Friday, July 28, 1939 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 with a Irung-up twill game against Lkrdgers but went to pieces in HOW THEY STAND! the the thiid inning and finally drop- j»ed the game by a acore of 16 sill AND SOLTHALL LRAUI'E to ft. • L. D. Clark, for many years a Short score: Tvtim w L Pvt. reaident here, met death Tuesday R H E The Rogues-Talent game at the I (kill Dodger» ....... $ afternoon at the Mt. Crest ranch Iti 11 4 line Box 2 1 tkki high school field Wednesday night Elk» when a wire broke, striking him 5 6 6 I lodgers 2 2 .500 was a case of every man tor him­ Miner Pre»» across the throat and severing an • 2 • .500 self as both teams turned m a I'ine Boxer» artery. He was rushed to the Hilt • Subscribe for The Miner today 2 .333 scoring spree which saw the Tal­ Talent 1 hospital by Fred Bayliss and Nel­ ent Firemen emerge »nth a 16 to Rogue» 1 2 ¿88 son Watts, but he was dead be- 15 victory. fore they reached there. Mr Score by innings: |ji»t week's result»: Clark is survived by his wife and R H E Elks 9. Miner Press 6 daughter Doris, step-daughter. 10 Rogues 320 514 0 15 13 Dodgers 16, Pine Box 5. lc per Word jier Insertion Mrs. W. Tallis of Hilt and his Rogues ...... 345 202 X 16 17 7 Dodgers 16, Rogues 4. niothei and a son in Washington Miner Press 4. Talent 3 The body was shipped north tor FOR SALE New and used desks, Talent 16. Rogues 15. In one of the best games seen burial. filing cabinets, swivel chairs and in a long while the Miner Press Miner Press 8, line Box 6. (Continued from page 1) safes. Medford Office Equip had a close call at the hands of • The Hilt Ladies Aid met Thurs­ the Pine Boxers and finally came ized The westerners are pushing day afternoon at ’• o’clock at the SOI TIIRRN OREGON LE AG I ’» merit Co., 32 North Grape street. out on top with a 6 to 8 tally. through legislation which will en­ home of Mrs John De Wit Mrs Medford. (48tf I Team I. Pet. W The Boxers scored two runs in able settlers on pt ejects to resume Bernheisel, president, conducted a Granta Pa»» .818 9 the fourth inning and neither team payments to the government and the business meeting and Mrs. Ben 4—348l> a (n-scent City 9 .818 could cross the platter until the enable them to save their hold­ Oilom and Mrs. Arthur Pedersen United States Department of the Medford 4 7 .636 seventh when Woodward and Jan- ings. The plan involves, among were hostesses. Others present Inteilor, General luuul riffle«- a' Dorri» 5 .500 5 dreau of the Boxers lost their other means to aid the settlers, a were Mesdames Fred Haynes. Roy ItoM-burg, Oregon, June 26, 111311. < ■ tendale 5 <1 .455 temper and the Printers took ad­ reduction in interest rate. Elliott, Dick Williams. Nelson Notice is hereby given that Klamath Falls H 1(8» 4 Watts and baby, E. Wright. Charles A. Muncutt of box 161, vantage. \ r 4 7 .364 * r * Franklin, Frank Graves, W. Holm­ Score by innings Ashland, Oregon, who, on May 14. Gold Hill 0 II .800 Junk dealer» can continue RHE berg, A. Samuelson, W. Gran. I' i . u . made original horn« itead bargaining for old rusty iron Roop. W. Dutros, T. Anderson. H. Miner Press 000 000 8—8 7 3 entry. Ada 6-6-12 A 6-9-10, No Result» Sunday, July 23 and abandoned farm machin ­ Clevenger. A. Gilberg and children. Pine Box ........... 000 200 4—6 5 4 At Gold Hili 4. Ashland-Tnlent 5 021398 for S'.si?,. si-i'.sw . ery around the Irani for the --------- •------------ T. Quanime, Fred Bayliss, L, D. At Klamath Falls 6. Grants section 11, township 398. range administration has thrown Clark and Harry De Janiett. De­ Pass 7. 2 K, Willamette meridian, has filed water on the proponal of Daugherty Saves Nine cold licious refreshments were served notice of intention to make final At Dorris 9. Crescent City 7. Senator Schwellenbuch. Wash­ proof, to establish claim to the From Shut-Out With ington. to place an emltargo • Mrs. Frank Graves attended a At Glendale 10, Medford 7 land above described, before G. H bridge party at Hornbrook Wed­ on shipping scrap iron to Billings, notary public, ut Ashland. Loaded - Base Homer Ja|raii. which is regarded as a nesday. Game» Sunday, July 30 Ashland-Talent ut Klamath Oregon, on the 1st day of August, munition of war. Secretary of t Mrs. O. Ollison and Mrs. Earl 1939. Nine runs in the third inning, State Hull objected to the I Temple spent the week-end on the . Falls. Claimant names as witnesses when Bill Ausland was knocked Glendale at Grants Pass senate taking up this matter coast at the mouth of Smith river. C. A. Applegate, H. E Applegate, from the box. aided in giving the Medford at Dorris. until it comes to a decision on • Mr. and Mrs. Henry De Clerck M E Kaegi and A C. Edwards Dodgers a 16 to 4 victory over the Gold Hill at Crescent City. the President's neutrality pro­ and family drove to San Francisco all of Ashland. Oregon. Rogues at the high school field • gram. This means scrap can Friday where Audomar received GEORGE FINLEY. Register Friday night. he exported to Japan for an­ a treatment on his hand. (Jun 30 Jul 7-14-21-28) Sponsor-Active Flub Johnnie Dougherty, Rogues other six or seven months, at • Bill Walker drove to Oakland manager, kept his team from go­ least. Japan continues to la­ Saturday to bring home his daugh­ Melee Ends in Tie As 4—348l> ing scoreless when he rapped out a the largest buyer of northwest ter Shirley who has been staying United State» Department «if th«- home run in the sixth with the lumber and foodstuffs. Dodgers Drop Caves with her aunt since the last of Interior, General lauul Office ut bases loaded. < < 1 Roseburg, Oregon. Score by innings: Sheepmen have obtained some­ May. When the smoke of an unde- ' RHE thing out of the congress. After • Leonard Pullen drove to Kerby terniined number of runs, hits and : Notice is hereby given that Dodgers ............... 