S outhern O regon M iner Un,v of Orqroa L! ry The Paper That Has Somethin# To Say—And Says It! ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1939 Volume VIII AS YOU LIKE IT’ WILL OPEN PLAY SERIES TONIGHT rPHE federal census will sturi counting noses next year and it will lx- lot, I . ■ f ir>, to find how many of them arc in their own business 1 / 1 Thnt plop-plop heard around Washington cornea from chapeau landing in the ring, which has been fitted out With a hat-check girl to avoid lnte-<-ani|siign confusion 111 Clark W< mm ! hints that he’d Is* willing to send in hla photo for that new series of stumps com­ memorating great Americans The Weston editor would lx- right ut home, t, taking hla licking« r r r What this country needs is business revolution that turns wheel r < r Th«« («rant« Pa«« Mellon of Rogue river will receive some rain­ bow planting thin full and, to heur the fishermen talk, you'd think a pot of gold was Ix-ing buried with each one. In 'Comedy of Errors? 'I'llE fifth unnual Oregon Hhukes- pcuK-iui festival will start an eight-night run In Ashland's out­ door Elizabethan theater tonight, Aug 4. when Queen Elizabeth (Lillian Davis) officially opens the 1939 festival at 8:20 o'clock. Cur­ tain will la- promptly at 8:30 o clock and the opening perform­ ance will be "As You Idke It." Saturday evening. Aug. ft, Di­ rector Angus Bowmer’s players will present "Hamlot’’ and the theater will remain dark Sunday evening Monday, Aug 7, "Com edy of Errors" will play, and Tues­ day evening the players will dra­ matize "As You Like It." Wed nesday, Aug I), the one perform­ ance of "Taming of the Shrew" will be given, and next evening, Aug 10, "Hamlet" will be played for the final time. Friday, Aug 11, the players will bring "Comedy of Errors" to the Elizabethan stage, and Saturday, Aug. 12, final j»er- formance will be "As You IJke It." The annual festival, which has bet,,me one of southern Oregon's greatest attractions, has grown i - fiom an ex|M-rimcntal first year presentation at the Southern Ore­ gon College of Education where Prof. Angus Bowmer, creator of the festivals, is dramatics direct­ or. The plays this year are draw­ JACK HILU4BURY of Portland is shown above as he will appear ing a cast from over the entire country and Shakespearean en­ In the rob- of Antiph dun of Syracuse in “Comedy of Errors,” thuMlasts from many slates ure Shakespearean festival play which will I m - presented by Director coming to Ashland to enjoy the Angus Itowiaer in As'dand's outdoor Eli/uilwthai. theater Monday, scries Aug. 7, nnd Friday, Aug. II. Other playn will include “As You Like Tonight's presentation, "As You It” Aug. 4, 8 and 12; "Hamlet” Aug. 5 and 10, and "Taming of the Like ll," will be given three times Shrew" Aug. fl. A brief ■ynopala of the play fol- lows: kV 1 Number 31 IMstoffice Bids On Cali Here for New Lease of Quarters Advertisements for proposal to lease postoffice quarters in Ash­ land at expiration of present lease March 1, 1840, are in hands of Postmaster John H. Fuller this week and have been posted in the lobby. Forms for bids on quarters to house the postoffice may be ob­ tained from Fuller, he said yester­ day. All bids must be submitted by Aug. 31 for consideration. The pi esent quarters in the Masonic building have been occupied for more tnan 30 years, while previous to that time the postofiice was housed in the same building but in the room now occupied by the Plaza cafe. IICKET DRIVE FOR FESTIVAL NEARS FINISH » ■ <^ALE oi tickets for Ashland s bnakespearean festival which opens in the outdoor Elizabethan uieater tonight, Aug. 4, is being punned by a committee headed by Mrs. Etta Schilling. Mrs. Chan n-gan is conducting a similar drive in Medford. 111 Aiding Mrs. Schilling are C. M. Things are getting better. Busi­ Litwiller, P. R. Hardy, Bob Ingle, ness now is hanging around the Vvlima Nutter, Mrs. Ramsay Ben­ Corner Instead <»f the coroner son, Mrs. Chan Beebe, Mrs. Mar- 111 chial Stansbury and Gordon Mc­ Cracken. The canvassers have And It's getting so practically been placing both sponsors' tick­ everybody is a ward of the govern­ ets and single admissions, the ment. but only Indiuns are denied sponsors’ tickets being good for their drinks. six reserved seat performances at 111 the price of five and are inter- As You Like It The embrace of death comes changeable in any manner the Duke Frederick, usurping hla when nations rush at each other's buyer chooses. brother's dukedom, banishes him arms Ticket headquarters have been to the Forest of Arden, where established at the Eliza iwathan 111 loyal subjects have gathered to According to late reports from Shakespearean theater in Lithia park where re­ Frederick his kept Congress) >nal economists have serve him may be made in charge been dipping millions off the bud­ Rosalind, daughter to the banish­ festival headquarters, ticket sales for this year’s servations of Gordon McCracken, while the ed duke, at the court to be com- get and still it's short. Chamber of Commerce office has |>anion to his daughter, Celia, who series of plays have not been up to par in Ashland. 