SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 • BELLVIEW • • Miss Nancy Ring was hostees at dinner Sunday at her home en­ tertaining Cecil Patterson of Ap­ plegate. Miss Rosemary Bell and Earnest Decker of Applegate • R E. Bell, who is employed in Klamath Falls, was at his home over the week-end. • The birthday club gave a picnic luncheon party in honor of the birthday anniversary of Louis Pan- key at Dead Indian soda springs Sunday Those enjoying the day were Mr and Mrs. Henry Stenrud, Mr. and Mr Archie Kincaid. Miss Marie Weaker, Mrs. Ella True, Miss Eunice Kincaid. Mr and Mrs. Louis Pankey. Mr. and Mrs J E. Gowland and" Earl Warren of Ash­ land. • Donald Korth, who has been unable to work because of broken ribs, returned to Tionesta Tues­ day, where he is employed. • Mrs Miles Farmer and daugh­ ter Betty Lou of Dorris are spend­ ing this week visiting with Mrs. Farmer's parents. Mr and M.->. Willis Byrd • Mr and Mrs Dean Home of Ashland and Leslie Kincaid made a trip to Hiatt dam Sunday • Thursday evening ladies of the Bellview grange served dinner to members of the Pioneer Associa­ tion of Southern Oregon. • Mr and Mrs Charlie Ames of Coronado. Calif., and Mrs. Ma- linda King of Ashland were dinner guests Sunday at the W. O. Martin home Mrs Âmes is a daughter of Mrs. King and will be remembered as Iva King by friends here. • Ray Cornelius of Sacramento visited* friends in Bellview this week. • • Lynn DeMille of Klamath Falls visited friends in Bellview Sunday • Miss Mollie Helms, who is a nurse in General hospital in I»s Angeles, is spending this week vis­ iting with Mr and Mrs. George Helms and her brother Bernie. • Miss Marie Walker was a guest Tuesday evening at the Henry Stenrud home. • Miss Beryl King, who is em­ ployed in Sacramento, is spending several days visiting with her par- NOW! the new Luxury Ride can be yours few? a The New Plymouth Is Ready For You! 'T'HE LVXl'RY' RIDE—another engineering triumph! Plym- outh pioneered scientific weight distribution. For 1940, longer wheelbase makes possible better weight distribution than has ever before been attained in a low priced car. The engine is moved forward four inches in relation to front wheels. The rear axle is moved backward seven and one-half inches, so that the rear seat is now completely ahead of the axle and both front and rear seats are much nearer the center of car weight. Thrill to the new Plymouth Luxury Ride today—we'll be glad to demonstrate this and other PLYMOUTH FEATURES FOR 1940! Bigger and Wider Bodies 117-inch Wheel Base Sealed-Beam Headlamps Luxury Styling With or YVithout Running Boards 84-Horsepower Motor Super-Finished Motor Parts Steering Wheel Shift on All Models * THE NEW 1940 PLY MOI THS NOW ARE AVAILABLE LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES! Hear Major Bowes, Back on the Air Thursday Evening, Sept. 21 ASHLAND HOTEL SERVICE PHONE 4501 SY'D REED Friday, Sept. 15, 1939 ents, Mr. and Mrs. George King and with other friends and rela­ tives. • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ayres re­ lumed Friday to Days Creek where Mr. Ayres is employed as a school teacher. They have been visiting at the Brails home. • Mr and Mrs Donald Korth and Miss Louise Martin made a trip to Pinehurst Sunday. • Mrs. Limback of California is spending several days visiting al the home of her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs Dexter Wood worth. • Mrs. George Stoltz of Crescent City visited last week at the home of her daughter and son-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Modi ell • Mrs. Earnest McKenzie, son Dick and daughter Mary Lou of { Prineville are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her­ man Helm and family. • Miss Helen Dunn, who teaches school in Jacksonville, was at her home here Saturday and Sunday. • Homer Moore is Bpending tins week in San Francisco on business • The Bellview P-TA is holding a meeting at 6 o'clock Friday eve- i ning in the school house. A pro- ' gram has been planned and a re­ ception for the teachers is to be held. At the close of the evening refreshments of cake, ice cream and col fee will be served • C. H. Modrell returned Sunday to Big Trees, Calif., where he is employed. He visited for a short time with his family here. • Miss Ruby Turner spent this ' week in Central Point as the house I guest of her friend. Miss Bonnie Anderson. • Mrs. Elizabeth Walter is spend- i ing several days in San Francisco j visiting friends and relatives and | attending the exposition. • Joseph Walter of Honduras, who has been visiting for some time at the home of his sister and family. Mr and Mrs. Emil Gass- man, left Saturday for San Fran­ cisco. • Henry Lanini spent last week in Eugene visiting with his broth­ ers John and Victor. While he was there he attended the fair. • Mrs. Walter Hash was in Med­ ford Friday attending a meeting of Jackson county home extension unit officers. • The Bellview home extension unit will hold its meeting at 1:30 p. m. today in the clubhouse. Each member has been requested to bring a friend. During the busi­ ness meeting a program will be made out for the following meet­ ing and officers will be installed. city hall Wednesday afternoon for sentenced to serve five days in being drunk on a public street “ was released Wrdnes* • Mr and Mrs. Emil Gassman their first