Friday, Sept. 1, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 First Baptist Church Charlea E. Diuihaiu. Pastor Church school, 9:45. C N. Gill- more, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 o'clock The pastor will preach the sermon. Young People's union will meet at 7 p. m. There will be a panto­ mime of one of the Bible stories at this service. Evening service. 8 o'clock The pastor will preach his departing sermon, "Remember Jesus Christ." Prayer and conference meeting, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. ----------------- — JASPER W Pump students starting together to elim­ lived and wrote 400 years ago. Now out to buy u horse scraper fur some other rhe stat ton "f modal n da Ign tx'll, Ashland, nt Joy's Gardena inate confusion and inefficiency admired excessively by a few read farming operations he hud on hund. and embodying many new feature» (Up I caused by late coiners who pen­ er*, he’s almost forgotten by the lie scanned the advertisements. including fleureocent tube light alise themselves as well as their world at large But every time you No scrapers lie wrote a few manu­ lug. is of prefabricated metal and FOR SALE New and used desks, classes. facturers he knew No scrupcrs. concrete and has been attractively j filing cabinets. «wive) chairs and Included among improvements, read an advertisement in your news safes. Medford Office Equip Later he came to America and in trimmed in traditional Signal Oil paper, you do homage to his mem made largely by regular janitor nient I’». 32 North Grape street, company colors of cream, <>rang< Chicago discovered, through an ad ­ staffs during summer months, ory. Medford (4«tf) For it was his idea that people, vertisement, of a horse scraper for and black A streamlined towel were new coating of paint for the the building with neon let- | high school roof, new piping in who want to buy, need some place sale He looked into the matter— crests tering while three computing • Subscribe for The Miner today chemistry laboratory, new paint where they can get and found it was made within 20 pumps have been installed in the on roof of junior high school build­ information miles of his English farm. about two lane Island Hydraulic hoist ing and gymnasium, Lincoln school the products which latest lubricating equipment, rest That you have a "great register" and pla.vshed roof coatings and other* have to sell coming to you regularly, with the room acomnuxlations and other Washington school playshed roof day's best opportunities to buy die super-service station features have painting. All school floors have In Montaigne's time things you need. Is one of the beati­ been included been refinished and placed in good the buyer had to The Signal «inter rests on prop tudes of living in America and in order and much varnished and look tor the seller, erty belonging to Henry Enders I painting has been done and minor the seller had to look these modern times who. with the Signnl Oil company A HOME-OWNED THEATRE repairs made throughout the for the buyer. You do not. like Mr. Angell, have .listed the new building Tile st.I school system. Montaigne pro­ to fret and worry and search for tion is under leas»* to Frazier, who poned a register to Faculties Listed what you need. You merely open has engaged in the service station Faculty members for the school be posted where all the page« of the newspaper, and. Io. business here for more than 14 year have been listed by the sup­ might see Here the there right In front of you, you lind years, and la well known by motor­ erintendent's office and include the owners of thing* Charles a world of useful thins« from all ist* throughout thia territory Ko th following (»new to the Ashland they Wanted to sell All sub-contracts for the work school system; tindicates engaged would list them. Here also those over the world. were plactxi locally with all but The more you rely upon the specialised fixtures being put both in high and junior high school who had need* would list those "great register" of modern life to work): need* Buyer and seller would thus help you in your buying, the more chased locally. High School B. C. Forsythe, principal; »Ruth be brought together. you get from every penny you spend. It was a good idea, It Still la a The best values, the best merchan­ Anderson, typing; Hollis Beasley, with social science and public speaking; good idea Every time, Indeed, you dise. the best prices—they comprise tEleanor Coombe, girls health; look over the "ads" in your news­ the contents of that useful, indispen­ tWard V. Croft, high school or­ paper you express your approval of sable modern version of Montaigne's NEWSPAPERS MOST chestra. junior high band, begin­ the idea. sound idea EFFE4T!