111 of tickets available. loves Rosalind dearly. The festival, and the good work being done by a supply T?iermon>etirs took a sudden A young wrestler, Orlando, Those buying sponsors’ tickets Climb In southern Oregon again comes to the court to try a fall the assembled actors, technicians and directors, have in Ashland up to Thursday this week and it got so uncom­ with Charles the Duke's wrest­ included the following: been this community’s most newsworthy accom- noon fortable thut the Vrather was al ler Charles is thrown and so is Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Hardy, Dr. moat as bad as the talk about it young Orlando's heart, for he falls lishment in years. Attention the country over is ’ and Mrs. R. E. Poston, Mr. and in love with Rosalind and she 111 Mrs. Robert Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. being focused on Ashland and it is to our selfish with him After meeting Oii-uido, Moore Hamilton, in his Medford Rosalind is banished from her advantage that we continue our wholehearted sup­ ; Ken Weil, Mrs. V. O. N. Smith, Mr and Mrs. G. H. Billings, Mrs. News, points out that women used uncle's court, as he has grown Elda Anderson, Mary and Lucy port of this civic asset. to do all the work in eiirly Amer- Jealous of her influence with the Niver, Mrs Lillian Greer, Miss ica when the Indians still owned people. Because of her love for This season's selection of Shakespearean plays is Louise Woodruff, Mr. and Mrs. the country Yep, and only | mi | mxmi - Rosalind, Celia, the Duke's own Frank Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles well varied and of interest and entertainment to es drove from the back seat daughter, decides to accompany W. Allin, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay her in exile. They leave the pal­ everyone, including those who believe they are not 1 1 1 Benson, Mrs. Ruth King, Mr. and ace together and seek shelter "Everything that wears feath­ interested in the Bard of Avon’s works. We have yet Mrs. C. H. Putney, Stevens Cash ers" will t>c at the Cleveland with Rosalind's father, the ban­ Fortmiller's, Plaza cafe, ished Duke Because of the dan ­ to meet the person who, having attended one of the Market, world's poultry congress this week Miss Lydia McCall, Mrs. J. M excepting, of course, early-rising gers of the Journey, they decide to plays in the local Elizabethan theater, is not pleased Wagner, Dr. and Mrs. Walter Red­ put on disguises, with Celia as a roosters near L i droom windows ford, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Woods, .-.h.-j.ii. ideas and Rosalind as a and enthusiastic. ----------- >... Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Woods, Mr. young shepherd. In Grants Pass the Cavemen keep that city in and Mrs. H. S. Aikins and Mr. and Orlando, the young wrestler, is Mrs J. W. McCoy. forced to flee from his home be- the limelight. In Ashland the Shakespearean festival Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNair, cause of his elder brother's brother’s Jeal- jeal- Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Litwiller, Mr. in the does as much or more for the community. ousy. He too seeks refuge In Mrs. F. F. Whittle, Mr. and Every person here who can should attend at least and Forest of Arden, where he spends Mrs. Wirt Wright, Mr. and Mrs. purlin to one of the plays during the coming eight days and his time writing love poems Lloyd Selby, Miss Jeanette Smith, Rosalind. Mr and Mrs. J. W Wright, Mrs. The two lovers stxm meet, but The Miner will guarantee that anyone but a M Schilling, Mrs. E. V. Carter, Orlando docs not recognize his moronic imbecile will get his money's worth. Not H. Mrs. Alice Peil, Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ lady in her boy’s attire, and Ros- thur Coggins, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. allnd has much s|x>rt at Orlando's only does the festival deserve our united support, Butler, Miss Marion Ady, Mrs. F. expense. In due course of time, but it also is tops in value-giving entertainment and G. Swedenburg, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando's Jealous brother repents Beecher Danford and Mr. and Mrs. is priceless publicity for Ashland. of his wickedness and Joins the F. Andres. group in the forest, where he falls Plan to enjoy Director Angus Bowmer’s brilliant I. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fuller, Mr. Then Duke in love with Celia. dramatizations of the world’s greatest literature. and Mrs. T. S. W'iley, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, enraged at the turn of W. A. Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin events, comes to the forest to put Kaegi, Mrs. Esther Sullivan, Mr. his banished brother to the sword, and Mrs. Sumner Parker, Metz but Instead he meets with an old WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug 3 and Richards. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. religious hermit who converts him *’ It is under cover yet, but the to a life of atonement He then Adams and Mrs. G. S. Butler. department of state is alarmed at restores his brother to the throne ------------ •------,------ the number of alien plotters nnd Rosalind makes herself known to Ashland's Shakespearean festi­ conspirators and gangs of assas­ Orlando by an amusing trick, and val is drawing together many sins who are planning the over­ there follows a scene of joy and prominent writers, photographers throw of friendly governments All flower lovers of southern and dramatic critics from coast Many of thes aliens are known and merriment. Oregon are invited to attend the “As You Uke It” Cast points and today a representative their purpose is known but there Duke Senior, Jack Hillsbury; fourth annual Grants Pass Gladio­ Coast and Life magazines was is no federal law by which the First Lord, John Reisacher; Duke lus show Friday and Saturday. No of as well as an Associated revolutionists and assassins can be Frederick, Boyd Swanson; Amiens, charge is made for admission to expected, writer. either Jailed or dejorted. Until the James Baughman; Jacques, Adri­ see the colorful blooms in the ex­ Press Hunt, drama editor of An inter-city challenge was re­ congress provides the necessary an Martin; Le Beau, Robert Per­ hibit hall at Fifth and H streets, the Harold Journal, was to fly ceived in Ashland this week when legislation these foreigners can kins; Charles, Ix-roy Lindner; Ol­ directly opposite from the site of here Oregon today to cover the series. conspire to seize governments, iver, Tom Fairchild; Jacques de the three previous shows. Many news stories, news pictures Hilt, Calif., softball players dared murder presidents and high state Boys, Wilber Stevens; Orlando, The events open Friday morn­ and attention will be given the Ashland players to meet them in officials and be Immune in the William Cottrell; Adam. Delmar ing at 10:40 o'clock with a bicycle plays here. Following first night an extra-session contest to settle United States. SoLm; Touchstone, Robert Sted­ parade in which each entry will be performance this evening, a back- a few fine points about community man; Sir Oliver Martext, John decorated with blooms supplied by stage reception will be held for prowess. The game probably will President Roosevelt knows Reisacher; Corin, Robert Perkins; the growers. Judges from Pacific guests, writers and players. the facts nnd Is much concern­ be arranged either for next week Sylvius, Leroy Lindner; William, coast states are expected to have ed, for the anarchist groups or following the district playoff completed their tasks immediate­ r Richard Schuhard; Rosalind, lx* are seeking to overthrow gov­ in Grants Pass. Velle White; Celia, Barbara Jean ly after, and the doors to the ex­ ernment« In South America, Gary Newton Bill Tallis, spokesman for the hibit hall will be thrown open. The Schuler; Phoebe, Patricia Farrell; some of the 20 republics em- i Hilt players—many of whom are Audrey, Ixi Murle Beck Witt; city band will give a concert Fri­ and Companion braced In the administration’s j distributed among several local lords, pages, etc., Gene Perry, Du- day evening at 8 o'clock. "good neighbor” |M>llcy. In­ teams wrote his challenge to The Are Invited to Be Guests of the When the show closes Saturday ain Monroe, Doris Danford, Ray side facts of the plots are as Miner as follows: night, all the blooms will be do ­ Lewis, Vayle Specht, Mary Pat sensational and thrilling as Southern Oregon Miner nated to churches and hospitals. "A bunch of the boys were Rawe, Mark Seeley. any fiction story on spies and Non-commercial in Its sponsor­ whooping it up to the tune of “Us ------------ • ------------ To See Their Choice of international Intrigues. Mr. ship, the show will pay homage to guys from Hilt could beat any all- KANSANS WILL PICNIC the Following Roosevelt realizes the embar­ star aggregation the city of Ash- Former residents of Kansas will the $250.000 gladiolus bulb Indus­ rassment of trying to streng­ try of Josephine and Jackson Varsity Theater ! land can gather together;" mean­ enjoy an annual picnic in Uthia then the bonds of friendship An especial treat for ing, of course, that the boys who park Sunday, Aug. 6, according counties. Programs : with n South American repub­ play softball here would enjoy to F F Burk. Medford secretary gladiolus fanciers will be the spe­ lic while nt the same time the nothing more than the opportunity (Saturday) of the Southern Oregon Kansas cial section for new and unnamed United States Is harboring as­ hybrids created by