1 I 1 Friday. Aug. 4, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 RSITY » ON OUR STAGE FRIDAY ONLY MATINEE \ND EVENING SOFTBALL LOOP PLAY BRIEFED FOR TOURNEY AND THEN THE FUN BEHAN! ASHLANU S suit ball league's ** second-half schedule was short­ ened by officials and managers I’uod.iy night when they met to consider means of determining this city's representative at the dis­ trict tournament playoffs in Grants Pass Aug. 14 and 15. Aali- s team will play the Giants Pass champions in the first game of the semi-finals Monday, Aug. 14. and the winner of that contest will meet the victor of the Med­ ford-Klamath Palls battle the fol­ lowing evening for Uie district championship and right to enter the state tournament. President Howard Wiley tuid team pilots voted to conclude reg­ ular league schedule with tonight's games, top four teams at that time to enter a playoff series Monday night, winners to meet for the second half title Wednes­ day evening after the two cellar outfits battle to climb out of dis­ grace. Should the second-half vic­ tor be other than the first-half champion Dodgers, a Friday night playoff would be held. Following the two nights of play in Grants Pass, the Miner Press will meet the traveling Negro Ghosts from ASHLAND SOFTBALL LEAGUE Sioux City. Ia.. colored clowns, in Team W L PeL an exhibition game on the Ashland Dodger» 4 1 .800 •> high OCbool field U'ednesday. Aug. Elks 3 .600 16. The Miner outfit will be 2 Rogue» .«(Hi 3 strengthened for the laugh-fest Pine Box 3 3 .500 •> with players from other league .Miner Pram 3 .400 teams. Talent 5 .167 • Tonight, final evening of the local schedule, the ever-threaten­ Rogues 8, Elks 4. ing Elks nine will meet the Dodgers 13. Talent 6. league-leading Dodgers in the 8 Rogues 17. Pine Box 1. o'clock encounter while in the sec­ Elks 3. Talent 8. ond game the Miner Press will Dodgers 18. Miner Press 13. fight for a chance to enter the Pine Box 14. Talent 8. finals with the Rogues. A loss for the Printers would send them to GAMES TONIGHT: the cellar with Talent, while a win Elks vs. Dodgers at 8 p. m. would place the league in a four­ Rogues vs Miner Press at 9 p way tie for second place, necessi­ m. tating an elimination round to de­ termine four playoff qualifiers. SOUTHERN OREGON LEAGUE HOW THEY STAND! IN PERSON! THE OKLAHOMA KID Lupe Velez Leon Errol “THE GIRL FROM MEXICO” SATURDAY ONLY! Week-End Shoppers’ Prices 25c Barksdale Pitches Rogues to Best Elks Team Grant» Pass Cre»cent City Medford Dorris A-T Glendale Klamath Falls Gold Hill W L • 10 2 10 7 5 6 5 5 7 5 7 4 7 0 It Pct. .833 .833 .583 .545 .417 .417 .364 .000 The six-hit pitching of Arch Barksdale gave the Rogues an 8 to 4 win over the Elks at the high school field Friday night. The Elks started the scoring in their half of Result» Sunday, July 30 the second on two walks and a At Klamath Falls 6. Ashland- double and it was not until the fourth that the Rogues were able Talent 8. At Dorris 15. Medford 4. to catch up. At Crescent City 3, Gold Hill 0 Score by innings: RHE At Grants Pass 5, Glendale 4. 020 010 1 462 Rogues 001 114X-8 11 3 Games Sunday, Aug. 6 Batteries: Tallis to Newton; Dorris at Ashland. Barksdale to Daugherty. Grants Pass at Gold Hill. Klamath Falls at Medford. Every man on the Elodgers' Crescent City at Glendale- team crossed the plate at least once as Kenny Harris pitched his way to another win, this time over the Talent Firemen by a 14 to 6 score. Nine strikeouts didn't ( help the fire-fighters any nor did I near-perfect fielding by the Dodg­ lc per Word per Insertion | ers. I Score by innings: RHE WANTED Glean cotton rags at The Miner office. Will pay 5c Talent 040 200 0— 6 5 1 per pound. Dodgers 092 010 2 14 14 1 Batteries: Hungate to Simmons; FOR SALE—New and used desks, Harris to Baughman. ------------ •------------- filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford (48tf) • WANT ADS • Rogues, Elks Top Pine Box, Talent A-T’S WILL SEEK DORRIS REVENGE ON LOCAL FIELD A-T’s Continue Up Loop Ladder With Klamath Falls Win Frank t Nig > DiSordi, big right- hand pitcher of