Friday. Sept. 8. 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 HOLINESS ASSOCIATION MEETING HERE TODAY The Rogue River Valley Hoh­ ne» association will hold a month­ ly meeting in Ashland at 10 a. m and 2:30 p m today. Sept 8, in the Free Methodist church A bas­ ket lunch will be a noon feature in Lithia park The Rev. W. E Cox. president of the Cascade Bible college in Portland, will be principal speaker FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 25c MATINEES & EVENINGS Kiddies 10c 4 - Unit Show - 4 Extraordinary! PARAMOUNT NEWS SPECIAL EUROPE UNDER THE SWORD International Newsreel Roundup from European Scene—London. Danzig. Germany, Gibraltar As Nations Mobilize.' ----- plus------ ROY ROGERS in ‘Come On Rangers’ HEIGH-YO, SILVER! “THE LONE RANGER” SUN «MON «TUE • WED & THUR • First entrancing sight of the Golden Gate International Exposition when Fair visitors enter the grounds through the Northwest Pas­ sage is the exotic Court of Cavalcade. The memory of faint'd adven­ turers and explorers of the past centuries is recalled by Utting of their names in huge letters around the court. At upper left ma) I mj seen the name's of Magellan, llalboa. Pizarro and others of equal fame. HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS 111 By I TOLD YOL’ SO ’T’HINGS football fans ought to know: Bronko Nagurski, famous pro­ fessional football star and now a professional wrestler, has never been hurt badly enough to neces­ sitate his leaving the game or having time-out called and he has played 17 seasons of the most gruelling game. I Kick was fullback and punter for the Moriat, Vt.. high school squad in 1926. When Martinsville high school of Delaware played an intersec­ tional game with Bell Institute of Ohio at Martinsville Dec. 4. 1915, the two captains, the two coaches and the referee were all brothers Martinsville won 5 to 0. James Reardon, left guard on the Truesdale. Ill., high school team in 1936, had no legs. They were cut off at the knees in an accident when he was three. He uses artificial supports. Mrs. Jane Frailey of Hoboken, N. J., has seen at least nine foot­ ball games every fall for the last 35 years. Morris Kratsik of Chicago, Ill., has seen every game played by the University of Illinois in Ur­ bana since 1901.—Harry Chipman. Would-Be Grid Kefs To Take Tests Here All Ashland men who plan to be on the list of Southern Oregon conference football officials this season will undergo an examina­ tion at the high school building at 2 p. m. Saturday, Sept. 16, ac­ cording to B. C. Forsythe. Forsythe stressed the fact that only those who have passed the examination will be eligible for selection and he expressed the de- ’ sire that several local men take the test as other schools probably would select them for games, as well as the local school. Jean Eberhart, SOCE athletic director, assigns officials to each conference game from names sub­ mitted by schools in the circuit. Wrestling Return To See Wilson, Gold Hill Marine Collide Promoter Mack Lillard will re­ sume, after a week's layoff, his weekly wrestling matches in the Medford armory next Monday night when he will present George (U ildcat) Wilson and Sgt. Bob Kennaston in the top one-hour main event. Both will weigh in over the 200-pound mark. Wilson's lernfic Sonnenberg will be pitted against Kennaston's dangerous Gold Hill crab and his Gold Hill swivel, as well as the ex-Marine’s array of dirty work. Wilson is able to absorb a lot of punishment in order to get in position for his fall-dealing sonnenbergs while Kennaston isn't as adept at tak­ ing beatings he might get if he gets tough with the former Uni­ versity of Washington gridder. Hans (Hitler) Shulz, a loyal nazi German and a newcomer to Medford, will meet Taro Ito, the popular Japanese, in the middle Dout. Shulz is said to be a rough and tough customer who can wres­ tle clean if he so chooses. He has been in the United States for about eight years and will weigh about 220 pounds at ring time. Another newcomer is Billy Ven­ able of Texas who will face Joe Smoiinski of Poland in the opener. Venable is reported to be a fast and clever matman who resorts to dirty stuff only when facing a man of Smolinski's character. The card will get under way at 8:30 p. m. promptly. ----------- •----------- Potatoes-US No. Is—10 lbs. - 17c Tomatoes—4 pounds - - - 5 c Swift’s Premium Bacon, | lb pkg 18c Jewel Shortening—4 lbs 49c, 1 lb 13c Fisher’s Biscuit Mix—pkg. - 29c S&W Long Grain White Rice, 2 lbs 18c Jar Rubbers 3dz 10c Kerr Lids 3dz 25c Pineapple, broken si, 2|s, 2 for 35c Fiit Fly Spray, qts 35c pts 19c Vegetable (’ounter IN ALWAYS ('«»MULETE! For Dependable Delivery Serviee (all SCHUERMAN’S GROCERY 145 EAST MAIN STREET Junior High Classes (’raters to Travel Get Under Way Here To Grants Pass For By HARLAI.EE WILSON Shaughnessy Tilt It was an entirely changed jun­ ior high the students entered Tuesday morning. In spite of the novelty and newness of it all. there is a vacant place left without Miss Myers and the other retired teach­ ers. We are fortunate in having someone as capable as Mr Rogers to take the helm. What a mixup (for the best, of course) in the seating arrange­ ment in the study hall. Instead