Friday, July 2H, 1939 • TALENT • k f I • '1 uul lira a :huiiz . U m pui villa of u four und one-half pound girl born Sunday morning at their home. • Several Talent reaidenU from South Dakota attended the picnic at Jiik, who are employed with thv Pelican Bay Lumber company, spent the week- SOUTHERN OREGON MINER end with Mr Cook's parents, Mi mid Mrs E k W Mi and Mis. <» Carver irtuin vd here Sunday after spending thv winter In Dlaho mid Missouri O (Jinnies Holdridgv made a bus iniss flip til ('rv«i ent City Thurs­ day. • Itonuld Walden, who 1« employ vd near Kirk in a lumber camp, «¡ivnt the week-end ill Talent. • Mi and Mi« Clmvncc Home«, who operate the service station in Ashland recently vacated by Mr. mill Mia Rush, were Talent vlait- oia Saturday. • Mr mid Mis Lyle Tame «pent the latter part of the week at their ranch on I read Indian • William Petri, who resided here for many years, died Saturday evening after u long illness. • Mr anya of Jacknon county 4-H cluba, Gerald Locke, Bob Baylor, Bill Witt, Roy Reid and Harry Withrow were selected to go to ixike o' the Wisxls for a week’s vacation The boys return­ ed home Saturday from an en­ joyable trip. • Earlrne Withrow of Ashland a|M-nt last week visiting relatives here. • The firemen gave another dance at the city hall Satunlay night which was well attended • Mra Edwin Graham returned home Sunday from the Community hospital in Ashland where ahe underwent a major operation. Church of the Nazarene E. E. Wordsworth, Minister Fourth mid <’ Street» Sunday schixil 9 45 a m. T. S Wiley superintendent We are in a contest with our Klamath Falla school and desire your assistance in helping us to win. We request that you be on time each Sunday of the contest. We are sure you will cooperate. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Ser­ mon by the pastor. N. Y. P. S 7 o’clock p. m. A vital service for youth. Interesting programs. Educational service 8 o’clock. Dr. It. Wayne Gardner, vice- president of Northwest Nazarene college and the King's men’s quar­ tet. members of the college a ca- pella choir, will present a service of music, entertainment and inspi­ ration. You will enjoy this vital service A college film will be shown on college life The personnel of the King's men’s quartet is as follows: Ken­ neth Meenach, first tenor; Ed­ ward Lancaster, second tenor; I »on ' Iaimmera, baritone and Hughlon McDowell, bass The public is cordially invited. Quaker Oil Heaters Give You the Most for Your Money ♦ SATURDAY AM) MONDAY FOOD PRICES! DIAL 7021—FOLK DELIVERIES DAILY BACON, Swift, lb Oranges, doz Lemons, dozen Lettuce, 2 heads Cantaloupe, each Fresh Tomatoes, lb Grapefruit, doz. 6c 12c 9c 5c 5c 25c ■ CORNED BEEF OXYDOL CORN FLAKES—KELLOGG’S WHITE HOUSE COFFEE HEAT WITH OIL 17c 19C 6c 33C ALL- PURPOSE During the cold winter months you want your home clean, warm and comfortable CHIEF YOU GET ALL THIS IN AQUAKER JELL-O AND WITH A QUAKER it costs you no more for fuel than you are now paying for wood, with ail the incon­ venience and dirt of feeding the stove and removing the ashes. And how those ashes do fly! It might interest you to know there is no noise, smoke or soot with a Quaker Oil Burner. Quaker engin­ eers have been working on this heater for the last fifty years getting it to the high state of perfection it now enjoys. No other burner on the market has had near the experience the Quaker has and it has often been said that the Quaker is the only heater today that can successfully burn Diesel oil (that cheap fuel oil). It might also interest you to know that QUAKER OIL HEATERS WILL PRODUCE 20 i MORE HEAT FROM A GALLON OF FUEL OIL THAN OTHER OIL BURNERS! Because of its efficiency, the ease with which it is regulated'and the low cost of operation it is today the most popular oil burning heater. There are several models of Quaker Oil Burning Heaters—in fact there is a model for every requirement. You really have to see these different models to fully appreciate the interest Quaker has taken to supply a heater for your particular requirements. Today thre are more than 200 satisfied customers in Ashland using Quaker Oil Heaters why not join this list by letting us install a Quaker in your home. Our guarantee is that you shall be satisfied. If we cannot produce satisfactory heat we will take it out and without any obligation on your part. You take no chance with a Quaker. See tis at once about your heating requirements before you need the heat so it can be installed before the early fall rains and cool nights when you will need heat. 19c $1.29 SIX ng 49-LB. SACK quart 19c 5c BOUQUET FLOUR—49’s 98c COFFEE-Golden West, lb. 25c CRISCO—3 pounds ROYAL CLUB FINE FOOD PRODUCTS: PEAS—Dainty Dimple No. 2 15C CORN-WHOLE KERNEL—2 for STRINGLESS BEANS-No. 2,2 for GRAPEFRUIT JUICE No. 2 10c MECO CORN OR PE AS—3 for 33C CRAB—90 per cent Leg Meat 39c SPINACH-No. 2|, 2 for GRAPEFRUIT-No. 2 13c Sugar, C & H, 25 lbs. $1.29 4