Friday, Aug. 11, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 • TALENT • • Talent Townsend club met Tuesday evening in the city hall. Ashland Townsend club members were present as guests, their pres­ ident being speaker for the eve­ ning. A short program, followed by ice cream and cake refresh­ ments, was enjoyed. • Mrs. Wayne Wheeler is em­ ployed at Long s beverage shop • Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Lowe and family are spending their vacation on the Applegate. • Jim Brown returned Saturday from Crescent City where he hits been visiting for the last week. • The home economics club of the Talent Grange met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Harvey Walt­ ers. An outdoor picnic luncheon was served in the Ottinger park next to the Walters home Mrs. Borg of Xledford was hostess. • John Hamilton of Tule Lake was a week-end visitor here Mrs. Hamilton accompanied him fol- lowing a week's vacation here with relatives and friends. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry- Hamilton moved last week to their ranch, which recently was purchased from Walter Leverette in the Val­ ley View district. • Mr. and Mrs. McLeod and daughter, Mrs. Curtis and family of Oklahoma, arrived here Wed­ nesday for a business and pleasure trip. Mrs. K. Haynes is mother of Mrs. McLeod and Mrs. Walter Davis is her sister. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hart spent a few days in Crescent City last week • Mrs. Allen Clark arrived from the hospital Thursday with her small daughter. Patricia Ann • Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Tame spent the week-end at their ranch on Dead Indian. • Mrs. Irene Wells returned from a two weeks trip to California. While there she attended the fair and visited relatives. • Verne Spears, formerly of Tal­ ent. who is attended SOCE in Ash­ land. was a caller here Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs Wayne Cowdrey visited Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ferns in Fem Valley Sunday afternoon. • Mrs. Myrtle Sutter of K insas arrived Sunday morning to visit How to WFP COOL on your trip to the SAN FRANCISCO WORLD'S FAIR! It’s easy. Just hop aboard an air­ cooled Southern Pacific train and laugh at summer heat while the engineer drives you swiftly and safely to San Francisco. LOW FARES! Ask your S.P. agent about the low fares now in effect to Cali­ fornia ... and the American Ex­ press tours that guarantee you hotel accommodations in San Francisco. Southern Pacific See local S.P. agent or write J. A ORMANDY. Gen. Paas Afenr. 622 Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon relatives She and two sisters. Mrs Harriet Bates, Mrs Ota Miller, Nate, Sam and Guy Hamilton at­ tended the Kansas picnic in IJthia park. Mis Lewsadder, who has been a patient in Glendale. Calif., for llie last three months. leturned to her home here Saturday. V George of Bellview was a business caller here Wednesday. • Jay Terrill and family have re­ turned from San Francisco, where they enjoyed the fair and other points oi intereat. • K. F. Harold, Elmer Jones and Don Seriptei of Wakefield. Kan., are here tor the fruit season, • William Weiuniei lett this week for Kasper. Wyo., where he will visit. • A. A. Wally. who has been vis- rung a brother, Walter Wally and family, has left lor San Bernar­ dino, Calif. • Louis Romaniaki and wife, who have been living in Ashland for the last year, moved back to Tal­ ent this week, where they will work in the fruit. • Roy Hill and wife of Dead In­ dian country weie Talent shoppers Tuesday. • BELLVIEW • • Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Martin and daughter Louise left Sunday for Crescent City where Mrs. Martin and Louise are spending the week vacationing Mr. Martin returned to Bellview Monday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Willeford ¡eft Tuesday morning for their home in Fullerton, Calif. They are returning by the coast route and will visit the San Francisco ex­ position, Mrs. Willeford is a daughter of Mr and Mrs. G. W. Willis. • Mr. and M • - E. L. Heninger guest. Mrs. Lyman . . Hitchcock, with Theodore Wenaus. were business callers in Medford Saturday. • Mrs Edwin Dunn is convales­ cing at the home of her sister, Mrs. Dave McKinney at Lincoln. • Marjorie Bell returned from Lincoln Friday where she has been a guest of Mrs. Donald Korth. • George Yockel, George Helms and Martin Dahl spent Tuesday in Klamath Falls transacting busi- ness. • Mrs. Rosen and Anna May Hazelwood returned Tuesday from San Francisco by way of the Red- wood highway. While theie they attended the fair. • Mrs. Matilda King and Mr. and Mrs. George King visited at the borne of J W. Williams Sunday. v» Mr. and Mis. Henry Stenrud. Mr. ano Mrd. Archie Kincaid, daughter Eunice and Miss Marie Wailcer lc.uiaed Saturday from Sin Francisco where they have been touring the fair, they re­ turned by way of tr.e Redwood highway, Flopping to see the win­ eries at Ukiah and the Oregon Caves. 