the Ashland-Ttei- ent biiselMiil club, became a hero at Klamath Falls last Sunday when he entered the game In the seventh with the score tied at 4 o 4 and pitched his teammutes to in n to ti win over the Klamath tons DiSordi had suffered three iro’cen rib» in u logging accident •‘riday and pitched excellent ball iftor lellovlng McAbee Or.’al Hampel, relcMed by the tfodford Craters and grubbed up >y lii<' A-T s, hit safely four times >ut of live trips to the plate as veil , qualify tor the Shaugh­ nessy playoff, the A-T’s must win Sunday's game here and down at Giants Pass in the Climate city the following week-end. The Dorris Lumberjacks of Red TVibert last week-end smothered Medford's Craters and themselves are fighting for a place in the playoffs. Against the invaders Manager Charlie Skeeters who hud to tie fierauaded to play Dorris J again at all after the alleged ’ "steal" in the California town will start ITls game-winning fav­ orite. Frank DiSordi on the mound, with Rich Skeeters catching Add- i < ti t<> the A T lineup win be Dlok j Porterfield, who last year was a f ■ \ HOME OWNED IDEA I III regular here and recently was I traded from Medford In exchange I for an idle A-T hurler Hampel, another Medford recruit. Is ex­ pected to continue his smashing long drives at bat, while Schopf's big stick will be another serious threat to the Californians It will . An unusual softball game has be the last home appearance of been arranged for Ashland fans the Ashland-Taient nine in regular league play thia year. for Wednesday night, Aug. 16. when the Sioux City, la., Negro with Ghosts, one of the nation's great­ est softball teams, will meet the Miner Press on th ehigh school field. The Ghosts have been receiving —plus— wide acclaim on the coast and Marshall Carter, former wrest­ have performed in most Large cit­ ling Instructor at the University ies in the United States and have of Missouri, will return to Medford gained favorable press comment armon mb ) Monday night whara at every stop. Recently they gave he will face Cowboy Dude Chick a shadow ball exhibition for Joe In Mack Lillard's top main event Penner which the comedian des­ Carter has been campaigning in cribed as the best he has ever the Willamette valley where he With CHARLES NTAKICETT | seen. The Ghosts have agreed to has met with his usual success and SONS OF PIONEERS | give the same exhibition for Ash­ In meeting Chick (’alter will b0 land fans prior to the Aug. 16 up against a man of his own type Also Comedy game here, and fans are promised and caliber and the bout should be the funniest softball performance a thrilli r from start to finish ever witnessed. A small riot is predicted In the While playuig at top speed the Ghosts clown, sing and dance. middle go when Sgt. Bob Kennas- This season they bring for the ton and Joe Smolinski will tie first time in three years those per­ turned louse on each other. Both ennial favorites, Oats Fields, Les are first class tough guys and detest the sight of each <>th< i Wllkenson and Mickey Mouse. Tony Morelli, the dirty Italian, ------------ •------------- meets Toots Eatea, Oklahoma youngster, in the opener which, like the middle bout, is scheduled for six 10-minute rounds while the top go is for one hour straight time Two out of three falls will determine any bout. Little Charlie Warren and Ken­ The opener Is to go to the mat ny Harris pitched the Dodgers to at 8:30 p. tn. promptly a sloppy 18 to 13 win over the ------------ •------ Miner Press at the high school ★ JAILED FOR VAGRANCY field Wednesday night. The Miners took an early lead and had things Albert Hursank, 22-year-old De­ their own way until the fourth, troit transient, was sentenced to which, along with the fifth, were serve 20 days in the county jail good innings for the Dodgers al on a vagrancy charge filed by city the plate. O’Toole of the Miners police after a youth complained was credited with one strike-out that the man had molested him while Warren whiffed three. The prisoner's post record will be Score by innings: R H E Investigated during the sentence. • Dodgers 204 660 0 — 18 14 6 Miner Press 802 010 2 13 11 8 O Subscribe for The Miner today. LITHIA COLORED GHOSTS WILL PLAY HERE ON AUGUST 16TH : Friday, Saturday : JACK LONDON'S “ROMANCE of the REDWOODS” < arter and Chick Jean Parker To Feature Monday Mat Massacre Bill ■ ( harles Bick ford ‘The Thundering West’ ! Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “THE LADY AND THE MOB” DODGERS AND PINE BOXERS SPLIT WINS Fay Bain ter Ida Lupino L. Bowman News—Cartoon Stranger Than Fiction Side Show Fakir ! A rejuvenated Ihne Box team In the County Court of the State gave the game Talent Firemen a of Oregon in and for Jackson 14 to 8 pasting to get themselves The Rogues softball team show­ County ed a spark of life at the high back in the running. King, work­ school field Monday night and walloped the top flight Pine Box­ ers by a score of 17 to 1. Barks­ dale occupied the mound for the winners and gave up only one hit. The game was called in the fifth inning when the time rule went into effect. Score by innings: RHE Pine Boxers 000 01— 1 1 4 Rogues ............... 904 22 17 13 0 The Elks had a hard time to down the cellarite Talent Fire­ men in the other game of the evening but when the smoke of a tight battle had cleared away the Dodgemen were out in front by a 3 to 2 score. Score by innings: RHE Talent 000 020 0— 2 5 4 Elks ............. 000 111 X— 3 4 1 TRY OCR JUICY HAMBURGERS WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS! Sun., Mon., Tues. HOME-MADE PIE ALA MODE When In Doubt Eat at Pete’s Lunch —.. . . EARL D. (PETE) NUTTER IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ ing the mound for the Boxers, TATE OF DARIUS N. DAVIS, fanned only one man while Hun­ DECEASED gate and R. Combest, for Talent, NOTICE OF HEARING ON combined forces to get two out of FINAL ACCOUNT OF EXECU­ the way at the plate TOR Score by innings: RHE 013 424 x 14 11 3 Notice is hereby given that the line Box 011 140 1 8 7 3 undersigned, the executor of the Talent will of Darius N. Davis, deceased, BOUND TO GRAND JURY has filed in said court his final James A. Poe and Joe B. Molin, account in the matter of said es­ tate, and the Honorable Earl B. transients, were bound over to the Day, county judge, has designated | grand jury early this week follow­ Monday, the 28th day of August, ing recovery of copper wire, tools 1939, at 10:00 o’clock a. m. of said anti equipment stolen from a local day, at the court house in Med­ Postal Telegraph service truck ford, said county, as the time and while it was parked in Medford. The two are being held under place for a hearing thereon. Anyone having an objection to $1000 bond each pending grand said account is required to present jury action. the same on or before the date of • Subscribe for The Miner today. said hearing. WINFIELD L. DAVIS, Executor. BRIGGS & BRIGGS Pioneer Building Ashland, Oregon Attorneys for said Executor. Date of first publication: July 28, 1939. (Jul 28 Aug 4-11-18) 4—348b United States Department of the Interior, General I-and Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that Grace G. Sikes of route 1, box 206, Ashland, Oregon, who, on Aug. 21, 1934, made original homestead entry, Acts 6-6-12 and 6-9-16, No. 021572, for W’ANW’A section 25, township 40 south, range 2 east, Willamette meridian, has filed not­ ice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before G. H. Billings, notary public, at Ash­ land, Oregon, on the 29th day of Aug., 1939. Claimant names as witnesses: George Ricks of Ashland, Ore., Claude Long of route 1, Ashland, Ore., Richard Yarington of route 1, Ashland, Ore., and Mrs. Gladys E. Ricks of Ashland, Ore. GEORGE FINLEY, Register (Jul 14-21-28 Aug 4-11) WRESTLI NG A-1BEER “Class in a Glass’ ON DRAUGHT AND IN BOTTLES A-ONE BREWING COMPANY MEDFORD, OREGON ASHLAND’S NEW RENDEZVOUS! OUR ADJOINING ROOM WITH BOOTHS AND TABLES FOR LADIES FEATURING AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT A-ONE DRAFT BEER 5c per glass Finest Quality Brew in Generous 6-0«. Gia»»! 3 ALLSTAR MAIN EVENTS! Bedford Armory BOHEMIAN CLUB AL BROWER, Proprietor