SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page fi Softball Clowns Coming! Dorris Lumberjacks Upset A-T Hope For Playoff Chance Li-5 The Dorris Lumberjacks blasted three Ashland-Talent pitchers al) over the lot at the local high school baseball park last Sunday and went on to win 17 to 5. Things were going alright for the A-T’s up to the sixth inning as they were leading 4 to 3 but DiSordl tired. Alviso and Dito each lifted the ball over the left field fence for a double and Gold- bar got a single before DiSordi was removed. McAbee relieved the big right-hander only to have Mur­ ray lift the next pitch out of the lot, scoring two ahead of him. In the eighth Coinbeat was called on for mound duty while one man was on first. During the change of pitchers he stole second but was called back This aroused the ire of Shaw. Dorris thin! base coach, who rushed towards the home plate to start something and got what he was looking for when D. Montgomery, A-T relief fielder, clipper! him on the chops. A num­ ber of spectators rushed onto the field but the scrap was brief with no damage to anyone. H Score by innings: 19 Dorris 003 003 12 A-T 000 400 Me In- Batteries: Alviso Com - tyre: DiSordi, McAbee best to Skeeters. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 25c MATINEES & EVENINGS K'ddies 10c 1 'rllE world's craziest softtiall team—the Negro Ghost» of Sioux City, la.—will play an exhibition game in Ashland starting ut 8 o'clock Wednesday night, Aug. 16. at the high school field. They will meet the Miner Press, which outfit will be strengthened by the addition of Parker Hess, Arch Barksdale and Bill Tallis, outstanding league players. The Negro Ghosts huxe reveixed xxlde acclaim in San Francisco and other coast pointe, where they are »aid to have IKinieked the funs with their antics, clowning, singing and dancing while playing ut top »¡>eed. They seldom lose, despite their fun, and a shadowball exhibition in slow motion xxill I»* one of their features here. Shown above, in top picture, left to right, are Babe Favors, Pee Wee WiHlains and Cool Papa Johnson, xxhilv in the loxxer picture Oats Field» is shown reaching out after one in Illus­ tration of their playing ability as well a» showmanship. Although no sottuall passes xxill be honoml at the gate, admission price xxill be nominal. From here the Ghosts xxill go to Klamath Falls for their only other southern Oregon appearance. SOUTHERN OREGON LEAGUE Team w 2 I. Pct. .846 11 Crescent City 2 .833 10 Grants Pass .615 8 • Medford .583 5 7 Dorris .............. .385 Ashland-Talent 5 3 .385 8 Glendale 5 8 .333 Klamath Fails 4 0 u .000 Gold Hill PRESTON FOSTER At At At At Result» Sunday, Aug. 6 Ashland-Talent 5, Dorris 17. Gold Hill 6, Grants Pass 17. Medford 9. Klamath Falls 6. Glendale 1, Crescent City 2. “NEWS ÍS MADE AT NICHT” rOPS tHE SHOW WORLD AYRES • STEWA1T • STONE Ct FRIES AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Rogues and Elks Deal Pair of Playoff Upsets Arch Barksdale pitched the Rogues into a surprise 11 to 2 win over the Dodgers in the open­ ing game of the playoffs at the high school field Monday night. Although he fanned but one man, only thrice were Dodgers able to knock the ball out of the infield where it was caught by an out­ fielder on each occasion. Score by innings: R H B Rogues 300 620 0- 41 7 1 Dodgers 100 00 1— 2 3 4 Batteries: Barksdale to Daugh­ erty; Harris, C. Warren to L. Warren. In one of the most exciting games seen this season the Elks stole a 4 to 3 win from the Fine . Boxers in the other game of the double header. Going into the sev­ enth inning, the Boxers were lead­ ing 3 to 0 but a string of hits, walks and errors gave the Lodge­ men the necessary runs to tie the score. In the extra inning the BPOE used three hits to get the winning run while the Boxers col­ lected one hit but failed to score. Score by innings: R H E Elks .......... 000 000 31— 4 9 3 Pine Box 210 000 00 3 7 3 Batteries: Tallis to Newton: Woodward to Schonnicker. Church of the Nazarene E. E. Wordsworth, Minister Fourth and C Street» 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS! • WED & THUR • Medford Armory “FOUR GIRLS IN WHITE” with KENT TAYLOR Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., T. S. Wiley, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 o’clock The pastor will preach. Young people's service, 7 p. m. Evening service, 8 o’clock. Ser­ mon by the pastor. A cordial welcome. Life - Auto - Fire INSURANCE Monument» and Marker» of Bronze and Granite At Price* You Can Afford M. T. BURNS Next Door to Post Office Call Office 113, Re». 248-R Evening Appointment» "DEFENDABLE SERVICE" YOU have made possible a very gratifying first year. We wish to thank all our friend», old and new, and we promi»e to serve you during our sec­ ond year with equal in- terest, increased efficien­ cy and a more complete stock. MR. AND MRS. TAYLOR It. WILLIAMS An Accident Ticket from getting hurt— but if you should be involved in an acci­ dent, the weekly in- demnity may ease the pain! May be issued for one day to 120. Take care of it before you start on your vacation. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main Batteries—from .53.45 to ................. $12.25 Tires—from $4.50 to........................... $25.60 Mufflers—from 80c to ....................... $4.59 Seat Covers—from $1.15 to........... .$12.54 Generators—from $4.25 to................ $9.95 Complete Clutches—from 87c to......$3.29 Car Radios—from $24.95 to............ $80.00 Quality Oil Rings—each........................ 25c Western Auto Supply Co. OUR STORE ’S HOME OVVI ED AND HOME OPERATED TAYLOR R W illiams , alth O v U zed dealer .-.t- ■< • WANT ADS • !<• |H*r Word |M>r Insertion OPEN FOR BUSINESS J. P .l>ti, jeweler ami graduate watchmaker of 44 years expor- l.-n.also an .»ft I. tal wall h in spector at Portland for the HP We will make you a special price for a mainspring in your watch this month at $1, guaranteed 70 North Main street. Ashland (36c123) < jl 'll nomination ns heroes of the Southern Oregon Basebull league goes to gallant Gold Hill, the team that has played heads-up ball with but one or two excep­ tions all season although losing 13 straight games every league FOR SALE OR TRADE Highly start improved 31 ucres, h alsiut I miu I 20 What is more, the Gohl Hill Ce­ acres in clover meadow». ti room ment Makeis have lost most of modern bungalow with fireplace their battles by one and two-run margins, only two of their games and all conveniences, plus un­ resulting in slaughters common to ot her 5 room home, plus horse other league nines. Gold Hill, too, unit dairy barn size about 50x00 has been annotated with more than .1 <>l tmigh breaks but the feet, plus hay Imni. plus ma­ lads always turn In a hustling, chine Mhirt»m;ui»hlp mid the est locution, electricity, phone, giuueuess of the Gold Hill electric domestic water system, boys. They are one of the most good roads, good soil, nil in xuluable teams in the circuit A-l condition, school bus. bar­ this year because they can on al J.'llkM) terms wbl i take It and take it gracefully. pt sm:il;,-i gei, i;;,- ns part Let's tipple one to the Gold payment, additional price foi Hillites if the house'll buy! good dairy herd and all neces­ 111 sary farm equipment if desired Willie Hulen, the famous "out No better buy in Rogue River 9-3" ex-bull player now thrashing valley. his way through the bushes with MILLER REALTY CO a typewriter at a Mall Tribune Phone 3751 sports desk, has t><< n rwruiUng members in the grounded-out-to­ FOR SALII Trailer house. 7x12 right-field club, ol which | m la feet, 2 wheals, sealed inside and founder It was Hooligan er. Hui out. reasonable Sec E. D Camp­ en who tried to introduce soft- bell. Ashland, at Joy’s Garden» ball baselines into the national (33p) pastime so he wouldn't have to re- himself to creeping age ami FOR SALE New ami used desks slower running. filing cabinets, swivel chairs and Please, won’t somebody some­ safes. Medford Office Equip­ where ground out to center field ment Co., 32 North Grape st reel. so Willie can get his mind back Medford. (48tf I on his work? Or better yet, ground him out to left and really make In the County Court of the Stute jealous ? of Oregon In and for Jackson County Friday Gaines See IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ OF DARIUS N DAV IS Dodgers, Rogues Win TATE DECEASED Kenny Harns, on the mound NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOI NT OF ENEC I - for the Dodgers, pitched the sec­ TOR ond no-hit, no-run game of the Notice is hereby given that the current softball season at the high school field Fnlav night as the undersigned, the executor of the Dodgers took a 12 to 0 win over will of Darius N. Davis, deceased, the Elks. Four times on walks, lias filed in said court his final once on an error, and once by account in the matter of said es­ fielder's choice were the only times tate, and the Honorable Earl B the Elks were able to get on base Day, county judge, has designated and each time heads-up playing on Monday, the 28th day of August, the part of the Dodgers prevented 1939. at 10:00 o'clock a m of said day. at the court house in Med a score. The game wai called at the end ford, said county, us the time and of the sixth inning as the Urne place for a hearing thereon Anyone having an objection to rule went into effect. R H E ■aid account is required to present Score by innings. Dodgers 122 043- 12 'i 1 the same on or before the date of 0 0 4 ■aid hearing. Elks 900 000 WINFIELD L DAVIS. Two bad umpire’s decisions ren- Executor. dered to the Miner Press were BRIGGB A BRIGGS enough to lose the game to the Pioneer Building Rogues by a 7 to 12 score. Eber­ Ashland, Oregon hart, Rogues' first sacker, was Attorneys for said Executor. the heaviest hitter of the game Date of first publication: July when he collected a single, a dou­ 28, 193». ble and a triple out of four trips (Jul 28 Aug 4-11-18) to the plate. I—318b United State» Department of the Interior, General I .and Office al Roseburg, Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that Grace G. Sikes of route 1, box 200, Ashland, Oregon, who. on Aug 21. Will not keep you EXAMINE THESE PRICES! LEE TRACY FIXER DUGAN” 1 FIRST BIRTHDAY! ALSO Li 1 By 1 FOLD YOU SO HOW THEY STAND! ut uri .iCTaii HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS Friday, Aug. 11, 1939 1934, made original homestead entry, At t* M ll ami u u in. n <> 031373 foi \\ ' NVV Metlon 33, township 40 south, range 2 east, Willamette meridian, has filed not­ ice of Intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before G H. Billings, notary public, at Ash land. Oregon, on the 20th day of Aug , 1339. Claimant names as witnesses: George Ricks of Ashland, Ore, Claude Long of route I, Ashland, Orc, Rlohard Yarington of route !, Ashlund, Ore, ami Mrs Gladys I Kicks of z\»hlaml. < >rc GEORGE FINLEY, Register (Jul 14-21-28 Aug 411) e ) Subscribe for The Miner toduy LITHIA \ HOME O» M D TIIEA I ICE Friday, Saturday “THE KID COMES PACK” with Wayne Morris June Travis ami the GOI.DDIGUERN* < 1ST' pim 44 Prairie Justice” with Bob Baker Vud a Comedy— “Swing; You Swingers** Sunday, Monday and Tuesday WOMEN ARE LIKE THAT” with 1 Kay Francis Pat O’Brien IN iOtll PRESENT UFE INNURAN4 E ADEQUATC t STEVEN K. SCHUERMAN PHONE 4721 MRTIU1POIJTAN UFE INSURANCE