3 Mr. and Mrs W. W. Brahs and son Frank spent Sunday at Fish River, Ore. 9 Mrs. Elizabeth Fieguth and Walt Hill of Talent weie veiling at the R D. Reynolds home Tues­ day evening. • 3 Thirty-four members of t’ e Gran.e attended the Phoenix Grange meeting Tuesday evening, for which they put on a well bal­ anced program. Ail members re­ port a grand time 9 Mrs Clark Lanckton and daughter Mary from Walla Walla. Wash., are visiting with Mrs. Lanckton's sister. Mrs. Chester Applegate. © Mrs. J. C. Orr and daughters Beverly. Golda, Mildred and Helen are visiting at the Oscar Talent home from Klamath Falls. They left Wednesday morning together with Mr. and Mrs Talent and daughter Jeanette for Beagle to visit Mrs. W. H. Pomeroy. <9 The Grange picnic held at Hel­ man's Baths Sunday proved to be a pleasant success, with 85 at­ tending. After the bountiful fried chicken dinner those present W’ere entertained by Mrs. Price's ac- cordian band of Medford. Swim­ ming also was enjoyed • Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lee and son Keep Cool Clothes Constantly (Jean! And Standard Cleaners are the ones to fill that order . . . we'll keep those cool clothes clean at prices that are extremely considerate of your budget! This warm weath­ er's tough on a person if he’s not prepared for it . . . light clothes keep both your temperature and your temper down! Standard exercises unusual caution in cleaning summer fabrics, too—you can be sure that we’ll do a good job and protect fabrics at the same time! STANDARD CLEANERS 163 East Main Street Phone 6261 W- I Gifford spent the week-end at Ore- I gon Caves junction While there they toured the caves, returning Tuesday. • IKma Id Lewis, who has been visiting at the home of his aunt and uncle, M r and Mrs Taylor Williams, has returned to his home in Oregon City. Sunday, together with his grandmother, Mrs. E. B Lewis, they toured the Oregon Caves and also, during his stay. J Crater and Diamond Likes U M rs R W. McKool of San Francisco is spending two weeks at the Richard Joy home. Mr Me- Kool will come later. • Mr. and Mrs Lester LVShaxer, DeShazer, Mi. and Mrs. ~ Roscoe Applegate and daughter Dorothy. Mr. Mr and Mrs. George Helms and son Bernie were among those attending _ a family reunion Wednesday evening in Lithia park. • Helen Dunn and Marilyn Christ- lieb. Camp Fire counsellors, will go to Lake o' the Woods Sunday preceding opening of camp for the Camp Fire girls • Mrs. R E. Bell. Bell, Patricia and Sammie. with Oscar Martin and daughter Louise weie were visiting _ friends at Summit ranch on the Greensprings and at Lincoln Fri Fri- ­ day. 0 A group of friends and neigh­ bors surprised and delighted Mrs. Emil flassman recently when they came to her home to help observe her birthday anniversary The af­ ternoon was spent in visiting with refreshments being served at Its close Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Emil Gassman. Mr. and Mrs. William Turner. Miss Ruby Turner. Mrs. Elizabeth Walter. Mi­ ami Mrs. George Irwin and Mrs D W. Mvers ATTEND FAIR Among those from Ashland to register at the Shasta-Cascade building on Treasure Island during the last week were Mr. and Mrs George Oium. Eleanor Oium, Anna Hazelwood, Mrs Joseph W Rosen Dr. R. E Poston. Marie F Walker Clara Kincaid. Eunice Kincaid. A V Kincaid. Mr and Mrs Henry Stenrud and the Rev. James H Edgar ROBERT JOIINNON JOHNSON GETS KOHKRT ill'll LIBRARI V> POSI POST \IBB Roliert L Johnson, son and Mrs R. W Johnson Scenic drive. who enlisted army m April, 1937, for with the* Seventh Infantry ment Wash., recently has been appoint ed ¡>ost librarian for the army post of Vancoii ,-er liai racks, according to information received here today from Major H. D Bagnall, army recruiting officer in Portland Major Bagnall said all army posts are equipped with libraries for the convenience ot soldiers who wish to take advantage* of the* privileges of a library and that Vancouver Barracks has a com­ prehensive library for a one-regi - nient station. e • Subscribe for The Miner today KEFp îiMMnes. PEP at Don't let hot weather Meal your |>«p! learn how to get ALL die energy value troni tarbohplraie food« with Complex Vitamin II! Prevent the latigue, lou of appetite aiui constipation due to partial lack ot this necessary vitamin. Just one Whealamin Brand Capsule provides as much Vitamin B| as a dozen egg«. Keep tumnier pep at winter pari Ack TODAY for HEATAMIN W Brand CAPSULIS PAR » Si CMiphi Vitamin I ipalli «i More Milas par Mail" EAST SIDE PHARMACY I