\ E ners wind instruction at Wash­ Seller* tell you what they have. f* Charles 11 Roth What kind of advertising pays? ington school; Cornelia Hulst, Yeager and White, certified public English and journalism; Elliott accountants, recently completed a MacCracken. mathematics, physics survey in Ixiuisville, Ky , on ad­ and chemistry; ‘Margaret Macy, vertising. going dinstiy to the dean of girls. English, social consumers to secure their rear- | science; Very Amy Norton, biolo­ tions to the various forms of ad­ gy; Forrest O'Connell, health, vertising mechanical drawing, coach; Mar­ Two questions were asked: (1) garet Page, librarian; Frances Urging Oregonians to "be back "What k.nd of advertising influ­ Fred Roper, business manager White, shorthand: Dorothy Witch­ I aber Uay." Earl ences you In y«>ur buying’” (2) er, home economics; tRuth Woods. of the Grants Pass Merchants. it v. ork i ' Southern Oregon Baseball league Snell, secretary of state, launched "Which of the various ty|x*a of ad­ with Spanish and Latin. championship contenders, visited • campaign to told down traffic vertising do you find objection- Junior High School Earl Rogers, principal: Maxine Austin Frazier, league secretary, I ac. ¡dents during the I^abor day The answers were: Conover. secretary, librarian, in Medford this week and declared week-end, Sept. 2. 3 and 4. Fourteen persons have lost their 1. Theater screen advertising lx string ensemble; Sue Edwards, that Gran'.* Pass will demand —pi««— home economics: ‘tHarriet Hill, either a play-off of their disputed lives in Ijvbo. day week-end acci- the poorest kind of all ; dents during the last three years. game with the Glendale Loggers or : 2. Billboards and circulars arc music: ‘Lois Hogan. English, jour­ nalism; Edna Kennedy, mathemat­ a forfeiture. Tie gane was pro-1 , accident reports on file at the next DOOMS! in rank | secretary o ’ state s office show 3 Rodio and direct-mall arc next ics; ‘tJohn Koehler, art, English; tes.ed by Glen-'alo. the complaint' Lizzie Merritt, opportunity; Mil­ being upheld by league officials j Six were killed tn 193«. four diet! in line 4 Newspaper advertising was dred Million. English; Ethel Reid, which made the Grants Pass-won in 1937 and four in 1938 With highways to beach and ITOd to lx- the moat effective mathematics, geography; Harris battle a no-con eat Rude, shop; ‘Al Simpson, health, At time of t' e protest the game ; mountain resorts crowded to non to the general public 5. 'The survey found no direct science, coaching; Charles Weaver, was ordered replayed only if Glen- ■ than treble their normal load dur­ social science. da e could beco ne a contender for ing the holiday period, the possl- sales resistance to newspaper ad­ ' bi 11 ties of serious accidents are vertising. newspaper advertising Lincoln Grade School the Shaughne.- • pHoffs. Glendale Edith Bork, principal and sixth eni.ed up out of the running. At I greater than under normal condi­ was mon- effective than all other mediums combined grade; Marthy Addy, 5a. 6b; Fran­ that time a meeting in Ashland tions, Snell warned. “No sane person would think of 6 Newspapers sell 56 per cent ces Becker, 2a. 3b; ‘Lillian Nich­ pri >r to the league start hi*d been olson, lb; ‘LaVada Reed, 3b, 3a; toi rotten, the session having ruled shooting a gun without first mak­ of all gixxls sold by advertising, ing sure there wax no one in the all < lher mediums sell 44 per cent Bertha Stephens. 4b; Ethel Stock- that the team finishing in top 7 Slxty-flve out of cvcrv 1< h > ard. la, 2b; ‘Clara Verhasselt, place at the conclusion of the line of fire,” Snell declared, "and 4a. 5b. women buy from newspaper ad- le ular schedule would be cham- It is just as important to ma with Washington Grade School plo t, and the playoffs would mere­ sure that no car is in the line of vertising; 51 out of every 100 men Elden Corthell, principal, sixth ly serve to ?xtenr* the season. Now approaching traffic when you start are Influenced the same way 8. Two out of every 100 women grade; Eugenia Carson, lb: Edna with news that the winner of the to pass another car. ' During holiday |>erlods. drivers buy from circulars while 10 out Goheen, 5b, 5a; Eunice Hager, _ pennant will be the team with frequently find themselves in long of every 100 objitet to circulars 2a. 3b, orchestra; Doris Hitchcock. highest regular standing, Granta 4b. 4a; Wilma Nutter, 3a. 4b, Pass playets are up in arms and linca of traffic, the cars being held One out of every 100 men buy Alice Willitts, la, 2b. are anxious to replay the Glen- up by some slow-moving vehicle from circular» and 10 object. General Staff ci i o game because i vzln would This situation leads the more Im- i 9 TTiirty of every 100 women ‘Theo J. Norby superintendent; place them into a tie with Cres­ patient driver to take chances in >bj( 't to billboards and 42 out of an attempt to get ahead of the every 100 object to theater screen Mary Petersen, secretary; Bertha cent City for the title L. Denton health nurse. Custod­ With the Shaugh..