Friday, Aug. 4, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 Thursday The girls, with oedrol-a Thompson's niece which took place and food for two days weie taken in Medford Saturday afternoon. to the o*>np He uy Mr. Mrs. • Members of the Bellview'Gnuige J. C. M.i'o’ie .Those e.ijoyi..g the who attended the Pomonu Grange trip includes Agnes Lacy, Kuby picnic held al McKee camp on the Dobbins. Almena Dobbins, Viclel Applegate river Sunday were Mr • Frances Spindler returned re­ returned last week-end from a two Keniston, Ruth !<• dston I.uci.le cently to her home at St. Helena. weeks vacation at Lake o' the Young. Dons < >o, er, Leu- Klein- and Mrs. Carl Henry and children, Henry Lanini, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Calif., following a visit here with Woods. iek. Beverley, Lydia Da. is, Gowlnnd, Glen Inlow, Mr. and Mrs her parents, Mr and Mrs. C. L. • Mr and Mrs. Al Jordan fished Marjorie Yarnell and Mariei laiuis I‘an key, Mis. Vai Inlow. Spindler. at Hiatt lake Sunday. Thomsen. Leaders Miss Jeanette Kenneth Bell, Miss Aileen inlow • Mr and Mrs. Allen McGee • Betty Grace Robbins spent last Gere, Elva Thompson and Mis. and Bill lirahs In the afternoon, left Tuesday for a vacation in the week-end in Klamath Falls at ¿he Clarence Hoidridge accompanied following luncheon, Kenneth Bell northern part of the state the girls. A feature of Thursday and Bill I alls played on the YGA home of her parents. • Kenneth and Merritt Schilling • Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gandee vis­ afternoon's activities was a birth­ team in a softL-ill game with the fished Monday on the Rogue ited with friends in Chiloquin day party for Elva Thompson Azalea Y’GA team from Douglas River. • The Talent Hi emen held an­ county. Sunday. • Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Dunham • Dick Petersen of Chiloquin vis­ other successful dance in the city • Sunday Mr and Mrs Ben and Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Crawford ited here with relatives and friends hall Saturday. Christlieb and daughter Marilyn spent last week-end at Crater Sunday. • Mis. Elizabeth Huson and sons I and Yvonne anu son Gary drove Lake. • Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pinson and Edward. Flojd and dang lit - • Eliz­ to Latke o' the Woods. Norman • Ed Wolcott of Calexico. Calif , son Bob of Dunsmuir visited here abeth returned Monday from a Christlieb, who had attended a visited here early in the week with Sunday at the home of Mr. mid three weeks visit to San Francisco. house party there, returned with his cousin, Mike Wolcott. Mrs. John Hughs and other rela- • Mi and Mis Art Eastland and them. son Richard returned trom Modoc • George Yoe Lt I wits In Modi >id • Wilbur Bushnell returned Tues­ ti\ es day from Lake o' the Woods where • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson vis­ Point, where he i.uj been em­ transacting business Friday of Inst he has been vacationing for sev- ited in Kano Sunday at the home ployed. Mr. Eastland wid work week. in the fruit here. eral days. of Mrs. Anderson's parents. • George Yockel returned from • Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Nininger • Mrs. Charles Mitchell and chil­ • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fowler and San Fram'sco Thursday of lust returned recently from a vacation dren made a trip to Klamath son spent Sunday at Holland, Ore week after having transacted busi­ • Mrs. Alpha Haynes, who is ness ami attended the fair trip to Crescent Lake Falls Monday. • Al Simpson and Jake Shaffer • Guy Lewis ol Polleck, Calif., employed at Crater Lake, spent a • Bellview Grunge announces the of Eugene visited here last week­ spent last week-end at Lake o’ portion of last week here with her presentation of a program for the mother and sister. Mrs Walter Phoenix Grr.nge at the hall Aug end with friends. the Woods. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith left • Grace Forsythe of Seattle ar- Davis and family. 8. They plan to present a play. recently for their home in Port­ rived Monday ior a visit with • Miss Nila Maxson is spending "In Ikiubt About David" with a land following a visit here at the friends and to attend the Shakes­ the week at Dead Indian us guest east including Ray inlow as Herb, of Mr and Mrs. Roy Hill and Henry Lindsay as Matt. Eunice home of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. pearean festival. Franco. • Dr. and Mrs. R E Walker vis­ family. Kincaid as Honor. Mama Byrd as • Dr. R. E. Poston spent several ited last week-end with relatives • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodapp of Katherine. Mrs. J M. Crow us Central Point were Talent visitors Mrs Turner and Ross Applegate days this week in San Francisco. in Grants Pass. • Owen H. Barnhill visited with • Charlotte Km.x left Monday for Sunday. as Mr. Turner Mrs Vai Inlow • A crew of men are making fruit Is direcUng and is in charge of friends in Shale City Sunday. Sacramento and Sun Francisco. boxes near the tracks this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Don Hinthorne • the program • The Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence • Mrs Walter Longstreth. Mrs spent Sunday at Lake o' the and family are holding evangelis­ J M Crow and Mr ami Mrs I E Woods. tic meetings in a tent near the Deadmond made a pleasure trip to • Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Samuelson city hall nightly. and daughter Mary Lou of Mt. the Applegate district Sunday af­ • Mrs. Walter Davis underwent ternoon. Shasta visited here early in the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. • L. C. McReynolds of Grants a major operation in the Com­ • M m Walter Hash and uncle, I'ass called on old neighbors and munity hospital Thursday. A. F. Barraclough. Samuel Jones, and G F and Q W • Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Anderson re- acquaintances here Saturday. He is • Margaret Knott, who is visiting Jones spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. of last week at Oakland, Ore , at turned recently from a trip to the a former Talent resident. • Mrs. F. Furrer and daughter. Cagnacci, has returned from the tending a Jones family reunion. fair in San Francisco, • Mr and Mrs. Ray Welch and Miss Kreger and a girl companion San Francisco fair. • Mr and Mrs B I. V. Uleford "I family of Weed visited here last of Wakefield. Kan., arrived in Tal­ • Mrs. John Hamilton of Tule Chiloquin are visiting for Severn' Lake spent last week in Talent ent Friday for an indefinite visit and week-end at the home of Mr. days at the home of Mr. ami Mis visiting relatives. ' with relatives. Mrs. Leslie Lusk. G. W. Willis and family. Mrs. Wil- • Earl Edsall of Klamath Falls • Mrs. Floyd Clark of Harbor. • Mr. and Mrs. Allen Clark are leford is a daughter of Mr and visited here Sunday at the home Ove . and sister Lottie Beswick of the parents of a six-pound girl Mrs Willis of his mother. Mrs. F. W. Edsall. Ashland were visiting friends here born in a Medford hospital re- • Mrs. Sadie Ijmgdon of Tacoma. cently. • Mrs. William Gram of Hilts Thursday evening. Wash., and Mrs Minnie Dickson • Mrs. Vern Bailey of Grants • Mrs. Wa.vne Wheeler and Mrs. of Medford spent Thursday after­ was a business visitor Tuesday. George Ptiier were Ashland shop ­ Pass called on Mr. and Mrs. Bill • Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Johnson and noon visiting at the home of .Mrs pers Wednesday afternoon. son returned to their home in Childers Saturday. Walter Brahs. Henley Monday following a visit • Sidney Jones ana G. Metcalf • Annabelle Riggs is employed • Mr and Mrs. Daniel Farmer here at the horrfe of Dr. and Mrs. are •topping' al toe Talent camp at Maxson's confectionery. and daughter Dolores of Dorris giound ani are employed with • Lyde May Baylor left Sunday spent Saturday and Sunday visit­ R. L. Burdic. for Jerome Prairie to spend the ing at the home of Mrs. Farmer’s • Mr. and Mrs. Jean Hastings are Charlie Skeeters at logging. vacationing in the northern part • Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mason of remainder of vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Byrd Seattle, Wash., are visiting his aunt. Lidia Van Winkl<- of the state this week. • Mr. ami Mrs Walter Sexton and • • Mrs. Aubrey Miles. Bill Miles, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry <1.mghter Eliabeth < >f Klamath and Mrs. Pete Nutter and two Mason at the 'Jagley orchard. Falls spent Saturday at the home children are spending several days • The Taler.: Girl Seoul troop of Mrs. Sexton's parents. Mr. and enjoyed au ovemigh* camping trip at Gold Beach. Mrs. Ed Grimm • Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Claycomb at the forks of Wagner creek • Miss Marjorie Bell spent this week visiting with Mrs D F • Miss Jeanette Burton of Ash­ Korth and son Jimmie in Lincoln. land spent a few days this week • The Misses Rosemary Bell. visiting at the home of her friend. Wanda Reynolds. Esther Wade. Miss Veeda Williams. Lois Welch, Nancy Ring. Evelyn • Mrs. Floyd Carter, who has Willis. Leona Chipman, Fem We- spent the last several weeks in naus and Eula Wenaus, with their Klamath Falls, returned to her chaperon. Elsie Willis, returned home Tuesday, She was called Saturday from a week's outing on here by the death of Charles the Applegate river. Homes of Ashland. • Kenneth Bell, who is employed • Milo Kays is spending several in California, spent last week-end days visiting with his sister and at the home of his parents. Mr brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs. John and Mrs R. E Beil. Robison. • Mrs. Malinda King of Ashland • Mr. McKinnis and his son Ver­ visited Sunday morning at the non have employment in the pear home of J M Williams orchards in Valley View district. • Word has been received here They started work Wednesday. that Miss Evelyn Bagley, a former • George Yockel made a trip to resident who has been attending Days Creek Tuesday morning on business school in Oakland. Calif., business.' has obtained employment there. • Tuesday Jack Petersen of Ash­ • Mrs. Joseph Rosen and Mrr land was a dinner guest at the Anna Mae Hazelwood are spend­ home of Dale Williams. ing several days in San Francisco • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Christlieb attending the fair. made a trip to Grants Pass Tues­ • Mrs Edwin Dunn, who recently day, where they transacted busi­ ness. • The Bellview Grange has an­ nounced a picnic to be held at Helman's Baths starting at 1 o’clock Sunday. All Grange mem- , bers and families are cordially in­ vited to attend and are asked to bring their own basnet lunch and service. The afternoon will be spent in playing games and swim­ ANY BRANCH ming. • Norman Christlieb, Billy Briggs ans Angeles Hebrew mission Thrre will T h * a motion picture showing sacred sites and scenes In the Holy luunl Also Jewish customs and mission­ ary work "The Wondering Jew" is the theme of the service A cordial invitation to ull day ns guests nt the home of their friend. Frankie Bruhn • TALENT • « BELLVIEW • YOU OPEN CREDIT for PERSONAL and FHA HOME LOANS Electricity Your Biggest Bargain ! Do you know how much value you receive in a Kilowatt Hour? Enough lighting for the family’s evening reading ... a day’s radio entertainment . . . two hours of ironing . . . fifteen hours of re­ frigeration Add to these the many other com­ forts made possible by Electricity, and you will immediately realize that for “value received,” Electricity has no equal! Present rates enable you to make further economics as the Kilowatt Hours are increased. 4 * It’s Cheap to Use Electricity! ( f Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department” I