the exhibiting to tackle anything Len Hall, Par­ picnic. sassins and revolutionaries as "COLORADO SUNSET" growers. ker Hess. Flaharty, et al, could ------------ •— they work out plans to de­ and piece together from the Ashland GOES TO PRISON stroy that particular republic. THE SAINT STRIKES BACK' boys. JOSEPH LANE WYLAND Ulric Carl Keener, Txts Angelos Funeral services for Joseph Some fine day the lid will be transient, recentlv arrested In "This might be a good chal­ (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) lifted from this situation and the connection with thefts from the Lane Wyland, 73, who died July lenge to keep in mind for a night “ THE KID FROM KOKOMO" papers will be carrying first page Austle Barron ranch south of Ash­ 27, were held at 2:30 p. m. July when only one special game is • Stories. For the present, however, land, was sentenced to two and 31 at the Litwiller Funeral home scheduled. In any event, please secrecy surrounds the facts which one-half years In state prison and with the Rev. James Morgan of­ Please Call at The Miner Office consider yourselves “on the spot” have been disclosed to only a few has been taken to Salem to start ficiating. Interment was in IOOF until our appetites have been ap­ for Your Guest Tickets cemetery. (Continued on page B) serving time. j peased.” SHAKESPEARE AT HIS BEST! Here For GLADIOLUS SHOW Newsmen Festival Coverage TO OPEN TODAY Hilt Players Issue Challenge to Local Softballers for Tilt IRRIGATORS TO BE RESTRICTED HERE ON HOURS ASHLAND water users who sprinkle lawns and gardens go on moderately restricted use late next week as the result of action taken by city councilmen Tuesday night. Irrigation will be limited to certain hours and days and wasteful practices will be out­ lawed, the resolution decrees. The restrictions will divide the city into two districts, the upper portion being south of Main street and Siskiyou boulevard and the lower section being that part of Ashland north of the dividing thoroughfares. Upper zone resi­ dents may water their lawns and gardens between the hours of 5 a. m. and 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. and 10 p. m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, while those in the lower portion will observe the same hours on Tuesdays, Thurs­ days and Saturdays. On Sundays the upper portion may use the water for irrigation during morn­ ing period while the afternoon period will be limited to lower section residents. The water conservation move was devised to assure adequate pressure in all parts of the city. All users must turn off all outlets when fire alarm is sounded, and no open hose or faucet may be used by those paying for 15,000 square feet or less of irrigable land. No runoff onto streets or sidewalks will be permitted. Water in Reeder dam stands at about 500 acre feet, little over half capacity. All water users will be notified by postcard of the re­ strictions. Councilmen Tuesday night also approved two building permits, one for a $3500 frame house at 493 Beach street for Sarah V. Peters and the other an $1800 residence at 431 Liberty street for Julia Holeck and H. V. Nidever. City dads approved Chief of Po­ lice C. P. Talent's recommendation that disposal of dogs and other animals be turned over to city garbage franchise holders Wil­ liam Ross and sons. ANNOUNCE UNION CHURCH SERVICE Ashland Presbyterian. Congre­ gational, Episcopal and Methodist churches have announced their union church service schedule for remaining summer Sundays as follows: Aug. 6, at Nazarene church, Jas. A. Vaus, speaking for the Los Angeles Hebrew mission. Aug. 13. Congregational church, the Rev. Melville T. Wire, speaker. Aug. 20, Presbyterian church, the Rev. J. P. Senter, speaker. Aug. 27, Methodist church, the Rev. J. H. Edgar, speaker. Sept. 3, Episcopal church, the Rev. Charles M. Guilbert, speaker. SEEN IN A DAZE CHARLIE RUGG saying something had been running through his mind but he didn’t know what it was. although he wasn’t suspecting termites. PARKER HESS declaring his marriage ceremony, if and when, will be read out of a softball rule book. FRANK SCOTT describing a swimmer who was so large that when she stood under a shower it required five minutes for water to reach her waist. RAY CLARY', one of Ash­ land's most popular postcard readers, leaving instructions at headquarters that if the ther­ mometer reaches 110 degrees to send an ambulance. MIKE WOLCOTT denying his kith and kin. L. E. BURSE giving an in­ teresting description of military tactics used in the World war. “HANDLE-BAR" GRANT hewing his way out of a wooded area in Lithia park. CLARK THOMAS looking over his shoulder at an old man with a long gray beard who was threatening him with black bugs. JANE HALL caught between the devil and SLADE SONG­ ER’S big black sedan DR C A HAINES and AUB­ REY MILES catching a dozen fish and DOC landing every one of it