of alphabetical class arrangement as before, we are sprinkled through­ out the hall to avoid congestion at the doors. It must be human nature, or just plain mischievousness, hut now that we can talk In the halls we can’t seem to find anything to say. 771c Medford Craters and the Grants Pass Merchants will clash in Grants Pass Sunday In the first game of the Southern Oregon Baseball league's Shaughnessy finals. ----------- h ■ ■ _______ PHONE 7981 • Mr and Mrs J P Wolff visited I with friends In Union Creek early in the week • Mr and Mrs Carl Harris visited , with relatives In Klamath Falla during the holiday week-end LITHIA • WANT ADS • ; A HOME-OWNED THEATRE lc per Word per Insertion Friday, Saturday WANTED Representative to look after our magazine subs< i ij»ti< io interests in Ashland and vuiri ity Our plan enables you to secure a good part of the hun­ dreds of dollars spent in this vicinity each fall and winter for magazines. Oldest agency in U. S. Guaranteed lowest rates on all periodicals, domestic and foreign Instructions anil equip­ ment free. Start a growing and permanent business in whole or spare time. Especially adaptable for shut-ins. Address MOORE- COTTTIELL, Inc., Naples Road. North Cohocton, N Y. I36p) Among the many changes was the abolishment of detention. Oh. happy day! Thanks to Mr, Rogers and faculty. Rah! Rah! Football! Our brand new coach, Al Simpson, called for the first football turnout Tuesday after school to hand out equip­ ment. FOR BU8INE8S J. P. Craters ¿Squeeze Out Superintendent Norby has put OPEN Johnston, jeweler and graduate special stress on the work of Miss of 44 years exper­ 12-11 Win Over Bend Hill and Mr. Koehler, our new watchmaker ience, also an official watch in­ music and art teachers. We also at Portland for the SP. As Grants Pass Wins have a new librarian, Miss Con­ spector We make watches keep time! over; a new English teacher, Miss 70 North Main street, Ashland. The big bat of Vernon Leif Hogan, and a new coach. (36c125) boomed in Medford Sunday and the Craters took a 12 to 11 win FOR SALE Trailer house, 7x12 from the Bend Shamrocks in 11 feet, 2 wheels, sealed inside and Church of the innings. The score was tied at 11- out, reasonable. See E. D. Camp­ all in the ninth and in the 11th Nazarene bell, Ashland, at Joy's Gardens Leif stepped to the plate with one E. E. Wordsworth, Minister (33p) man on second and sent a drive Fourth and C Streets to center field just as he did FOR SALE New and used desks, against Crescent City the day be­ "The church where you never filing cabinets, swivel chairs and fore. are a stranger.” safes. Medford Office Equip­ Bill Calvert pitched the first Sunday school, 9:45 a m., T. S. ment Co., 32 North Grape street, seven innings and was nicked for Wiley, superintendent. Dr. C. B. Medford. (48tf) 14 hits, 10 runs, five walks and Widmeyer says "Bulding better three hit batsmen. He was relieved boys is better than mending men.” by Harry Leggett, who gave up Parent, is your boy attending Sun­ four bingles. Snider, a big south­ day school ? If not we Invite him paw, went the distance for the to our school. Shamrocks and was touched for Morning worship, 11 o'clock. 18 safeties. Sermon by the pastor; theme, A single into center field by "Palm Tree Saints.” Second in the Vernon Leif with two down in the series. Young people’s devotional hour, last of the ninth Sunday afternoon in Medford gave the Craters a 6 7 p m. At 8 p. m. the Rev. and Mrs. to 5 victory over the Crescent City Merchants in the third and Ira N. Taylor, furloughed mission­ deciding game of the Shaughnessy aries from Peru will be guest playoff series between the teams. speakers. They also will present Virgil Haynes, a late season re­ pictures of Nazarene missionary WREST LI Nû cruit from the ranks of Ashland- work in Peru. Welcome to al). Talent, started the game for the Craters and worked hard for four innings during which he allowed no hits, but his two errors let a Life - Auto - Fire pair of runs across the platter. Harry Leggett took over where Haynes left off and allowed three hits and three runs during the re­ mainder of the game. Monuments and Markers of Bronze and Granite Deo started on the mound for At Prices You Can Afford the Merchants and gave up eight 3 ALL-STAR hits in seven frames until he was replaced by Howe in the eighth, MAIN EVENTS! M. T. BURNS who yielded but one bingle and Next Door to Poet Office was charged with the defeat. The Call Office 113, Res. 248 R victory gave Medford two games Evening Appointments out of the three playoff series and • DEPENDABLE SERVICE” four out of five meetings for the season. INSURANCE ------plus------ Ol'K AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Medford Armory “MYSTERY OF MR. WONG” ii with Boris Karloff Grant Withers Dorothy Tree “The Song of the > Buckaroo” i with ' Tex Ritter --- plus--- News of the Day Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “CLOUDS OVER EUROPE” i with Lawrence Oliver Valerie Hobson ---------ALSO--------- News—Cartoon and Mentone IS YOUR PRENENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEqUATEf STEVEN R. SCHUERMAN PHONE 4721 METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO.