Friday, Aug. 25, 1939 • BELLVIEW • • 1'ilday evening of last week Miss Yvonne Christileb was hos- tear to a group of gins, entertain­ ing them with a theater and slum- bei party. Tile girls returned from the theater and were served at- tractivv refreshments before re­ tiring. Those enjoying het hospi­ tality were Misses Hetty Dunn, I’cggy Whittle, Helene Morgan, Don mi Frazier mid Betty Jane Dunn. • G W Helm left for his home in Portland Tuesday after spend­ ing several days at the home of his son and daughter-in-law and fam­ ily, Mr ami Mrs Herman Helm • Mis Mary Huxhower of Santa Kosa 1s s|M’iidlng several weeks visiting at the home of her daugh­ ter und son -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson and Dule • Members of the embroidery club held their meeting Tuesday nfternon nt Heiman Baths In Ash Innd, enjoying a picnic luncheon Mcsdnincs Claude Conley, George Helms, Edwin Dunn, J M Crow, Wulter Lotigxtreth uml Ben Christ- lleb were present, Mrs Roy (how und Mrs Herman Helm being un- abl< I" attend • Mr uml Mrs J W McCool of Hun Francisco, who hnve been vis­ iting ut the Richard C Joy home, > left Thursday of Inst week for ONCE m a LIFETIME! — a chance to see TWO CHEAT W orld s F airs For only ROUND jFv TR/p in chair can and coaches f|/V ROUND TRIP in Pullmans I lurrkrrlb tij nutullrip. Tut as Mlrw rAargr. Southern Pacific See local B P agent or write J A ORMANDY Geo Paas Ager»f. 622 Pat I Ac Building. Portland. Oregon SOUTHERN OREGON MINER points north to vlidt with other friends and relatives. Mrs McCool and Mrs Joy are sisteis w Mil tiuilvi LoiigtlK'lii anu of Dorris. Calif., arc spending this week at paianta, Mr. and Mrs Willis Byrd • lira Barntoe Redfield of Port land is spending several days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Archie Kincaid • Mr. ami Mrs Ixiuls Pankey via- lied Saturday of last week at the home home of his sister und broth er-in-law, Mr and Mrs Grieves . Prospect. • Mlsx Anna Mae Hazelwood left Tuesday evening for Roseville where she will visit for a short time with a sister, Nina Hazel- wood. • Mr and Mrs Wlllnim Sk > und Roy Skaggs of Montana, who have been spending a short time visiting Mt the Walter Brtihs home, left Monday morning for Roseville where they will visit other rela­ tives Mrs Skuggs and Mrs. Brahs are sisters • Clifford HUZ<<1W employed in Klamath Falls, were at their home here over Saturday i and Sunday • Mr. and Mrs. Dan Watson of Grants Pass spent Monday visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ed Hininger. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clary and i family of Klamath Falla visited Monday at the home of Mrs Clary's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grirnm. • Miss Marjorie Bel), who is em- ! ployed ut a Medford packing plant spent Thursday at her home here • Mr and Mrs Elmer Ayres of] Days creek are visiting for a short . time at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs W’alter Brahs • Mr and Mrs Archie Kincaid spent Monday evening in Ashland at the Italic Lusk home. ------------•---------- SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD PRICES! DIAL 7021—FOLK DELIVERIES DAILY Tomatoes, 4 lbs Rapp Watermelons, on ice Cantaloupe, large . . Muskmelon, big ones, ea. Bananas, 4 lbs. Oranges, doz Grapefruit, doz Cabbage, lb 5c 10c 19c 8c 25c 2c Oregon Milk sr 6c « 10c • HILTS NEWS • • The Hilt Ladies Aid met Thurs­ day afternoon at the home of Mrs. W Holmberg. Those present were Mcadamcs Bemhetsel, Dick Wil­ liams, W Dutro, Arthur Pedersen, Ben Ollom, Jack Clark, Bert Mitchell and her mother, Frank Ward, Walter Bray, H DeJnmett, Ted Quamme, Roop, Ted Wahl, A. Samuelson, W. Holmberg and Mr Holmberg's sister from Los Angeles who, with her husband, is a house guest at the Holmberg home. Social meeting and refresh­ ments followed the business ses­ sion with Mrs. H DeJamett, Mrs Ted Quamme and Mrs. W. Holm­ berg co-hostesses for the after­ noon. • Walter Clevenger left early last week for Portland where he will enter the navy. He enlisted near the close of his senior year in high school last spring. FLOUR Bouquet ..............98c Kitchen Queen $1.19 White House „..$1.29 Drifted Snow or Fisher’s Blend $1.59 SPRY—3-pound tin 5ie COFFEE-White House - 23c Crackers-2 lbs Salty Flake 17c NUCOA—2 pounds BACON, fs • Louis lAyne, Billy and Buster W’alker and Billy Oran attended the softball game in Ashland last Wednesday evening. LIFEBUOY SOAP—3 for 17e • I-eonanl Pullen made a business trip to Sutherlin, Ore., while un­ able to work last week. RINSO—large • Mrs. Helen Vieira underwent a tonsillectomy in the Hilt hos­ pital Thursday. • Mrs W. Oran is in the Yreka hospital following a major opera­ tion Friday morning. • Mr. and Mrs. Dick Williams drove to Medford Sunday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Roy Rushton. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker and family motored to Pondosa Sun- day. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lange, Victor Van De W’eghe and Watt Foster attended the baseball game in Yreka Sunday afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs. W. W’alker and family, W. Gran and son Billy were in Yreka Monday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Dick Williams ac­ companied W. Gran to Yreka Tuesday evening. • Mr. and Mrs Del Black and baby returned Monday from their vacation trip to Nebraska and Iowa, where they visited relatives. Mr. Black s brother Ivan returned to Hilt with them for a visit. 19c BROOMS-good 4-sewed 29c U. S. No. 1 P0TAT0ES-EQr 25-pound bags - - - vvv ' 17c SUGAR C&H, 100 lbs...$4.96 C&H, 25 lbs...... «1.28 C&H, 10 lbs........ 51c ^eet, 100 lbs. ..$4.86 Beet, 25 lbs...... $1.23 Beet, 10 lbs.......... 49c ROYAL CLUB FINE FOOD PRODUCTS: DAINTY DIMPLE PEAS— (12 for $1.69) 2 for 29c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE—46-ounce Florida 17c STRINGLESS BEANS—No. 2 tin 13C CORN—Yellow Bantam 13C CATSUP—14-ounce 14C MECO PE AS—303 Size, 3 for MECO CORN—303 Size, 3 for MECO STRING BEANS—No. 2 11 37C 25C 25c 10c 0 r !S Phone 6732 FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE CLOVER LEAF DAIRY COFFEE si 25c