009 133 16 16 4 hearings and debates extending Saturday. errors had cleared away at the Grace G Sikes of route 1, l»«x 206. Rogues ................. 000 004 4 3 8 for a year and agitation which • Earle Temple, Al Lawson, Vai high school ball park Tuesday Ashland, Oregon, who, on Aug 21. started long ago. congress has en­ Temple and Billy Gran were in night, the Spongers' and Active 1934, made original homestead In the other half of the double­ acted a "truth-in-fabric" measure Ashland to a show Saturday eve­ club's nines found themselves In entry. Acts 0-6-12 and 0-9-10. No header. Darby O’Toole, in the box When an article is advertised as ning a tie in the first softball game of i 021572, for W'- j NW4 section 25. for the Miner Press, had a tough virgin wool it must be virgin wool • Mr. and Mrs. Lester Reynolds the evening. township 40 south, range 2 east job on his hands to come out with and not reworked wool. Opposition and son Dean were visiting Mr. Bert Miller and Ebe Dunn were Willamette meridian, has filed not a 4-3 win. Two hits and a Talent has come from manufacturers who and Mrs. G G. Black Sunday present on the field to steal the ice of intentkin to make final error enabled the printers to put mixed reprocessed wool and offer­ evening. show from the hard-working play­ proof, to establish claim to th«- across three runs in the final ed the article as made of virgin 9 Mrs. Wilson of Portland and ers. land above described, before G II frame. wool. The new law will protect the her nephew. Kelley Brooks of Med­ Charley Warren pitched the Billings, notary public, at Ash­ Score by innings: consumer from being imposed on ford, were visiting at the M Seif Dodgers to an 8 to 7 win over the land. Oregon, on th«- 29th day ol Aug , 1939 RHE and is expected to increase the home Monday. Cave Shop in the second game. Miner Press 001 000 3 4 5 1 market of growers. • Mrs. George Goodwin and son The score was tied in the first | Claimant names as witnesses Talent ................ 200 010 0 3 7 4 i t 1 Gerald who have been visiting rel­ of the seventh when Warren walk­ George Ricks of Ashland, Ore Reason congressmen are trying atives near Portland the past ed a Caveman but Baughman, Claude Ix'ng id route 1. Ashland. to wind up by the end of this month, returned home Saturday. Dodger catcher, hit a double and Ore, Richard Yarington of route month is because a congressman • Mr. and Mrs. George Reigcl Jones got a single which put the | 1. Ashland, Ore . and Mrs Gladys E Ricks of Ashland Ore pays rent by the month in ad­ and family were in Reedsport game on ice. GEORGE FINLEY. Register vance. If the session runs to Aug­ Sunday. ( Jul 14-21-28 Aug 4 11) ust 5. as some predict, they must • Reginald H. Parsons of Seattle pay for all of August. Average arrived in Hilt Wednesday, called A-T’s Come Through County Court of the State congressman pays between Slop here by the death of L. D. Clark. To Dump Gold Hill In of the Oregon In and for Jackson and $200 a month, none less than • Dunsmuir defeated the Hilt nine County $100 and many more than $200. on the home diamond Sunday, 7-5. The Ashland Talent baseball IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ Since this session started rents It was a hard-fought game alone have cost members about throughout. Walt Foster pitched team journeyed to Gold Hill last TATE OF DARIUS N DAVIS Sunday and came home on th«- $1500 to $2000 . . . The President for Hilt. DECEASED paying end of a 7 to 5 score after -------- •— would like to try fishing in Rogue NOTICE OF HRAUNG ON a hard-fought battle which saw river when he visits the Pacific TO CONSOLIDATE LANDS FINAL ACCOUNT OF KXECU- the Beavers out in the lead from coast next m^nth. He will take WASHINGTON. D. C. (Spe­ TOR along his tackle "in case" . . . cial»—Now on the desk of Presi­ the fourth to the eighth inning. Notice is hereby given that the It was triples by Don Montgom ­ Secretary of Interior Ickes wants dent Roosevelt for his signature ery and Ed Learning and a sizzling undersigned, the executor of th«- to pay $9000 a year for chief at ­ is the bill, passed by house and Something New! torney for Bonneville to a young senate, for consolidation of hold­ single by Jones, plus a Gold Hill will of Ihirius N Davis, deceased, lawyer only a few years out of ings of the government In the O4C error, that put the game in the has filed In said court his final account in the matter of said