SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 Friday, Aug. 18, 1939 GRAND OPENING $1.00 Store METZ-RICHARDS 70 east main street , ashland 5 10 25c and $1.00 Store 9 A.M., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23rd FANCY RAG RUGS Men’s and Boys’ White & Fancy HANKIES TABLE COVERS FREE! 50x50 SPEC TAL 59e 2 for Sc 35c and 39c LOLLY-POPS and BALLOONS 27x54 TO THE KIDDIES; SPECIAL CUPS AND SAUCERS 10c set A Bargain LADIES’ PRINT DRESSES 59c each Color-Fast FANCY MIXING BOWL SETS 39e SPECIAL 500 Sheet TISSUES 19c SPECIAL 200-Sheet Size 10c Complete INFANTS WEAR Counter STREAMLINE LUGGAGE For Your Trip To the Fair 79c to S1J9 BRING THE KIDDIES TO SEE OUR TOY COUNTER y RAYON TAFFETA SLIPS RAYON PANTIES 39C 10c each Regular 50v FRESH, TASTY ORANGE SLICES 10c lb. SPECIAL SILK HOSE FANCY High tirade ANKLETS 10c pair 32-PIECE DINNER SET 9-OZ- TUMBLERS HEAVY PRESSED $2.98 set 3 for 10c SPECIAL SPECIAL ALL SPECIALS FOR 4-DAY OPENING SALE ONLY BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION Full Fiixhlniircl 59c pair DISII il.')» ¡IS 2 for 5c WHITE CROCKERY (UPS 5c each Popular Shiulr. GIANT GUM DROPS HAND TOWELS 10c pound SPECIAL 5c each While They but! Men’s Cotton HOSE 6c pair SHOP EAKLY Hill THEME! MEN’S AND BOYS’ UNDERSHIRTS 10c each BARGAINS GO FAST SHOP EARLY! lowing the lunch the group en­ Chester Applegate for several made a trip to Days Creek Mon­ and Mr and Kirs. James Ihirvlx joyed swimming. Those spending days. Sunday Henry Applegate, day. where they visited for a short Others who were in Ashland in the the evening with the honored guest Miss Helen Kruger, Mr. and Mrs. time at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ing warn Mr. and Mn W ( hurles E. lliinlutiii. I’uator and Mrs. Gowland were Mr. and Chester Applegate and their guest, Elmer Ayres. Mrs Ayres is a Tallis, Tony DeA villa, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lanckton visited with rela­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs Brahs Mrs T Qua mtns and daughter Henry Stenrud, Mr. and Mrs. Louis tives at Williams. Ore. • Mr. and Mrs W. J. McTool of Gladys, Doris Clark and Phyllis Church school meets at 0:45 • Monday evening the birthday Pankey. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kin­ San Francisco visited Monday at club held a picnic at Jackson Hot caid, Miss Marie Walker, Miss • Mr. and Mrs. William Turner the Richard C. Joy home. They Alphonaa a. rn . C. N. Gillmore, superintend­ springs in honor of the birthday Eunice Kincaid. Earl Warren of were guests Sunday evening at are enroute to Bend to visit with • Mrs J hiiii Purvis, Mrs W ent. anniversary of J. E. Gowland. Fol- Ashland and Mrs. B. V. Biers of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil relatives Mrs. McTool Is a sister Gran and non Billy were in Ash­ Morning worship, 11 o'clock Gassman land on business Tuesday. Pinehurst. : "Building the Church” Is subject • Mrs. Alice Farrell of San Fran­ of Mrs. Joy. • Miss Margaret Dahl of Ashland cisco is spending several weeks at • Mrs. Chester Morris and daugh­ • Mr and Mrs Dick Williams of the pastor's sermon. i was a dinner guest at the home of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman ter Marjorie, Miss Marian Arm­ ♦ Young People’s union will meet I her sister and family, Mr. and Helm and daughters Joanne and strong and William Llche of Bend and sons Hoy and Russell spent at 7 p in the week-end visiting their daugh ­ visited Sunday at the Richard Joy I Mrs. George Yockel Monday eve­ Barbara. Mrs. Farrell is an aunt Evening service, H p. m. The home. Mrs. Morris is a sister of ter. Mrs Del Bagley and family ning. of Mrs. Helm. pastor will preach the sermon. near Redding. Mrs. Joy. • Arthur Hamilton spent Satur- The Bellview 4-H girls now are a -------------•------------- Prayer and conference meeting, | day and Sunday in Portland where • busy preparing for the 4-H fair • Subscribe for The Miner today 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. , he was transacting business. which will be held ’ in Medford < • Mr. Rector and sons Glen and Wednesday and Thursday of next Sam made a business trip to Med­ weeek. ford Tuesday morning. I • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and • Mr. and Mrs W. O. Martin and daughter Evelyn and Miss Leona daughter Louise returned Satur­ • Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Lyman Judd of Klamath Falls visited day morning from Crescent City are in San Francisco on a honey­ Tuesday at the home of Mr and where Mrs. Martin and Louise had moon trip. On their return they Don't let hot weather »leal your pep! Learn how been spending the week. Mr. Mar­ will make their home at the Mt Mrs. R. E. Bell. to get ALL the energy value from carbohydrate Crest ranch where Mr Lyman has tin drove after them Friday eve ­ • Curtis Byrd, who is employed foods with Complex Vitamin B! Prevent the fatigue, been employed for several years. ning. in Dorris, Calif., spent Sunday vis­ loss of appetite and constipation