Friday, Sept. 1, 1939 LIST SCHEDULE FOR AHS ELEVEN SOUTHERN OREGON MINER AND THEN THE FUN BEGAN! First football practice for the 1030 season will get under way ut 7 o'clock tonight at the high school field, according to Coach Sheet O'Connell If the schedule released this week holds, the local eleven will be In for a tough grind Only the Thanksgiving day game Nov 23 will In* in the after­ noon, the other four home con­ tests to l>e under lights Principal H. C. Forsythe said this week that negotiations are under wuy for a game with Rose­ burg high school here on one of the open dates Oct fl or 20. 'Ole tentative schedule follows Friday, Kept. 13—Istkevlew here. Friday, Hept. 20—Yreka here. Friday, Hept. 20—Granta Paas there. Friday, Oct. 0—O|M