Friday, Sept. 1, 1939 • BELLVIEW • ■ u h U m primary department Members of the school bon rd, Wai- ¡ ter Ixngstrcth. L. H. Meservey ¡ and William Briggs, held a meet- ' Ing in the school faouae Thursday evening at which time busincsi J < >nceining tile opening of school I was discussed • At the home economics fall which was held in Medford Thum day of last week, Mrs Vincent Ixuiini won first and third prizei in the Bellview exhibit on her silk braided mut which she made, and —But What Do I Get? Mrs J ■ (lowland won first pi on her hked rug The members 1 TWO Execution Days! of the home extension unit had studied the making of these rugs last winter. • M ir Bernice Redfield returned to her home in Portland by plane Saturday afternoon She had s|M-nt yyilll all this talk about Thanksgiving several days visiting at the home on Nov. 23 or 30, Pm sure a goner . . • of her parents. Mr and Mrs. Arch- ¡ and no way of protecting myself against an ie Kincaid. • At the 4-H exhibit of the home axe catastrophe. But you folks, well, you I fair Mixa Charlotte Mo­ cun protect yourselves against loss from drell won a third prize on sponge fire, theft, or accident. Your personal ar­ cake Misses Charleen Byrd and ticles, your house, furniture, your car— Veedu Williams won fourth on their cakes; l*atricin Bell, fifth; | everything can be protected for a small Joanne Helm and Joanne Neil, premium cost—as much as 25 |>er cent leas sixth, and Veeda won sixth on her with Oregon .Mutual Fire Insurance Com­ canning exhibit. • A group of young people en­ ( pany Dividend Policies! For complete de­ joyed a cantaloupe feed at the tails ask home of Mias Nancy Ring Monday evening Her guests included Wan­ da Reynolds, Melvin Conley Rose­ mary Bell, Fem Wenaus, Francis McRcviioMs. Patricia Bell. Kula Wenaus, Merle Talent, Rosemary j Ring, Allan Byrd. Clifford Ross. ’ Kenneth Wenaus and Havid Ring. I • Mrs Beth Hamaker of Ashland is visiting for several days at the home of her sister and brother-in- 240 East Main Htreet Phone 3751 law. Mr and Mrs. Archie Kincaid. • Mlles Farmer of Dorris, Calif., made a trip here Sunday and Mrs. Byrd and daughter Betty Lou. who had spent a week visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs I Willis Byrd, relumed with him. • A horse owned by E. A. Ix>e was j killed as it dashed from the Lee ■ driveway into the path of an auto- I Don't let hot weather «teal your pep! Learn how • HILTS NEWS • GLASS » NOW I’M A BIRD THAT REALLY NEEDS INSURANCE! $ a I. C. ERWIN KEEP Swntnci PEP ai Minici PAR to get ALL the energy value irom carbohydrate foods with (simplex Vitamin B! Prevent the fatigue, lo» of appetite and constipation due to partial lack of this neceoary vitamin. Just one Wheatamio Brand Capsule provide« aa much Vitamin Bj as a dozen egga. Keep aummer pep at winter pari Ask TODAY for HEATÀMIN W « CAPSULIS EAST SIDE PHARMACY AND SERVICE CLOVER LEAF DAIRY Pine or Cedar Slabs, 2c cu.ft DRY BLOX Page 3 SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD PRICES! DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY Tomatoes, 5 lbs. Rapp Watermelons, on ice Oranges, doz. Lemons, 2 doz. Grapefruit, doz. Bananas, 4 lbs. Cantaloupe, 3 sizes . 10c lc 8c 25c 25c 19c ■ I- lc each * 6 for 15c * 6 for 25c BACON y 17c Pound FLOUR Bouquet ..............98c Kitchen Queen $1.19 White House ....$L29 OXYUOL.................. 19C SHREUDEU WHEAT - - 9c CORN MEAL—9 lbs. - 25c ALBERS PANCAKE-9 lbs 42c COFFEE—White House - 23c - - partit hills red can UUlILL I HILLS BLUE CAN - MILK—Oregon - - - - 6c Kerr Mason qt Fruit Jars 79c Pint Fruit Jars - - - 64c SWANS DOWN - - - 23C WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR EGGS ANYTIME -26c - 20c SUGAR C&H, 100 lbs.... $4.96 C&H, 25 lbs...... $1.28 C&H, 10 lbs........ 51c Beet, 100 lbs... $4.86 Beet, 25 lbs...... $1.23 Beet, 10 lbs.......... 49c ROYAL CLUB FINE FOOD PRODUCTS: GRAPEFRUIT—Florida No. 2,2 for - - GRAPEFRUIT JUICE—Florida No. 2 - - GRAPEFRUIT JUICE—46-ounce Florida - PEAS—Uainty Dimple No. 2,2 for - - - CORN—Yellow Bantam No. 2 MECO CORN—303 Size, 3 for MECO PEAS—303 Size, 3 for MECO CATSUP.............. - - - - 25c 10c 17c 29c 13C 25C 25c 10c DELIVERED IN YOUR SHED Me.00 REWARD All Kinds of Building Lumber As Low As $10 per Thousand Feet! will lie paid for any corn Great Christopher Corn and Callous Remedy cannot remove! ASHLAND PLANING MILL EANT HIDE PHARMACY Ixx-al Sawmill—Phone 6436 Shortening, 4 is- 35c