meeting of the season city jail by Police Judge <’ M Newlands were dinner guests Sunday at the Mrs. Charles Long sr, president, Presnail Saturday on a charge of day after serving his full five days was In charge William Turner home. • Mr. and Mrs C. B. Lamkin of • School opened Monday morning at with the following teachers: Roy Ashland were visiting Sunday ~ the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E Parr, principal, Mr Pratt, Mr. Baughman, Miss Sidley, Miss Bell and family. • Mr. and Mrs W. S. Rice Of Clark. MI bs Bugar. Marian Gould, Santa Cruz. Calif., arrived Wed­ Jeanette Gould. Francis Fetzger- nesday to spend several days vis­ ald and Clark. iting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. • Mr. and Mrs Bill Boyd of Cres­ W. O. Martin and J. H. Williams. cent City, formerly of Talent, were Mrs. Rice is a niece of Mr Wil- business callers here last week liams. • Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Collins of • W. O. Martin, Misses Marjorie Aspen lake were week-end visitors Bell and Louise Martin attended with friends here. the Josephine county fair in • Mr and Mrs Art Eastland and Grants Pass Thursday. son Richard. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Jones, Mrs. M. E. Wighton and brother Nick Vance and Bud East­ land spent Sunday in the redwoods and Crescent City. • Mrs Wayne Wheeler attended • Mrs. Elmer Niswonger, who the Gold Hill fair Saturday. nas been visiting her son and • A shower was given for Mr. family in Bend for the last two and Mrs. Steve Lunak who recent­ weeks, returned home Saturday. ly were united in marriage. They • Carl Bowmer of Medford was received many useful gifts and a business caller here Monday. • A. Carroll and family, who have were presented with a wedding made by Mrs. Harvey Walt­ been living south of town this cake ers and Mrs. Irene Wells as a summer, moved onto the Dita- grange gift. worth ranch near Prospect. • Amos Weaver of Ashland in­ • Donald Walden and Russell Combest returned from Lakeview sisted Mr. Phiefer at the Talent Friday where they have been em­ marked early this week. • Emerson Pratt of Ashland, one ployed the last few months. • Mr and Mrs. Bill Regan are of the high school teachers, is oc­ the parents of a seven-pound boy cupying Mrs. Edith Cochran's born in the Community hospital in home this winter. Ashland Saturday. • The Talent Townsend club held • Three children of Mr. and Mrs. its regular semi-monthly meeting Roy Hill, formerly of Talent and Tuesday evening in the city hall. who now are living in the Dead A good attendance was present Indian country, are staying with during the meeting, which was friends and relatives here while featured by an auction sale. Re­ attending school. For the wonderful reception given to OLD KING freshments followed a short pro­ • Mrs. Clarence Homes and gram. < OLE. In return, the Old King says ‘'Watch Me!” daughter Clarice of Ashland were • Although rains this week were You'll have a surprise mm hi —you'll not he dis­ calling on relatives here Sunday. appointed! welcomed, they stopped tomato laut • Mrs. H. Goddard spent and pear harvesting temporarily. week visiting with her sister, Mrs. L. M. Steams. A-ON’E BICEWING COMPANY DRUNK SERVES SENTENCE • Mrs. Maurice McShane and .Medford, Oregon Paul E. Newlands, recently ar­ ___ ____ Kathleen of Grants Pass daughter called on friends here Friday af­ rived in Ashland from Cave City, was assessed >2.50 court costs and ternoon. • Mrs. Earl Allen returned home Friday from Eugene where she has been visiting relatives and attend­ ed her parents’ golden wedding an­ niversary, Mr. and Mrs. Renful. • Mrs. George Thurston spent the week-end at her home south of Talent. While here she received word that her husband had been injured in a mine near Marysville, Calif. Mrs. Thurston teaches school at Ager, Calif. • Verne Burnett of Fort Scott, Calif., visited his mother, Mrs. Sam Wilburn, last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Forney, residents of Colorado, stopped in Talent | Wednesday looking for a location (Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tame spent the week-end at their ranch on Dead Indian. • A number of Talent people at­ tended the radio show at the Med­ ford airport Thursday afternoon. • Mary and Gloria Walker of Phoenix were calling on friends here Monday afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Vance of Seattle were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey Wednesday. • Billy Breese, who is employed near Crater Lake by a lumber camp, spent the week-end with 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND ’ HONE 45HH his grandmother and sister, Mrs. Melba Anderson and husband. • The Community club met in the I • TALENT • MANY THANKS to our FRIENDS in the ROGUE RIVER VALLEY! AND YOU ESTABLISH CREDIT FOR OTHER NEEDS ANY BRANCH OF PORTIIIIID TANK » Now is the time to order your fuel oil storage tanks ... before the cold-weather rush is on! We specialize in all sizes and all types of storage tanks for every use any shape or capacity to suit your individual needs. See us today for quotations. By buying your fuel oil in quantities you can make substantial heating savings! OAX STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP MIMIII RIDIRAI »(POSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MH.r «