Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, August 18, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, Aug. 18, 1939
Page 3
Eight Room House ’ Now
Possible on $35 Salary
• Mrs Ralph Illlkey and daugh­
ter Cornelia of Medford weie vis­
iting Mr. and Mrs. Allen Clark
O Mr. and Mrs Cliff Green are
the parents of a boy born Tuesday
morning In the Ashland Commun­
ity hospital.
• Mr. and Mis f-atham McDow­
ell are the parents of a boy born
Thursday morning He
7‘/k pound* at birth and was chris­
tened Thorad Clare
• Mrs Thelma Newlun returned
from California, where she spent
the lust two months visiting rela­
tives and attending the fair.
• Donald Walden, who is em­
ployed near Kirk, spent the week­
end in Talent
Much of the cur­
• Mrs Victor Bursell of east
rent upswing in the
Medford was transacting business
building trade 1»
in Tal.-nt Saturday
due to the thou
• Mrs Bill Hotchkiss and baby
\and« of «mall
and Mrs. Myrtle Hutter spent
home* being buill
Tuesday at fdttle Applegate visit-
for moderate * in
mg Mrs Hotchkiss' sister. Mrs
come families win
Vieva Saltmarsh.
postponed buildini
• Hazel Walker of Phoenix spent
through the de
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Thi* market i« be
• Mr. and Mrs. A W Wheeler
ing ktimulated tn
and daughter of Corvallis moved
builders and archi
tects who have
to the old Lamkin property one
brought forth at­
mile west of town, recently va­
tractive but eco­
cated by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fire­
nomical houses within the purse range of the $35 a-week man. The
No. I model home (top) in the "Town of Tomorrow” at the New
• Matilene Maxwell of Keene
York World'« Fair is an example Sponsored by the National Home
creek, who has been visiting Eve­
Ituilder»' Bureau, of which W. Wadsworth Wood (upper right) Is di­
lyn Huson for the last week, re­
rector, the home i* of the dual duty type, each room designed to
turned to her home Monday.
»ervr several purposes Hie living room, shown below, is dlstin
• The Talent Gad-to-Meet-You
guished by the apparent spaciousness added by the plate glass mlr-
club held Its regular monthly ses­
tor over the fireplace, and the cheerfulness of the large windows.
sion in the city hall Thursday eve­
ning Following supper a splendid
NEW•YORK.—One answer to with the mtn as well as women,"
program was enjoyed. Miss Craw­
i rnnjoi problem of the- building
ford and a dancing class of Ash­
example of how the specula­
industry that of designing an an
land assisted in the entertainment.
tive buildtl or landlord can in-
Mr Fowler was chairman of the
dtructive but economical real- < k -. i <• tin- rental value of a prop,
evening Mrs. Hackler will act as
fence within the reach of the erty and give an air of spacious­
chairman for the next meeting
|2,000 i vi.n man—I* provided ness to small rooms "
Despite the busy season, a good at­
by the No I model home in the
Tl><- No 1 model home is also
tendance was present.
'Town of Tomonow" at the New distinctive for the manner in
• Ray Lewis and family of Ash­
York World's Fair
which single room* are so design­
land stopped tn Talent Saturday
This "dual duty" demonstra- ed as to be adaptable to several
evening enroute to their cabin on
ion house was planned especially purposes The master bedroom,
the A|>plegate for the week-end.
fol the family m the $35 to $50 a for example, also serves as sew­
• Dick Morrow of Wagner creek,
A-eek income group and is so de- ing room, household office and
who sustained a severe eye injury
u;n<d each of Its four correspondence room Its “con­
in a wood-cutting accident Wed­
■'ooms I* really "two-in-onc," venience wall." contains a sewing
nesday afternoon of last week, was
.iroviding all the conveniences of machine, ironing board typewrit­
taken to Portland for treatment
iglit rooms
er stand files, drawers and cab­
One of the distinctive features inets When the wall is closed, j Saturday
• Mr and Mrs Harry Nangle at­
d the Fair's No. I home, accord­ one door size mirror gives the
tended a DAV picnic in Grants
op. to W Wad worth Wood, di- room a feeling of spaciousness.
Pass Sunday
ectol ot the National Home The other mirror swings out to
• Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Cooper
Builders' Bureau which is »pun-i provide that "fore and aft" view
airing the exhibit, is Its tmpha- appreciated by men and women ‘ and three children of Rapids City.
<is on details which appeal to the alike when they are dressed to ! S. D., are guests of Mr. Cooper s
; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
ruusew ife and lighten her work step out
"Built-in plate glass mirrors
The American building indus- | Cooper.
• Mrs L. W Tame made a busi-
nstallcd in the living room and 'i y h r, a potential market of four
mister bedroom have caused million houses for families of ; ness call in Medford Tuesday
nuch favorable comment for the moderate income," Mr Wood said j morning.
