Friday, Aug, ih , 1939_______________ SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Foreign Niche Al The Fair Psije 5 trailer steersman on a load of 80- fatal accidents reported in Oregon foot piling fell asleep and was during the first half of this year killed when his end of the load occurred on heavily traveled high­ went into a ditch. ways, statistics reveal. t t • Oregon’s motor vehicle death rate per 100,000,000 vehicle miles was 10 7 for the first six months of 1939. This was a continuation of the downward trend noted last Boulevard and Morton Street« year when the rate for the first A TAIL LIGHT which is not six months was 10 8. tfr Morning preaching service, 11 functioning properly may Thirty-seven per cent of the o’clock. L. D. Westfall, guest cause a Serious accident, Earl Snell, secretary of state, warned this week Three cars involved in fatal accidents during the first six monUis of 1939 were found to / have faulty tail lights r r » Drivers in the 25-39 age group were more often involved in traf­ fic accidents than any other age group. There were 10,123 accident drivers in this age group during the first six months of 1939 This was 32 per cent of ail the drivers reporting accidents in Oregon dur­ ing that period. < r r I Ix-avlng your car parked In a roadway is like wearing a sign labeled "kick me.” In both cases, something is pretty certain to happen and in the case of the car, it is likely to be involved in an accident. There were 549 cars thus 1 involved in accidents during first six months of 1930. Congregational Church preacher. Subject, "Abundant Grace.” Evening worship will consist of the union service at the Presby­ terian church, L. D. Westfall preaching on “Be Ready.” 525.00 REWARD will be paid for any corn Great Christopher Corn and Callous Remedy cannot remove! EAST SIDE PHARMACY Cold Desserts Are Easy! f t r With 96 persons enrolled opening night, _ the traffic safety driving school sponsored in Salem by Earl Snell, secretary of state, was the largest single driving school in the history of the move- merit in Oregon. Safe driving is emphasized throughout the work in the schools. III flic I.n(In-Ainerii an Court on Trrnnuri« Island nation« to the ■Miutli oí t'liltrd Sinica have proi ( nilfurnia World*« Fair visitors with nil the mliir ami romance of their respective countries. At the right are level) amurllua of il>- Methan Pavilion. At the left I« the I I Saltador Pavilion, featuring one of the beat marimba band« In the Murid. and Oregon who wiah to Inaure their IMO winter wheat crop must make application and present premium ¡myrnent« before Oct 30, which la the dcadllhe for those •tales. In northern Idaho it la Oct. 30, but in southern Idaho, Sept. 30 Grower» are required to complete applications before the crop la seeded No deadlines have been set fur acceptance of applications in IMO spring wheat. Watch for future developments: Government agencies are not sat­ isfied that the loss of army bomb­ ers are mere "accidents." Lot of fingerprinting is going on in plane factories and on aviation fields where lost planes took off. (Continued from page 1) estimated at 485,000 jiersons. In Oregon and Washington several thousand move into line. Workers who alreudy havi ■ .•■I lump payments (which ended their bene­ fits) also may be eligible for monthly pSMfoa umlen making $100 a month sm< <• th<- <>ld age insm ance was established in 1937, pny- ing <>m- par < ent ot In.« salat v, and becomes «5 years old on I>ec. 31. 1939. will l><- «•ntltled to irciiv. $25 75 monthly while he lives and his wife, when she reaches «5. will receive a supplementary payment of $12.87, making a total payment of $38 62 If the husband dies after 1M0, the wMow will recent monthly $19 31 for life. Another change is that a man can conUnue working after 65 and build up his insurance credits as long as he is in employment MV ere«i by the program. f r MESCAL IKE f f f Indicating the necessity for an intensive campaign for the safety of elderly pedestrian, Earl Snell declared that 80 per cent of the pedestrians killed tn Portland dur­ ing the first six months of 1939 were over 55 years of age. Forty- five per cent were over 65 years of age. r r r Oregon drivers in the 15-24 age group formed 25 per cent of the drivers involved in fatal accidents in the state during the first half of this year, while last year this group contributed 27 per cent of the fatal accident drivers. f f t "Asleep on the Seat” is all too frequently the theme song of Ore­ gon drivers, warns Earl Snell. Dur­ ing the first six months of 1939 there were 118 drivers involved in accidents in which falling asleep at the wheel was a contributing factor. In an unusual case, the S’MATTER POP—Sure! Cake, Always, for Birthdays r THEM DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER ÒTrt L/a J} J- »T SUtiC u)AS VACA-GO a \, FOLKS- l MÛSTA G aia JCP A ID*)'. GcXXW CC WAS AUL DAM OUT UÛ Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department History Repeats Bp S. L HUNTLEY French motion picture pro­ ducers are roMiing American farmers by smuggling films Into th«* I’M in diplomatic pouches (untouchable) In or­ der to evade payment of cus­ toms duties. I’nrt of customs duties are imed to assist agri­ culture and every dollar the French smugglers avoid pay­ ing is a detriment to farmers. State department diplomats regard It as a serious faux pas inasmuch as France is trying to line up America to aid In the next wur and there al­ ready is criticism that France