Friday, Aug. 25, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Carter and Wilson To (io Rematch Monday Eve as Feature Battle • Mr and Mrs. Leonard Patter­ son, following a summer spent In Portland, have taken up residence in Jacksonville, where Mr. Patter­ son will become a member of the high school faculty and will as­ sume coaching duties. Mrs. Pat- terson will be remembered as El­ len Merryman, while Patterson himself is a graduate of SOCK and Oregon State college, as well as having distinguished himself as an outstanding baseball player with Ashland. They have been spending some time visiting relatives and friends here this week. AND THEN THE FUN BEGAN! • Marshall Carter and George iWildcat) Wilson will clash in a rematch in Medford armory next Monday night, according to an an­ nouncement of Promoter Mack Lillard. It will be a continuation of their thrilling match of last Monday when Carter was tossed I from the ring by a Wilson shoul­ der block and was disabled for • Mr and Mrs Hugh Gillmore the night. Both boys are strictly Lakeview, visited in Ashland with legitimate wrestlers and among his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. the fastest in their weight class, i Wilson points all his maneuvers Gillmore last week-end. ; toward his terrific flying tackles and sonnenberga which Carter suc­ cessfully dodged last Monday. Carter s standing leg split com- ! bined with his all-around general wrestling ability makes him a I feared mail. Taro Ito, 200-pound Japanese, will be making his first appear­ ance in tha Medford torture cham­ ber when he takes on Sgt. Bob i Kennaston in the middle bout. Ito has been wrestling in the south and east where he has proven himself to be a tough opponent for any type of mat man and in coming to Medford he will be mak­ ing his first appearance in Oregon. Joe Smolinski. the Polish Pa- looka, will return to face Frankie Hale of Los Angeles in the opener Hale made his first showing last Monday and didn't do so well with Tony Morelli but thinks he can tame the hard-boiled Smolinski I This bout goes to the mat at 8:30 I p. m. promptly. -------------- •-------------- Folies Stylist J Batting Averages Show Heavy Hitters — Howard Wiley, president of the 1 Ash.and Softball league, yesterday released team and individual bat- i ting averages for all players hit- ting over the 300 mark. They fol- low. by teams: .321 Dodgers, team average .343 Leever ........ 444 L Warren 405 Miller........... 343 Schilling 384 Baughman .319 Hess 333 Walker ........ 345 Harris Rogues, team average Curry ........... .476 May .362 Barksdale Moore .359 Murphy Tillent. tenni Thoreson .... Maxson ...... Hungate ___ average 425 Keener 390 Learning .333! Elks, team average Tallis “ROBERTA” with GINGER ROGERS FRED ASTAIRE Miner Pre««, Hall................ A Warren Coleman — team average 417 Rose .377 Pendleton .368 .313 350 333 .287 .323 302 .259 313 303 • Mrs. R. E. Poston left Sunday for a visit with Mrs. Stanley Bran­ don and family in Berkeley. While there she toured Treasure Island. Jeanette MacDonald “BROADWAY SERENADE” • WED & THUR • AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT NELSON EDDY 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS! “LET FREEDOM RING” Medford Armory ------- and------- Edward Ellis “ALMOST A GENTLEMAN” Life - Auto - Fire INSURANCE Monuments and Markers of Bronze and Granite At Price« You Can Afford M. T. BURNS Next Door to Post Office Cail Office 113, Kes. 218-R Evening Appointments “DEPENDABLE SERVICE” > HIVER SAW ANYTHING y LIKE LUSTER-FOAM «’ 1 0 MAKE TEETH i Amazing NEW u Bubble Bath” rids teeth of ugly, dull film It’»almo«t Incredible the way the NEW Ll*- t -fineTthl'«. But your best buy is the big 40« tills; containing more than Vi pound of this modern, energized dentifrice. At all drug counters. Lambert I'harmacal Co., St. Louis, Mo. THI NEW FORMULA LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE ' supercharged with LUSTER-FOAM f • Ruby Dobbin» returned home Monday from l-uke o' the Wood» where she spent the lust week at Girl Scout camp. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hill and family of the Dead Indian country were business caller« here Tues day. • Mr and Mrs. 1. C. Williams re­ cently returned from the San Francisco fair. They left Monduy for Iowa on un extended trip • Mr and Mrs Dave Bradley suf fared minor injuries Saturday night when they met with an uuto accident on their way home from Talent • Mrs. George Clurk of Anderson creek called on Mrs. Ben Clark Friday. • Mr. and Mrs J. E Leaker of Cottonwood, Calif., are gueat» of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Foster Mr» la>sker is an aunt of Mr. Foster. They are on their way home from an extended visit through eastern states. • Mr. and Mr« Norman Foster, John, Eva and Betty Young of Seattle are visiting Mr. and Mrs E. E. Cook and Mr» Katy Edgar • Dorothy Dowler, who has been visiting N. H Nichols and fam­ ily for several week», left Friday for her home tn Stockton, Calif • Mrs. Leroy Olsen made a busi­ ness trip to Medford Monday. • Bill G lei ms sr, who has been working since last fall in the Klamath country as potato inspec­ tor. haa returned for the jn-ar crop Bill is holding down his old job as fruit inspector In Medford • Three young men attempted u holdup Wednesday evening at the service station operated by Mr Webb al the north end of town They were frightened away when a customer drove in and fled with nothing to show for their trouble. • Rose Brtner of Wagner creek, who attended Talent high and giadmited from here, was united in marriage last week with Rich- ,! i Ditsworth <>f McLeod They will make their home in Prospect, where he is employed • Mrs Lula Holmes of Hensler, N. D.. is a guest of