Falls visited here lust week-end with his mother, Mrs F W Edsall. • Della Lamb left recently for Hose burg where she will teach. • Mr. and Mrs Melvin Palmer of l.i Grande visited here early in the week with Mr and Mrs A F. Barraclough • Mrs Bud Gandce, who under­ went a major operation recently in the < •oiiiininiit y hospital. Is N covering steadily. • Mrs H S Ingle and Infant daughter relumed to their home Monday from the Community hos­ pital. • Mr and Mrs. lx-onard Patterson of Jacksonville visited here last weak and with friends. • Walter McKeen of Keno visited in Ashland Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Ben Anderson. • Mrs. Mae Pag«' of LOS An; is visiting here this week with Mrs Bertha Heer. • Belli- King of Oakland, Calif , Is visiting here for two weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs George King • Mr am! Mrs Virgil Jackson ■ several days this week in San Francisco. • Mr and Mrs John Beeson of Ixis Angeles are visiting here at the home of Mr and Mrs. Charles Snyder and other relatives and fi lends. • J B Hollingsworth made a business trip to Central Point Wednesday. • W D Jackson spent several days this week in Portland. • Mrs Clyde Caton, who recently underwent a major operation in the Community hospital, returned to her home Thursday • Mr and Mrs J. M Hughs, Mrs art Pinson and son Bob re­ turn«! early in the week from a Page 3 4-11 Club Members Try for Trip Award To Stoek Exposition Striving to win the trip to the i Pacific International livestock ex­ position In Portland this fall, spon­ sored by the First National Bank of Portland, 4-H club members of Jackson county are completing special projects and preparing en­ tries for county ami state 4-H competition As for the last three years, choice of the boy and girl from each county in Oregon for this three-day visit in Portland will lie based on outstanding lead crshlp and achievement in 4-H club work. According to local 4-H club leaders, the reports of last year’s trip brought back by Marvin Poy- er and Betty Lue Reich, winners of the 193H award from this coun­ ty. have heighten«! competition to fever pitch. The trip includes dally visits to the exposition grounds, sight-seeing In Portland and spe­ cial entertainment by the state­ wide bank, which pay« all trans­ mutation and expenses Last year 74 boys and girls of Oregon en­ joyed thin visit to Portland and the same number is expected this year. H C Seymour, Oregon 4-H club director, again has been appointed general chairman of Judging and awards. Ixxal Judges will be the county agent, county superintend­ ent of school» and Eugene Thorn­ dike. manager of the Medford branch of the First National Bank of Portland. Dates for the visit this year are Oct. 11, 12 and 13 ---- •--- __ Railroad Pushing Scenic Shasta Route Through the medium of colored j motion pictures, Leith F. Abbott, advertising agent for the South- ■ ern Pacific lines in Portland, will ■ boost the Shasta rail route through here The pictures will depict Lith- ia park. Crater I-ake, Oregon | Caves and many other southern Oregon scenic attractions in con­ nection with Mt. Shasta, Mt. Hood and Mt. Rainier publicity. Abbott, a former Ashland resi­ dent and graduate of the local high school, said this week that the 1939 pasenger traffic in the north-: west has shown a considerable in- I crease Abbott was visiting his parents while here, Mr. and Mrs A F. Abbott. % EXAMINER HERE TODAY An examiner of operators and j chauffeurs will be In the Ashland city hall from 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. I today, Sept. 15, to issue licenses [ ami permits to drive cars. I I » I SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD PRICES! 1*.- DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY Coffee HILLS RED CAN HILLS BLUE CAN 26c 20c I ORANGES, doz 8c RAPP MELONS, lb lc BUNCH VEGETABLES, 3 for CABBAGE, lb 10c 2c CANTALOUPE, 6 for 15c Pearl Shortening 4rx, 37c JELL-O 5e SWAN’S DOWN ta ----------------------- •----------------------- Those Japanese air men have seemingly timed their good will flight to synchronize with the flight of good will.—Weston (Ore.) Leader. ALBERS’ CORN FLAKES • Subscribe for The Miner today. CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP-—6 giant bars trip to Eugene and Portland where Mrs Hughs had been visiting for two weeks. • Mrs Agnes Parsons of Port­ land is visiting here this week with her sister, Beulah Hervey. • Mr and Mrs. Paul Home and children of Klamath Falls visited in Ashland Tuesday with relatives and friends. • Mr. and Mrs Tim Rose of Klamath Falls visited here Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitney. • Mr and Mrs Wilbur Bushnell are the parents of a daughter ' born Wednesday in the Commun- ity hospital. • Mr. and Mrs Lew Reynold« made a business trip to Y reka Tuesday. • Tom Simpson, who has been ill at his home on North Main street, is much improved. • Court Rose of Hilt visited with Ashland friends Monday. • Lloyd Selby left Tuesday for Caldwell, Ida., to join Mrs. Selby, who was called there by the illness of a relative. GLASS AUTO and WINDOW PAPER HANGING Estimate« Cheerfully Furnished STEVENS PAINT SHOP (ASHLAND LUMBER CO.) Shop Phone 3291, Res. 6401 5e 23C Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs. 25c PINK SALMON-2 for ALBERS’ PANCAKE-9-pound bag 46c CASCADE CRACKERS—2-pound box 23C ROYAL CLUB FINE FOOD PRODUCTS: PEAS—Dainty Dimple 15C CORN—Yellow Dantam 13C PEACHES—No. 2| Melba 19c SALMON—Red Sockeye 31 WATER STREET “For the Ideal wuahday, Just call, That’s all." Pine or Cedar Slabs, 2c cu.ft. CATSUP—14-ounce 14c MECO CORN-No. 303, 3 for MECO PEACHES—No. 2| 15c LAST CHANCE FOR CHEAP FUEL! DEIJVEKED IN YOUR SHED All Kinds of Building Lumber As Low As $10 per Thousand Feet! ASHLAND PLANING MILL Ixical Sawmill—Phone 0436 Phone 6/32 FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE CLOVER LEAF DAIRY Flour s“' $1.49