due to partial lack iting at the home of his parents, • Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Meyers, • Harry Zanotto is visiting the of thia necessary vitamin. Just one Wheatamin Mr. and Mrs. William Turner, Mrs. fair in San Francisco. Mr and Mrs. Willis Byrd. Brand Capsule provides as much Vitamin B| as a • Earl and Warren Fichtner of Elizabeth W’alter and Mr. and Mrs • Elmer Jackson underwent an dozen egg». Keep summer pep at winter pari Ask Medford were guests Sunday at L. A. Roberts were picnicking at operation on his hand at the Hilt TODAY for the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roxy Ann Sunday. The picnic was hospital Tuesday morning. Dr. Csmplsi held in honor of the wedding anni­ J Jones of Yreka assisted Dr. Brahs and family. ' Schlappi. • Denver Kincaid of Ashland vis­ versary of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. ited Thursday at the home of Mr. They have been married 47 years. • Among those who spent the and Mrs. Archie Kincaid and • Miss Patricia Hastings of Ash­ I day in Ashland and enjoyed the land was a dinner guest Sunday at j band concert in Lithia park Sun­ daughter Eunice. Brand Keep your car looking • Mrs. Weaver received word the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter day were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur new and summery . . . i Pedersen and children, Frank and Tuesday evening of the death of Longstreth and children Jack, Dale add to the pleasure of \ Angelo Cappello, Mr. and Mrs. and Veeda Williams. her father at-his Eugene home. driving these bright Roy Clevenger and son Bobble, • G. A. Inlow attended the Grange • Mrs. D. F. Korth and son Jim ­ days! mie of Lincoln are spending this agricultural meeting held in the Mr. and Mrs. H. Clevenger, Mr. week visiting at the home of her Medford court house Monday eve­ and Mrs. W. Gran and son Billy parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Mar­ ning. • Misses Yvonne Christlieb and tin. • Elmer Byrd, who is employed Betty Dunn plan to leave Monday I in Dorris, Calif., visited Saturday to enter the camp held for Camp j and Sunday at his home here with Fire girls at Lake o’ the Woods. I They plan to be gone for a week. 1 Mrs. Byrd. • Mrs. B. V. Biers of Pinehurst, • A fire, which occurred Sunday who has been convalescing at the in the Dead Indian district, de­ home of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. stroyed winter pasture, fences and i Wade Wallis, returned to her home approximately 300 acres of timber land on the Albert Arnold prop- i | Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. William Staggs erty. In many cases, a minor adjustment on the | and Roy Staggs of Louistown, • Dale Williams and Don NoBier Mont., and Mrs. Charles Haines of spent Saturday and Sunday of last motor will result in great savings. Your motor ! Helena are spending some time week in San Francisco transacting requires a complete check now for summer I visiting at the home of Mrs. business. Staggs' sister and brother-in-law, • Miss Louise Yockel was an driving. Why not have it done? We have spe­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brahs and overnight guest at the home of | family. Miss Patricia Bell Monday eve­ cial analysis equipment that tests your igni­ • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud ning. Miss Edna Yockel was an and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pankey overnight guest at the home of tion, exhaust gases, carburetor adjustment and were guests Sunday evening at the Miss Charleen Byrd Monday. WE MAKE compression. Our complete motor check-up is home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kin- • The Vai Inlow family made a j caid and daughter Eunice. trip to Mount Ashland Sunday, inexpensive, requires little time and results in • Misses Helen Dunn and Marilyn going by Colestin and returning Christlieb plan to leave Sunday through Big Applegate. They a smoother running motor, greater economy, FOR ALL USES for Lake o’ the Woods where they reached Mount Ashland just after more driving pleasure. Come in this week! are to be counsellors at the Camp the fire had started on the Dead Fire girls’ camp. Miss Dunn will Indian and watched its rapid pro­ lead the singing and Miss Christ- gress from the lookout station lieb will give swimming instruc­ there. tions. • Miss Marjorie Bell is employed $ • Mrs. Clarence Lanckton of in a Medford packing house and »7 OAK STREET, ANULAN» ! Walla Walla, Wash., arrived here is staying with friends in the pear PHONE I5XW We Use Texaco’s Marfak! I Saturday to visit with her sister city. SYD REED PHONE 4501 I and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brahs Pi First Baptist Church • BELLVIEW • Drive A Clean • HILTS NEWS • KEEP Sutntnéi PEP at Winter PAR HEATAMIN W CAPSULKS EAST SIDE PHARMACY YOUR CAR GREASED WASHED VACUUMED ALL FOR ON COSTLY MOTOR UPKEEP 92 $1.00 ASHLAND HOTEL SERVICE Storage Tanks OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP