Friday, Aug. 11, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ----- ----------- ------ --I /*"■ — Mr». Earl Temple were in Yreka Tuesday • H iimmi -I William», Joe George mil Gerald Black drove to Kerby Tuesday night to bring Mr». Black • Raymond Finley of Yreka via and children home Mr». Black ha* been visiting her mother for a lied with friend» here Tuesday • Mr and M ih Allen McGee and week and one-half • daughter» returned Monday from Bolan Lake where they have been vacationing. • Hi Gum La rd of Upland, Calif., Charle» E. liiinhnm. Pastor visited here for several day» th!» week with friends. Church school, V:4ft u m., C. N • Mr and Mr» Melvin Engle are the parent» of a five and one-half < III I more, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. jMiund son born In a Medford hos- Rev J Z Walker will preach, hi» , ‘tai Tuesday. • Mr and Mrs Kam McNair are subject being "Who Was Melchiz- vacationing at Bandon for several edek?” days this week, Young People’» union. 7 p. m. • Mr and Mrs P. H Provoat vis­ Evening »ervice, k o’clock "Be ited with friend» in Yreka Monday Sure Your Hin» Will Find You • Hill Fraley returned recently to Out im (Io- subject of Rev Walk­ his home In Anaheim, Calif., fol­ er’» sermon. The Walker quartet lowing a visit here at the home of will wing at the evening »ervice Mr and Mn. Hal McNair. Prayer and conference meeting, • Constance la-mmon visited with 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. friends and relative» In Granta Pan» lust week-end • Subscribe for The Miner today • T II Simpson returned Tues­ day from a tiip to Portland. • Mr and Mis P R. Finnell and sons returned recently from u va­ cation trip to Florence. About People You Know! • Mr» Murahiill Shields Hill of Vancouver, Waah., Hing In-re lit the home Pearl Wardle. •on vi>- • llowmd Hciogglna of Klamath Full» visited here last Week-end with friend» • Mr und Mi» Jean l lluatlnga ‘ „ returned Sunday from Monmouth where they huve been vl»iting with relative» First Baptist Church • Doris Hunter of Klamuth Fulls visited here lust week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. und Mrs. Willliim Hunter, • Mrs Elda Anderson left this week for the Oregon coast where ■lie will visit with relative». • Mr». Belle .Hchwein returned recently from Chiloquin wherr »he iii. i>< vn visit Ing .it i he home of Mr and Mrs Alan Prescott. • Mr and Mrs Arch Barksdale toured Klamath county Sunday. • Mi mill M in l.,iV.rn I lalkvn berg left Tuesday for their home In laikeview following a visit here with relative». • Mi and Mis M-iiiti ItandlvH • are vacationing in Crescent <3ty • M ih Emma Zanotto and Fred­ this week. die Lyman Were united In mm • Mt ami Mrs F I. <) < onnell riagr Saturday morning in Yreka vlaited with friends in Chiloquin Following tin- ceremony the wed last week-end ding party drove to Weed to at­ • Mr and Mr» George Frohlich tend u dinner given there by rela­ are the parent» of a seven-pound tives A reception was given at the daughter bom in the Community . clubhouse Saturday evening and hospital Tuesday. Was well attended • Beulah Hervey 1» visiting with relatives tn >*ortland for a few • Mr». Primo Favero and Bruno daya. ¿rove to Hrattle Thursday to at­ • Mr und Mrs Jack Young iu>d tend the wedding of lame Brrsolin Mrs T B Gosnell returned Hun- and returned Monday morning ■ !.*v from ■ trip to I m »•’>nacisoo • Mrs K J Madden and son Bob • A chimney blaze broke out at of Klamath Fall« vlaited hen- with the dormitory Monday afternoon It was discovered immediately and relatives Iasi week end • Fred Tayler and Harry McNair wa» extinguished without damage fished at Diamond lake thia week • Mr and Mr» Florent Van De • Mr and Mrs lien Anderson Weghc and family were in Yreka made a trip to LAke o’ the W4« ■ *•<>•*••• k.k.n, ,.-¿,.-—1.1 .......IK" • I as».H tk.aii.l. «J h . imh .I ____________>.a«u>..n MILLIONS OF POUNDS HAVE BEEN USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT / WATER RESTRICTIONS You are hereby notified that on and after August 10, 1939, the City of Ashland will be divided into two districts for irriga­ tion purposes. UPPER DISTRICT—That portion of land lying above the Boulevard and Main streets to use water for irrigation and sprink­ ling on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m., and from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., and on Sundays from 5 a.m. to 10 a.n). LOWER DISTRICT—That portion of land lying below the Boulevard and Main streets to use water for irrigation and sprink­ ling on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m., and from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., and on Sundays from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. The above does not apply to Talent water or acreage. DO NOT use open hose or faucet. Use either spray nozzle or nozzle with opening not more than %-inch in diameter. DO NOT have leaky faucets, toilets, or fixtures on your premises. I SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD PRICES! BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Drifted Snow... $1.59 Fisher’s Blend $1.59 White House ...$1.29 Kitchen Queen $1.19 Bouquet ..............98c BACON 19c TUNA FISH-large tins - SHRIMP—dry pack - PINEAPPLE-2| broken COFFEE-Golden West - COFFEE—White House - 19c Eastern p Sugar Cured GIANT OXYDOL PALMOLIVE-3 for CRISCO—3 lbs CRACKERS-Salty Flake MILK—Oregon 15c 13c 16e 25c 23c 56c 17c 51C 17c 6C SUGAR C&H, 100 lbs. ..$4.96 C&H, 25 lbs...... $1.28 C&H, 10 lbs. 51c Beet, 100 lbs. .$4.86 Beet, 25 lbs...... $1.23 Beet, 10 lbs........ 49c ROYAL CLUB FINE FOOD PRODUCTS PEAS—Dainty Dimple No. 2 CORN—Golden Bantam, 2 for PEACHES—No. 2' HOMINY-No. 2| CATSUP—14-ounce MECO CORN—303 Size, 3 for MECO PEAS—303 Size, 3 for MECO STRING BEANS—No. 2 Jell Quick Close Out— Each........... 15c 16c 11c 14c 25c 10c • • Mt mid Mis J W Wright ut Klamath Falls visited here last week-end at the home of Mi and Mrs Al Brower.