^«-/ games line If you find yourself in this advertising It should be borne in mind this ians: C. F. Bishop. Washington; taking up available time difficulty position during the coming holi­ C. E. McCormick, junior high: R is being experienced in scheduling days. remember that It Is doubly survey was not made by a news- 1 D Nance, senior high: V. E Rush. a game with Glendale, which ha* dangerous to pass while rounding paper but an impartial statistical Lincoln. dis anded for the year Should a curve, approaching the brow of agency Siskiyou News I Yreka» | > ----------- • the game be forfeited by Glendale a hill or at other times when your NEW PENALTY RI LES SET to Grants Paas, then the Cllmat- vision is restricted. "Let’s loaf a little on Labor day FOR FOOTBALL THIS FALL eers and Crescent City would meet for the championship. Should both so we will all be back at work If the referee penalizes your teams be eliminated from the play­ after the holiday." favorite football team 15 yards offs next Sunday, they probably and the loss of a down just be­ would meet for the title the fol­ • Clara Pederson returned Tues- dav from Bly where she has been cause a forward pass strikes an lowing week-end. ineligible player or if he gives Red Tolbert, Dorris manager, visiting for the last 10 days. them a 15-yard setback plus the asked Fred Roper If the California loss of the down because a lineman nine could add another player to IB l’OVR PRESENT LIFE other than an end crossed the line their roster to replace Brooks, reg­ INSURANCE ADEQUATEr of scrimmage on a pass play be­ ular second baseman now in the fore the pass was thrown, don't hospital for Sunday’s game Roper boo him too loud. eyed the rules and refused. ------------•------ ------ He merely will be doing his duty STEVEN R. as far as the football rules com­ • Mr. and Mrs Headrick Baugh­ mittee is concerned as that body man returned Wednesday from has seen fit to make those changes Lake o’ the Woods. in the 1939 commandments. • Mrs. James McNal • left Wed­ ------------ •------------ PHONE 4721 nesday for her home in Beverley • Mr and Mrs Floyd Clark of Hills following an extended visit HaAxir, Ore., visited here this here at the home of her mother, METROPOLITAN UFE week at the home of Lottie Bes- Mrs. E D. Briggs MEDFORD, OREGON INSURANCE CO. wick in Bellview. • Vic Peiffer left recently for • Mrs. Lloyd Selby and son are Yreka where he has been em­ visiting relatives in Caldwell, Ida. ployed. I Friday, Saturday FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 25c MATINEES A EVENINGS Kiddies 10c Should Husbands Work? What Other Editors Are Saying! Snell Urges Motorists GRANTS PASS TO ASK GLENDALE To Use Care Making PLAY, FORFEIT Labor Day Journeys The Gleason Family and Tommy Ryan “Honor of the Range” Ken Maynard New» of the Day Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “THE WOLF CALL” Movita John Carroll iatriga«! . ,*«wm hi tk« ta«(l«4 o«b of •sgiaaase! News Cartoon Mentone Travel A-l BEER “Class in a Glass’ SHIRLEY TEMPLE in “SUSANNAH OF THE MOUNTIES ON DRAUGHT AND IN BOTTLES SCHUERMAN A-0NE BREWING COMPANY u- a ARE YOUR BRAKES READY FOR SCHOOL ZONES? SCHOOL OPENING Tu»*sday ’ will revive hazards In var­ ious part*« of the city . . . and demand» on your car's brakes may come with split-second suddenness. Ik- »lire that your brake* are ready for smooth, safe sfo(»x at all time». We ar», equipped for accurate, depend­ able brake servicing and relin­ ing—and all automotive work. See uh . • WED & THUR« Kay Francis in “WOMEN OF THE WIND” * WE MAKE STORAGE TANKS fcr ALL USES! “THE SAINT IN LONDON OAK STREET GARAGE ANO MACHINE SHOP 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND PHONE 458« A* . e-’f. ■ <1 ASHLAND’S NEW RENDEZVOUS! OUR ADJOINING ROOM WITH BOOTHS AND TABLES FOR LADIES FEATURING A-ONE DRAFT BEER 5c per glass Finest Quality Brew In Generous fl-Oz. Glass! BOHEMIAN CLUB AL BROWER, Proprietor