luma. Calif., is visiting here for a few days with Mrs Fred Tayler i • Mr and Mrs. W J. Hall of Klamath Falls visited here Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. C F Hall • Wanda Purvea returned Sunday • Roy Dotson and Mr. and Mrs • Ruth Craft of Klamath Falls from a vacation trip to San Pedro. Charles Walters visited in San visited here last week-end with Francisco several days this week friends. Calif. • Jean McNemy of Portland vis­ • Mr. and Mrs Don Whitney re­ • Mr. and Mrs. H L. Claycomb ited here this week at the home turned recently from a trip to are visiting in San Francisco this Yellowstone week with Mr. and Mrs Gordon of Mr and Mrs. Jack McNemy. • Mr and Mrs Elmer Biegel. Mr • Mrs Leslie Nelson of Marsh Claywmbe who recently Ixx-ame and Mrs. J. G. Anderson and Mrs field visited here Monday with the parents of an eight pontili daughter. C. E. Biegel made a trip to Dia­ friends. • J M Hughs and W J Chip­ • Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Patter- mond and Crater I-akes Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs Howard Mayberry man made a fishing trip to Hiatt son of Jacksonville spent last week-end here at the home of Mrs and daughter Sandra Jo of Weed lake Sunday. visited here with relatives and • Cecil Daws of Coquille visited Ida Crandall. j here Monday at the George Mc- • J. D. Mars left Sunday for a friends last week-end. • Mr. and Mrs R. A. Miller re­ ■ Cracken home in Valley View. visit tn Eugene with Mr. and Mrs turned Sunday front San Francisco • Verna Ross returned recently Paul Mars where they have been vacationing , from Butte Falls. • Mr. and Mrs. l\m Travis visited • Carl Ronfeld of Merrill visited • Mrs Floyd Lyons and three the fair in San Francisco for sev­ children of Granger, Wash., visited here Sunday at the home of Mr. eral days this week. here for a few days at the home • Dr. C. A Haines attended a and Mrs. T. J Guetzlaff medical meeting in San Francisco • Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Knox of of the Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Wine. Klamath Falls visited here Sunday • R. 1. Flaharty made a business this week. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. trip to Portland early in the week • Harry Hoxie, now employed at • Mrs Jay M Ralston of Feta- Port Orford, spent last week-end George Knox. here with Mrs. Hoxie. • Mrs. Harry Hurst is vacationing in Portland for two weeks • Paul Taylor of Redding spent last week-end here with his family. • Mrs. Frank of Port­ land is visiting here this week with Mrs. Gene Ritzinger and It’s the Fx-st State Fair yell llui hcd* *4 exhibits! Livestock! Poultry. |l«»ri'vultur« I Mrs. D. Braymer. Arts! Dairy Products! 4 H an-! I FA I • Murray Dougherty of Klamath Music! Dancing! Crowds! Fun! Fxvllt Falls visited here last week-end. inert! on the Midway! • Mrs. Marshall Woodell is va­ Additional Features! cationing in Arlington. Wash. ZOE DELL LANTIS AND THE • Mr and Mrs. Everett McGee ALI AMERICAN REVUE and Mrs Jessie Nell are visiting N ik ’ :!» at S the fair in San Francisco this SAN FRANCISCO MOUNTED week. SHERIFF S POSSE A HORSE SHOW • A. B. Simpson of Eureka Is Nightly at 8 except Sunday visiting here this week with his PARI-MUTUEL HORSE son A! Simpson RACING • Mr and Mrs Roy Hartley, Aitimons except Sunday at 1:30 daughter Kathleen and Mrs Blanche Huffman are visiting tn General Adnii : ji the bay area this week and at­ 50c tending the fair After 6 P. M.. 25 • Children 12 and • Frank Zanotto of Hilt visited I nder, FREE with Ashland friends Sunday. Starts Labor Uay • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wiley, i Velma Brower and Larry Hunter made a fishing trip to Hiatt lake Sunday. • Catherine Gillette visited with friends in Klamath Falla Sunday f I Friday, Sept. 1, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 About People You Know! ] GOT THE Mason Rubbers 3 dozen 10c Atlas or Kerr Lids 3 dozen 25c SHREDDED WHEAT New Low Price! 10c package BACON In the Piece Ix-iuiStrrakrd 20c |M)utid Facial Tissues 50023c 200 9c Palmolive Soap 6c bar Riuso Soap Powder 20c package lloody’s Peanut Butter 16-oz. jar 16c S&W Fruit Cocktail No. 1 tins 15c 8-oz. tins 8c Scot I issue 4 rolls 29c Paper Plates 3 dozen 23c AT CORNER OF EAST MAIN AND SECOND STREETS Roy Frazier’s SIGNAL SERVICE 1VTTH MORE than 14 years service station ’’ experience in Ashland, Roy Frazier is opening under his own management this city’s newest, most modern station featuring SIGNAL GASOLINE AND OILS THOROUGH LUBRICATION WORK VEGETABLE I )epartment Here Are Some of Them: Cantaloupes Watermelon Heels, Carrots Turnips, Lettuce Celery, Tomatoes Dranges, Isernons Grapefruit Katlislies (•reen I’epiwrs (ìra|H*s, Squash Pumpkin Cabbage f For Dependable Delivery Service Call SCHUERMAN'S GROCERY 05 EAST MAIN STREET • Mr and Mrs Will Rush of Ashland moved to Talent Monday. They will occupy the house re­ cently vacated by Mrs. Louise Fred Hodapp of Central Point Combest and family, who moved were buslne i callers here Friday C hurch of the into the Methodist parsonage • Mrs F. V Young and two chil­ Nazarene • Mrs. Iota Miller has accepted dren attended the San Francisco a position as cook at the county fair last week. E. E. Wordsworth, Minister faim for the next six weeks. Fourth tuid (' Street« • Mrs Myrtle Sutter