Friday, Sept. H, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 • BELLVIEW • « • Mi ami M im Uharlea Miller mid daughter Evelyn of Klamath Fall» weir Sunday dinner gu<'»t» at the home of Mr and Mr» R. E Bell mid family. • Mi and M hi Dsnlxl F mvmi mid daughter I Moren of Dorr!» »pent Tuesday vlnitlng at the home of Mm Fanner's parent«. Mr mid Mm Willi» Byrd. • Mr mid Mr» Archie Kincaid mir Neiter is teaching there this year. • Ml»» Marjorie Bell, who hua been employed for several week» nt a Medford packing hou»e, now 1» at her home • Ml»» Charleen Byrd wus an overnight guest Tuesday nt the home of Ml»» E was injured in an accident recently. iting the San Franclaco exposition. auto Roy Estes was a business • The group of young people en­ • Mr» ■ r m Medford Tuesday after­ tering Junior high school from Bellview Include Misses Josephine noon. • Charlie Chapman spent Tues- Peachey, Charlotte Hamilton. Ed ilay in Grants Pass. na Wenaus Veeda W llliams. Jean­ • Harland lx>w of the US army ette Talent. Ruth Walker an.I called on his parents, Mr. and George Marsh, Dale Anderson, Harry Lowe, last Tuesday. Robert Hlnch. Kenneth Ttompaon Mm Harland is a meintxr of the avia­ mid v,in.ui McKlnnia • Mr and Mrs Sam Lonldicr and tion corps. • Mm Alice O’Byrne, who teaches ilaughter Lynne of Lakeview wen school near Ager. Calif., spent a visiting during the week-end at the home of Mr ami Mrs It E. few days at the Thurston home Bell and family Mr Lonldicr is a last W«ek after having »pent the summer In Portland. cousin of Mr Beil. • Mr and Mrs E A Hamilton • Edward Gowan and family of returned the latter part of last Klamath Falls are guests of Mrs father. F A. Goodner. week from a short trip to the Gowan's • Mra Elioy McGrew spent Sat­ coast. • Mrs Clark I-anckton and daugh­ urday visiting in Butte Falls. ter Muy ot Walla Walla Wash , • Mr and Mrs. Steve Lunix, who left Thursday for their home after recently were united in marriage spending 10 days visiting at the in Texas, have moved into their home ot Mr ami Mrs Chester Ap­ home near the Amiemon Creek school. plegate and family. • The Bellview school opened • Clyde Purvis, who 1» employed Tuesday, Sept. 5, with 03 students at a lumber camp near Klamath enrolled Special work is to be Falls, sjient the week-end in Tal­ given this year In art and musical ent visiting friends. • Mr and Mrs I-eo Netherlands training, • Kenneth Bell, who Is employed and Mr and Mrs. Sales of Wint­ in Tionesta, Calif, was at his ers. Calif . returned to their home wing a visit here with Mrs home over the week-end. • The Bellview P-TA plan to hold Mrda Fox and other relatives. their meeting Friday, Sept. 15. at • C. C. Cagnaccl is spending a the school building A reception vacation with relatives and friends in Chicago. Is planned for the teachers. • Mr. and Mrs Richard C. Joy • Mm Eads left for southern Cal­ and Mr and Mrs Corry of Ash­ ifornia Sunday to visit her daugh­ land enjoyed a trip to Crater and ter and other relatives Diamond Ixikes Sunday and Mon­ • Mr and Mrs. Fred Hodapp and daughters Mary and Maxine of day • Mr and Mrs Herman Helm Central Point spent Sunday eve­ and daughters Joanne and Barbara ning with Mr. and Mm Glen were dinner guests Sunday at the Withrow. The girls just returned home of Mr and Mm. Elam of from a vacation in Casa Grande. Ariz . wlii'ii' they spent the sum­ Ashland. • Miss Patty Dunlap of Klamath mer. Falls visited Sunday with Miss • Mr and Mrs R F. Parks and Mrs. Elizabeth Beckett, a guest, Rosemary Bell. • Miss Helen Dunn left Saturday drove to Crater Lake last Wed­ for Jacksonville where she will nesday. • Mrs. Floyd Young and children teach the Hlxth grade • Friday of last week a group of returned Monday from San Fran­ the P-TA ladies, among whom cisco where they visited the fair were President Reynolds and Mrs. ami relatives R I. Brantley and Mrs. V E • Mrs Earl Hamilton of Alberta, Seitz, cleaned and did other work Can., left for her home following a visit with his parents. Mr and in the school cafeteria. • The Upper Valley Community Mm. Guy Hamilton, and other rel­ atives. • Mrs. L. Hubert and daughter of Ix»s Angeles left for their home Friday after a month visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gra­ ham. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coghill, who spent the summer at Diamond Lake, where he was employed, have moved to Talent. —•------------ • Mrs. A. N. Dryud left recently for a trip to Wisconsin. • Mr. and Mrs. Sam McNair at­ tended the rodeo in Lakeview last week-end. • Mr. and Mrs. D. Perozzi and Dr. Thelma Perozzi attended the state fair in Salem this week. • HILTS NEWS • • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rossi and, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rosal and son »pent the week-end in Weed vis- ' itlng Mrs. Joe Rossi's mother. • Mr. and Mm. Ixtonard I’ullen and children moved to Eugene, Orc. where they plan to make! their new home. • Mr and Mrs Dick Williams and nona Roy and Ruasell made a business trip to Medford and Ash­ land Saturday. • Godfrey Walker and daughter and her family of Woodland, Calif., ; »pent the week-end in Hilt visiting the W. W. Walker family. • Mr and Mm Ernest Francis were in Ashland Tuesday evening on business. • A son was born to Mr and Mm Frank Zanotto at the Hilt hos­ pital Monday. • lx» Stuck of Chico was a guest at the Dick Williams home Friday and Sunday. He formerly resided in Hilt. • Mr. and Mra Roy Rushton of Medford visited in HUt Monday and Tuesday. ------ •------------ • Mr and Mrs Clyde Sutton who have been visiting here with Mr. and Mm. Alden Powell, returned to their home in Long Beach Mon­ day. • Mr and Mrs J. C Hamaker re­ cently have returned from a vaca­ tion trip to San Francisco and southern California. • Bitty Horne recently left for: Chiloquin where she will teach. • Mr and Mrs. A. L. Cook fished ! in Rogue river Monday. LET IT RAIN /\nd we hope it does now! But Be Sure You Are Ready for It We mean your roof, of course. What you need for a new roof or to repair an old one we have. Cert ¡grade Cedar Shingles Redwood Shingles Fibre Roof Coating Composition Roofing Slate Surface Roofing A f Just Dial 8’91 ASHLAND LUMDERCO. Kill QUALITY AND SERVICE Pine or Cedar Slabs, 2c cu.ft. I LAST CHANCE FOR CHEAP FUEL! I DAIRY $25.00 REWARD will lie paid for any corn Great Christopher Corn and Callous Remedy cannot remove! EAST SIDE PHARMACY DELIVERED IN YOUR SHED ■ All Kinds of Building Lumber As Low As $10 per Thousand Feet! H ■ ASHLAND PLANING MILL IxM*al Sawmill—Phone fllMfl J However, we will con * tinue to give our cus * tomers the lowest possible prices on all foods. Estimate« Without Obligation Phone 6732 CLOVER LEAF Due to the un­ certain market conditions, be­ cause of war, we are not quoting any prices this week, as they would be out of line by the time this ad was in effect. I ■ Our specials will be posted in the store Saturday. M. E. Kaegi