Friday, Aug. 4, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 T for the Modoc division of the Kla­ math project. < r / The new »chrdul«* of power rate* for Bonneville are In­ tended to eti«-«»urage uwe of the energy which ha* been going to waste for going on two years. The rates were submit­ ted to the federal power cont- iiiission and that body ru«h«d it* approval In four day« in order to adjourn for the num- mer. Senator» of Oregon and Washington have been advised to notify the commission by August 15 If they have any suggestions to make. Mean­ while Secretary of the Interior Ickes Is asking legislation to hire a fl«xk of officials for Bonneville at $9000 each. It would require the sale of 620 kilowatt year* on “at site” rate to pay one salary for on«* year. To date only 200 kilo­ watt years have been sold. ^I.TIIol Gli rrop failure I» one of the most disheaitruing acourgr* ever to visit a fami, Ertieat < hriatophrrson of Ione (in*ei1) I« ubi«* to look aero«* hit ruined wheat fichi» In Morrow county and not tie loo diwourag« d. < iirlstophrrson 'was among more than 7<8i Oregon farmer* who took out federal Inaurane«* on their !9S9 wheat crop*. After dry weather ruined hl« yield, he ho'iune ime of the flrat two farmer« In Oregon Io collect «m the policy. In On* field shown above, < hrtatophrrson ha* turned «time of hl* catti«* In to makr Use of the »mall amount of nourl«hment remaining. Re­ cently In* received a check from the Insurance corporation paying him In full for the Insured loss, which was 75 per ' finii' Ms ’•*) “fi » •Don'tsufferfro.n - -: n- ing. «marti n eyr». Murine brine» you -»feel cleaa,fresh,abvef Use Murine twice daily, strata due todc.ct .driving,glare,elo»e work, inovic*,rr d.-.latehrxurv Murine wi Inotet«- r-ct r/eilefuxxK'le». F« treatrucntoforganiceye .H«un,i-r 3 - .rr-t^-ient profc»ma»l at once. MULLEN-BROWN KITES Archie O. Brown of Klamath Falls and Pearl Mullen of Ashland were united in marriage July 22 at the Churcn of the Nazarene in Reno, Nev. Brown ia employed at the Algoma box factory The couple will mane their home in Klamath Falls. • • Beryl Tucker returned from a visit in Portland Monday. • H. I, Gregory and Mrs Arthur Sellars of Central Point visited here Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Mark True. _ _ ________ • ____ Mrs ____ Hugh Bates _ of Seattle vis- ited here with friends Tuesday, ¿¿[Js About Vie oce 9°‘?rnest Le oi toe in ’-he speciohY ,/CAX zXfc ot bocks** co*Ge‘OM< ¿ekvetV ^^eioce few b*f THE MINER PRESS A I 167 EAST MAIN STREET, ASHLAND PHONE 8561 l huntif . y Idsnt McNutt ha* not crau i ed down on Indiana, which is his homo staU fol doing what Ohio did Beneficiaries in Oregon and Washington will soon receive sim­ ilar propaganda. * V V , Survey of |M«t«Titial waler |x>ker in th«* l'nit«*d State*, ju»t completed, place* Hiwh Ington «late at th«* head of th«* list, with Oregon Ms-ond and California third. Washington'« potential |x>wer shows 8,768,- <881 horsepower availabl«* !8) |M*rc«*nt of the time and 12,- 021,(881 available 50 |M*rrcnt of th«* time. Oregon'« poten­ tial horsepower available IN) percent of the tiing 1« 4,502,- (88) and 6,104,000 available 50 |M*re«*«it of the time. Th«* thns* Pacific coast state* have 41.67 |M*rcent ol all the power which is available 9» percent of the time. It will always I m * |M>ten- tlal until there are enough |M*oplr to supply a market. f f f [<<-»*>( righi. S’MATTER POP- It Gets a Fella All Mixed Up! John Llewellyn Ix*wis, head of cio. who contributed $500,000 (dues from union members) to the Htxisevelt campaign in 1936, is THEM DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER Muzzle This on Your Mudguard. By C. M. PAYNE