of Colorado, who has been visiting relatives Q Roland Pa ks who has been “The church where you never employed during the summer at here for the last month, left Sat­ Lava Beds as ranger, returned urday for San Francisco to visit are a stranger." Sunday school, 9 45 a. m., Mayo/ borne Tuesday evening and called her son and family. in Talent Wednesday, visiting his • G. S. Butler of Ashland was a T. 8. Wiley, superintendent The parents. Mr. and Mrs. Parks soon business caller in Talent Se.’urday Sunday schl is vital to all. A will leave for Sprague River where 8 Charles Skeeters and crew were child without religious education he will be employed as principal C died to fire duty In the vicinity is like a ship without a pilot Morning worship, 11 o'clock The of the school there. '>; Lake creek last Thursday pastor will preach. Young People ~ ’s service. 7 pm. Mrs. Pearl Barlow of Wagner • The Richfield station recently creek was a Talent shopper Wed­ opcr.ted by Mr Webb has been A vital, interesting service for purchased by L R Hawley of Ash­ youth. nesday. land. who plans to make extens­ At 8 p m Dr. C. B Widmeyer, • Bob and David Bavlor returned ive improvements, enlarging groc­ professor of Pasadena college, will home from a two weeks visit at ery stock and Install a modern be our guest speaker. Dr Wid- Jerome Prairie with their aunt, car hoist. meyer is an interesting speaker. Lydia Van Winkle. D ve Van Win­ • Mrs Floyd Clark of Harbor, Welcome to all! kle accompanied them and spent Ore., and Mrs. Lottie Beswick of —•---------- the day at the Baylor Lone. Ashland were calling on friends in An Italian prophet says the Talent Tuesday evening. world will end Friday, Oct 13 © Several Talent women are em­ ployed by the Bagley cannery in • Mrs Elizabeth Beckett of We've always feared that some Nowood, Ohio, is a guest of Mr Friday 13th would come around Ashland. and Mrs R F Parks Mrs Beck­ when we couldn't get our paper 9» Mrs. Ivah Blackwell of Ash­ ett and Mrs. Parks are cousins. out Weston Leader. land was a Talent caller Tuesday. OPENING SATURDAY, SEPT. 2! In Our PIIONE 7031 A preliminary meeting of all teachers of Jackson county, out* side of .Medford and Ashland, will be held in the auditorium of the county court house starting at U a m tod;n ; apt I Purpose of the meeting is to ex­ plain import mt changes in the method <>f k eping school records. New textbook adoptions and other matters rtlating to schixils will be discussed From 1» a m to 10.30 a m matters of Importance to all teachers will tie under consid­ eration From 10 30 a m to 11 30 o'clock the discussion will primar­ ily I m - for teachers who art- teach­ ing for the first time in Jackson county or who are returning after some time in other fields “Republicans may try a waiting game," we read Well, by this time they should have learned how to wait Weston I ¿rader. • He jumped the grade at slxty- seven It’s doubtful if he went to heaven Weston lx*ader. • Mrs. Harold Sloper and daugh­ ter of Prospect are spending the week at the horr.e of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Logan. Come In and See Us! 0 Mr. and Mrs. L. Netherlands and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sale of Winters, Calif., are guests of Mrs Meda Fox and other valley rela- tives. • B. E. Boudeuine.'who has been visiting with his sister, Mrs. W E. Davidson and family for the last several months, moved to I Medford Friday, where he has [ employment. School Days Are Here Again F ♦i • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parr jr. re­ turned from the San Francisco fair last week. ♦ O Andy Carroll suffered a severe eye injury while picking pears for S. A. Nye last week. C William McIntyre of Medford is employed at the Bates service sta­ tion and garage as mechanic. Mr. McIntyre was formerly employed by the Gates Motor company in | Medford. O M. W. Maxwell of Keene creek was a business caller here Satur- I day. 0 C. W. Collins and wife of Aspen Lake were week-end guests in Talent. • Donald Walden and Russell Combest left Sunday morning for Lakeview where they plan to es­ tablish a retail fruit and vegetable ■ business. • Mr. and Mrs L. Brown and Mrs. Your laundry needs will be greater and home help will be less available. Ashland Laundry service can be the solution of your washday problems. Phone us about our economical damp wash— 12 Pounds Only 48c Our services free others — let them free you. Life - Auto - Fire ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO Monuments and Markers of Bronze and Granite At Prices You Can Afford PHONE 7771 -4 INSURANCE 31 WATER STREET A lt . / A V, ¿ Í OUR WEAVER SAFETY LANE WILL TELL YOU 0NE STOP on our Weaver Safety Lane will tell you exactly bow your brakes arc la-havbig, will check your wheel align­ ment ... so that YOU can see whether your car ihmm I h brake adjustment or repair (you need not take our word for it)! With e hool opening next week, you will want to be doubly certain that your car is ready for emergency stop«. Drive in today! M. T. BURNS “For the ideal washday, Just call, That’s all." Next Door to Post Office Call Office 113, Res. 248-R Evening Appointments • DEPENDABLE SERVICE" ■b CATON’ I PAINTING BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS JUNCTION GARAGE SISKIYOIT BOULEVARD AT SOUTH CITY LIMITS PHONE 5311