• Yvonne Miles is spending her
i nsthey contribute glamor and But builders must demonstrate
vacation in Klamath Falls visiting
■v to the interior The door- | locally that low-priced residence
j a sister and her family.
double plate glass mirrors in can be coml ' il 1 and pleasii
• Charlie Morris was a caller at
• i.edroom have proven popular to the eye to tap this market"
the Miles’ home Tuesday evening.
• Frank Ditsworth of near Trail
• Dr and Mrs K. G Everett J called on Andy Carrol and family
made u trip to Klamath Falls Sun­ I Saturday evening.
• John Sloan, who has operated
• Wayne Brown and Darby O'- a garage and repair shop adjacent
Tixde attended a baseball game in to Bates' service station, has sold
' Hilt Sunday
to Mr. Bates and is looking for a
• Gertrude Sander of Tillamook new location.
land Mari. Sander of Salem are • Mrs Art Furrer and daughter
vim I iiik lure at th<- home of Mr Marie of Wakefield. Kan., have
and M r a W <; Sander.
purchased the DeFord place and
• Mrs D L. Selby and Mildred will make their home there. Mrs.
S.-ll.v ¡.ft recently for th.-ir home Furrer and daughter recently ar­
in Boise, Ida . following a visit rived here. She is a sister of Mrs.
here at the home of Mr and Mrs. Leroy Olsen.
• Mr. and Mrs Guy Hamilton
Lloyd Selby.
• Mr and Mrs. Bob Gilbert of moved into the property recently
Hilt visited in Ashland Saturday vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Harry
; • Mrs St< V. Sark* and son Hamilton.
Phone 6732
Charles and Mrs. Robert Hatch • Mr and Mrs J. Locker are stop­
are visiting m Portland this week ping at the home of Mrs. Keith
• Mr and Mrs. Cliff McLean via- while he is employed in Medford.
' Ited here with friends and relatives Mrs. Locker is a daughter of Mrs.
last We.-k end
• Mr. and Mrs I C. Erwin and • Bill Oatman of Medford spent
daughter Marilee attended the Sunday in Talent visiting friends
softball tournament In Granta • Miss Florence Weiser, school
nurse, was in Talent checking the
Paas Monday evening.
children's clinic Thursday.
• Hulda Estes and Wiliam Som­
mers were united in marriage in
Yreka. Calif , Sunday. They were
high school students, and were
serenaded by their many friends
Thursday evening. They plan to
make their home in Talent.
• Mrs Martin Stevens of Ta­
coma, Wash . returned to her home
after spending a month with her
sister, Mrs Edwin Graham.
• Charlie Skeeters and logging
crew spent a couple of strenuous
days this week assisting in fight­
ing a fire near the Cove ranch on
Dead Indian. The men were unani­
mous in their praise of the women
who worked diligently in prepara­
tion of food and coffee during the
------------ «------------
• Dorothy Jean Harsey left for
her home in Klamath Falls Mon­
day following a visit here at the
home of Mrs. Dora Clark.
Uis silly ess level tee*
spoonful to e cup of tiffed
flour for reoit recipet.
HV powder
Same price today |
[ as 48 years ago I
I 25ounc«»fcr254 |
B Manufacturael by baltiny pawJer II
1B ipacialiite wh* maha nctMnf but II
B bahinf poweler — under euparvieian II
IB of «apart chamieto of national IB
____ IB
3 r (
Bananas, 4 lbs.
Grapefruit, 6 for
Lettuce, Ige., solid
Lemons, 2 dozen
Home Grown Tomatoes, 4 lbs. 10c
Cantaloupe, large
Watermelon, lb.
Pearl Shortening s*„35c
Drifted Snow 1.59
White House 1.29
Albers Corn Flakes, 5c
HONEY-5 pounds - - 39c
Crystal White, giant bar, 6 - 23c
MATCHES—cartori - - 16c
COFFEE-White Mouse - 23c
pnrrrr hills blue .............. 20c
UUrrCL HILLSRED.................. 26c
LUX TOILET SOAP-3 for 17 c
MILK—Oregon - - - - 6c
SWANS DOWN - - - - 23c
SNOWDRIFT - - - - 53c
JELL-O...................... 5c
C&H, 100 lbs..... $¿'.96
C&H, 25 lbs...... V1.28
C&H, 10 lbs........ 51c
Beet, 100 lbs.... $4 .83
Beet, 25 lbs...... $1.24
Beet, 10 lbs........ 4 9e
CATSUP—14-ounce............................ 14c
PEAS—Dainty Dimple No. 2 - - - - 15c
WHOLE KERNEL CORN-2 for - ... 25c
SAUER KRAUT—No. 2’...................... lie
PEACHES—No. 2|............................. 16c
MECO PEAS—303 Size, 3 for -
- - - 25c
MECO CORN—303 Size, 3 for -
- - - 25c
MECO STRING BEANS—No. 2 - - - - 10c
y Pound