her sister, Mrs B. B Clark and family. • Mii Clarence IL> took care of the TID office during the absence of Olive Hill, who was transferred to Medford for sev­ eral weeks. • Mr and Mr» Roy Parr Jr. who spent the last two months at the University of Oregon, have re- Good memory on the part of Bob Adler, president of the Cres­ cent City Merchants. California entrants in the Southern Oregon league, has thrown the local base­ ball situation into a tangled mess Adler states that it was decided at a meeting in Ashland before the season started that the team finishing In first place would au­ tomatically be declared the pen­ nant winner and the Shaughnessy playoff would merely extend the season and give fans more base­ ball. Adler consulted Austin Fraz­ ier, loop secretary, and Frazier remembered the decision at the z\shland meeting. So the four top teams are hard at work on the playoffs for exercise and, as afore­ mentioned. the plensure of fans while Crescent City app«*ars to have won the title The coast team ended the sea­ son with 11 wins and three losses Grants Pass was close behind with 10 wins and three defeats. One of Grants Pass' games was declared to be no contest and ordered re­ played which has not been done becaus«- both Granta Pass and Glendale, other nine in the argu­ ment. believed nothing could be gained from a replay and that the Ic per Word per Inaertion Shaughnessy would settle every­ thing Now Grants Pass probably J P will clamor for the replay and. in OPEN FOR BUS1NE8S Johnston. Jeweler and graduate the event the Merchants win, will watchmaker of 44 year» exper­ meet Crescent City for the league ience, also an official watch in­ crown spector at Portland for the HP Although no championship is in­ We will make you a special price volved in the playoffs, the winner for a mainspring in your watch this year may receive a trophy this month at |1, guaranteed purchased by league President 70 North Main street. Ash l> Dom Provost which he will pre­ (38c125) sent to winner of the series ------ --------•----------- • Ray Burnett suffered a severe FOR SALE Trailer house, 7x12 feet, 2 wheel», sealed Inalile and foot injury while working with a out. reasonable See E D. Camp­ Jackson fork in the hay on the bell. Ashland, at Joy's Gardens D. R Smith ranch last week. (33p) ! C hurch of the Na/.arene E. E. Wordsworth, Minister Fourth iuu I C Htrcets Sunday school, 9 45 a. in., T S Wiley, superintendent Morning worship, 11 a in , ser­ mon by the pastor. Young people'» service, 7 p in. Evening worship, N o'clock Ser­ mon theme: “The Blessed Hope ILITHIA ; A IIOME-OW NED THEA IKE , Friday, Saturday : “OVER THE H WALL” with June Travis Dick Foran Sunday, Monday ; and Tuesday • WANT ADS • .281 311 .257 Pine Box, team average Schonnecker 370 Gregory .... .328 , Jandreau .... .333 —.----- —•-------- • Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Detrick and daughter Julia of Bly visited ‘ with his father. R. E. Detrick, in Ashland over the week-end. SUN »MON »TUE I League Ball-up Comes When Crescent City Official’s Mind Clicks • TALENT • turned and are visiting Mrs. Parr's parents. Ml uml Mr» A. E Misner in Ashland Mr and Mrs Parr, ac­ companied by Mr and Mrs. Al Purr of Roseburg left thia week for a viuit to ths San Francisco fair and other California point». On their return they will occupy a new home in Talent now near­ ing completion by D R Smllli. contractor. Mr Parr is principal of the Talent school, which will open Sept 11 • The city hall Is receiving a new ioof this week • Clifford Yaryen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Yaryen. who lives south of town, was united In mar- tiilge last week at Magdalena, N M . with Miss Marjorie Taylor He graduated from Talent high school several year» ago. • Mr and Mis Phillip Jordan and son of Oakland, Calif., were calling on friend» ami former neighbors here Haturday • _______________ Blonde Yvonne of the New Fol lea Bcrgcre at Treasure Island Is run* »idered one of the bent UresHrd girl» in Paris, Him offer» her stjle ■ j-!g -stions to these little tontine- quins who grace nn exhibition of the. - ally prepared fabric» at the fai . '• tonne brought an elegant l*.< lan wardrobe with her, causes wide comment off-stage a» well am on — where, incidentally, she r pears In a more or lew atn' charming undresa. r GILBERT & SULLIVAN'S MIKADO IN TECH NICOLOR IM YOUR I’KEHENT IJFE INSURANCE ADEQUATEf STEVEN K. SCHUERMAN PHONE 4721 Roll Kills Medford Hope in Sunday Rout After being moved from the. pitcher’» mound to the outfield. Lefty Mike Roll of the Crescent I City Merchants blasted out a home run with two of his teammates aboard to break up a 10-inning 7-7 tie with Hoosier Hoffard’s Medford Craters and the coast nine won the first game of their Shaughnessy playoff series 10 to 7 at Medford Sunday. Kolla hit was a 440-foot drive to right cen- ’ terfield. At the same time Red Tolbert's Dorris Lumberjacks were handing Grants Pass Merchants an 8 to 2 beating in the California city and in doing so served notice that they | are to be reckoned with until the season ends. Sunday Medford goes to Cres­ cent City and Dorris journeys to I Grants Pass. -------------- •---------- --- • Following several days confine­ ment in Community hospital, Mrs Marcus Woods returned to her home over the week-end. Drive A Clean FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co, 32 North Grape street. Medford (48tf) MEIlUiPOUTAN I.IKE INSURANCE CO. A-l BEER “Class in a Glass* ON DRAUGHT AND IN DOTTLES Keep your car looking new and summery . . . add to the pleasure of driving the«« bright days! YOUR CAR GREASED WASHED VACUUMED ALL FOR $1.00 ASHLAND HOTEL SERVICE We Use Texaco*» Marfak! SYD liEED PHONE 4501 A-ONE BREWING COMPANY MEDFORD, OREGON